GRB I have the answear to all your CAS problems (WARNING THIS IS ANOTHER CAS POST)

Is this a definite proof that Air players don’t have to grind through Ground branch in order to be effective in GRB with their top tier planes ?

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Another cas post

All i do is play ARB, apart from today as i wanted to take a look and see what it is all about and i can tell you its all bullshit

I have another idea, make planes cost the same as tanks and increase the cost of bombs depending on its weight

I dont like most of this topic. but I do kinda like the idea that re-arming (at least A2G weapons) costs SP (though first should be free)

What dont you like about this topic

Doenst leave much flexibility for when the game changes. CAS usually the best way to deal with campers and flankers. Also surely CAS is going to be more OP from match start than if it was later in the game.

There is also a reason why ARB is mixed at the moment. Some nations are simply stronger than others and multiroles are not evenly distributed yet. Some nations would get screwed over (Changing in the next update, but Britain for example would be in the Harrier Gr7 vs F-16C and Mig-29SMTs. Not exactly a fair fight)

Weapons have such varied wieghts this wouldnt work. I’d argue that 4-6 AGM-65Ds which weigh a lot less than saying 12x unguided 1k bombs. is far more dangerous.

It has some interesting ideas. I think its just a little too. Messy. For it to be applicable fairly in the current GRB set-up. Could work as a different gamemode though. Sounds a bit like Squadron battles where you have 8v8 matches and up to 4 per team can spawn in planes/helis instead of tanks but no one has respawns.

I would quite enjoy a true combined arms gamemode where its Air vs Air & Ground vs Ground in the same match.

If planes cost the same as tanks and bombs missils cost say something like a plane kill, it would mean that you would have to win air superiority before you can even think about killing tanks. My idea is flexible in terms of cost its just an idea as i can see why people say vas is op

Because it doesn’t require any tactic or skill in tank making it the easiest.

I have just started playing tanks and now have got the hang of it, even though my map knowledge is very poor. I can see why tankers dont like CAS, it can leave a bad tast in your mouth. If CAS is to stay then it needs to be in such a way its not as simple as grieving

Yes, but is dependent on planes being balanced and not everything is good in both A2A and A2G. So you either choose to pick a fighter (at low tier say, a Spitfire) to win Air supremecy, but then are left twiddling your thumbs for the rest of the match or you pick a bomber/striker (Say, Ju-88) and get slapped by those in a fighter.

At top tier it just gets worse.

There are many many possible solutions to mitigate CAS I’ve got this up on another thread;


If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles? - #2 by Morvran

But Air is even less balanced than ground is at the moment which is why you have mixed matchmaking (all nations vs all nations) at certain BR brackets, especially at top

The reason why we got mixed match making is becasue everyone mostly playes the big 3, USA, Germany and russia, countries like britian just fill in the gaps

Yep… tell me about it. We get royally screwed most of the time because of it. But also because any nation at the moment with the US would win. F-16C is unmatched except maybe by the Mig-29G.

Sounds like to me you only play top tier

No because you have won air superiority you can go back to tanking

Yep, because I find ARB sucks at any BR. Low BR SB I find too slow for my liking and I barely tolerate GRB at the best of times, and only at about 10+ below that my chosen nation Britain really sucks

But what if you want to CAS? If you wanted to dogfight, play ARB.

And thats not even mentioning helis. Which at the moment can only really be used in GRB at the moment. (They do have a heli EC mode, but it’s really really buggy, not too mention kinda boring)

Don’t post anything negative about the game Gaijin will nerf your profile making your shots only count as hits and they also will slow your fire rate and turret speed.

Ah, that will explain why I can’t kill anything any more

This is for GRB, not ARB