GRB I have the answear to all your CAS problems (WARNING THIS IS ANOTHER CAS POST)

They who said you were being ratioed… You took it to mean that it was something ingame, where they were probably more meaning on the forums here…

I know he ment my assumption of a majority, and i am probable wrong in assuming a majority in that reply he was replying about, but that is eiter here nor there, not important but he fail to know i dont play tanks. But there is obviously many peope who have issues with other stuff in GRB

But you took it as if it was ingame… See the misunderstanding I’m trying to highlight to you?

You got all hostile towards them because of that misunderstanding.

I have edited what you are replying to

I feel you haven’t, but it doesn’t dismiss the point that it was never anything about you playing ingame, it’s about you being outvoted on the responses, hence ratioed…

You got 1, they got 9, they win.

I know, and i feel you should not of replied for him

I feel you - especially if I am in the LAV-AD with only a 5km lock range and someone is angry at me while rushing to get in range of a KA50

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Yeah, no, it’s good as it is, your description makes no sense either, although one thing I will fight for it custom ammo belt loads, custom machine gun belts, and changeable machine gun belts.

I feel as though you were so misguided in your response that you needed to be pointed out to the possible misunderstanding that you had acted upon.

That is part assumption on your part

I am, but I’m basing this on the misunderstanding you seem to have about the term ‘ratioed’…

I’m confident, I don’t think you are somehow…

And I see people in 3.0 tanks killing 11.0+ tanks at top.
Shall we continue posting things that are hilariously unviable and ineffective ?

People interested in planes only don’t have to grind anything else than their Air branch and they’re at peak efficiency. Meanwhile, people interested in tanks only are stuck in Ground Battles and in order to be at peak efficiency, they’ll have to grind 1 or 2 extra tech trees.

It’s obvious Ground battles require you to spend at least double the resources to be at peak efficiency than Air battles do, but those two modes/branches still have the same RP/SL costs.
So what gives ?


Yeah, except that almost never happens. Whereas I can see propeller planes killing helicopters and bombing tanks almost every match.

That’s not true. CAS/ground pounders are often useless for the most part in air RB, so to use those vehicles properly the air player has to research a ground lineup to use it in ground RB.

People need to stop viewing GRB as ‘tank mode’ or ‘more realistic world of tanks’, and realise that it is a combined ground battle. Ground battles are often decided by air superiority in real life.

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Except that happens often in my games, or like you call it yourself, all the time.
People don’t have same experiences as you do, but you somehow fail to realize this.

You can bomb bases with them and higher up jets become multi purpose so your argument is pretty moot.
Also, you failed to realize that playing Air modes at peak efficiency requires you to only research Air branch, nothing else is even relevant.

I would stop viewing it as a tank mode if tank mode was present, but that’s not the case and currently only mode where you can spawn a tank is Ground Battles.
So yeah, in order to reach peak efficiency in this mode, you’ll need to grind through Ground, Air and Helicopter branches, but people playing this mode still get same RP/SL gains as people only interested in Air Battles and aren’t required to research into any other branch.


You see people getting Godmode in all your matches?

Cope more.

Go play WoT then.

Another 10 years without changing anything!


For example, a 4.0 prop will get God Mode when destroying a 11.7 heli.
So, you see people getting God Mode in all your matches then as well ?

Typical answer when you run out of any arguments whatsoever.
The fact still stands, in order to be at peak efficiency in Ground Battles, you’ll have to spend much more time and resources than you’ll be spending if you want to be at peak efficiency in Air Battles. This wouldn’t be a problem if former mode had much higher RP/SL gains, but this isn’t the case and is pretty unfair.

Also, my other point still stands, bombers aren’t useless in Air Battles, since bombing bases and AI targets still gives you score and RP/SL.

Will you even try to refute what I said, or do you concede to be wrong and proceed with spewing out even more buzzwords ?


Lol, you should play air battles instead because CAS/heli are consider support units for ground forces not going into discussion about the planes BR because aircraft are divided. The CAS are giving the must advantage it seems over ground forces.

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The issue is that WoT has something similar to CAS as well, it is the arty.

it is the exact same principal.
It only exists, because trash players are unable to do anything with a normal tank, so they need something that requires zero skill, and can work from a safe distance from the actual combat.
Same goes for AW and arty too.

Also the same goes for WoWs and their aircraft carriers.

Or Battlefield 1 and their planes, or the mortars.

All of these are weapons that engage others froms a safe distance, while they deal insane damage/kills.

And most of them are mained by bad players thanks to this.

With CAS, you don’t need to learn armor, shell types, tank reload times, where to aim, how to lead the shot, calculate distance, learn map spots, etc.

You just fly over some helpless tanks, press the space bar, and you get a kill.

And then at top tier, you can just use a helicopter from 8km, launch all your missiles, then go rearm, and repeat. You even have to do some other activities while rearming! How awesome it is!


Even with truly awful vehicles:

(Okay, the T-26-4 is not awful, it is pretty fun, but not with shrapnel)

And this dude has basically his whole channel doing things like these…

Yes, you can kill much higher BR enemies, and people actually use this to get SL with thinks like a Ho-Ro, Strurmpanzer 2, and even KV-2.