Grind is insufferable

Except Gaijin obfuscates all of that. As you admit.

This is not war. Its a game.

It may not necessarily be about a “race to the top”. It may be a case of “I want to use X vehicle(s)” or the perticular battle rating you are at you just dont find fun. I powered through Br6 ish of britain ground as fast as possible becasue it sucked and did eventually give up and just buy the Challenger DS. I dont regret it at all.

There are aspects of the game, that unfortunately just suck if you dont have premium time. Like the fact you only get 1 map ban and only with premium. Should be 1 when free and 1-2 additional bans with premium.

The grind really isn’t hard if your at the required skill level of the vehicles your using and your taking full advantage of the games mechanics to grind efficiently.

I’m curious what premiums you bought? Not all premiums are created equal, some are terrible.


Nothing obfuscating about it, it’s all in writing (and has been discussed before).

A game called War Thunder

Not going tit for tat with someone with ¢0

BS. The way the “meta game” of WT, of how to progress, much less how to play the actual game, is completely neglected unless you go thru and read a dozen pages of dense, badly written wiki pages. Which most casual players don’t/can’t take the time to read in what is presented as a casual game.

Just sounds like you are obfuscated.
Or skipped the tutorials, or don’t actually play the game enough to have fun or get good.
Wiki is a blessing for those who want to perfect their skills and I highly recommend it to all.
These Forums are also a great place to search for info once you get past the toxic keyboard warriors.


Not gonna soak the thread by replying to your irrelevant spam with more posts.
Will respond here:

I suggest you cease assuming, though that appears to be all that you do, anyone who bothers to look can see I have done only 410 more hours than you. Stockholm indeed.
I thought 3.5k was low

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Grind? Sweet Jesus, how about simply enjoying the game. If you can’t, suggest finding something else to do with your free time.


To put it very. Bluntly he isn’t wrong. There are many mechanics in the game that speed up grinding and reduce the time and rp needed. The game has many ways to speed up the grind. If it was so bad we couldn’t have grounded out all the tech trees. Knowing the game and playing with friends is the trick

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It IS bad otherwise this thread wouldn’t exist. Gaijin abusively exploits its control of the “economy” of the game and the very structure of how it functions in order to maximize its ability to monetize the desire of its users to “just play the game”.

This got marked as “spam” lol.


Frankly if the RP gain was double the usual it would still not be good enough. It really is exploitative and BAD.

The game is good, the grind is bad. Gaijin knows and abuses that so by that extent Gaijin is bad.

EDIT: Oh and let’s not forget the promised research boost for new nations which keeps getting delayed and is now probably a year overdue. SO MUCH RP COULD’VE BEEN GAINED IN THE MEANTIME!

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I have friends who play without premium and have researched multiple trees unlocking new content regularly. It’s about knowing the game and not assuming it’s game design when your struggling. As long as your making rage posts complaining the game is broken rather then asking what can I do better you will always struggle. The truth is it’s you not being good enough on a regular bases and not using the mechanics that shorten the grind.


6 months since the review bombing happened. The roadmap was about a month after that give or take. The updated list was 30th January just over 3 months ago

…how long have you played this game for?

Even at best, if you slaps in the match you’re not going to get more than 15k, 20k? Btw exp is dependant on time spent. i did a game that lasted half an hour where i got some kills but nothing special with leopard I and i got something like 23 or 25k with PREMIUM, and that’s rare. Considering that high tier vehicles require 200k to 400 to search, how can you say it’s not bad? It’s laughably bad. Considering also that i suck pure ass, I’m not going to get more than 5-7k average rp.
I got plenty of premium tanks, T-55am, Merkava 2d, M51,Amx 30 super, Leopard l44, I got the chinese pack with T-62 and type 69s, i also got the ztz59a, black prince, rooikat 105, Vrcc, T-29, Tiger II and a bunch of ge vehicles, amx 13 ss11, amx 30 and others at low tier. I don’t have any 10.0 premium like turms or Leopard 123.

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Cause its not bad, like you can grind entire air tree in a single day as some YT content creators shown from reserve to top with single rank 7 premium. Is that grind fun? No. Is it fast? Yes. And because people done this, gaijin feels like the grind is okay, and for air it is true. For ground there could be adjustment of like +30% to make it bearable,aswell as for naval. Otherwise the speed is fine.

This proves you don’t understand the game mechanics and arent getting all the rp you can or are just ignoring it. I’m betting your only playing your premiums then? Assume your not doing to great in them either, no offence, but that’s what your statement indicate.

Of those premiums I’d only consider the tiger 2 a true grinder. The others have been nerfed pretty hard over the years and are mediocre. Not bad but not exceptional either.

If you want to grind faster stop playing your premiums if you don’t have lineups, learn how to play your nation and get the research bonuses doing it. This reduces how much rp you actually have to grind considerably.

Indeed the OP is not very good.
Compared to lets say my own stats, where we can compare the relative position in team and average score per match…

Or he never plays spaded vehicles.

Why are you spending so much in a mode where you can’t earn XPs?

You’ve been in the game since 2014 and you’re still counting in days…

I’ve been in the game 2.5 years less than you and have spent 1.2 months of battle time in GRB alone with SPAAs.

Mostly with premium account, researched all tanks in one nation and most planes and parts of other nations. I now play just to have fun and can also cover all BRs in SQB, though not always with the metas.
And I also have a RL.

You get what you pay for doesn’t just mean money.