GRB I have the answear to all your CAS problems (WARNING THIS IS ANOTHER CAS POST)

TBH, I just took the F4U (i like the f4u btw) out and its easy, you would strugle with a mossy

I lack experience in flying. I’m a beginner and it is impressive to see what is possible. This gives me the chance to learn something. And if the F4U is easy. I should use it too. Maybe it is more forgiving then the La5fn … which I learned now is a plane that needs to be known well.

Spits are easy, slow but essy to fly, maybe try japan also or even yak

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This comparison of air spawn in Ground RB vs non-airspawn in Air RB makes no sense.

The F4U-4b is at least 0.3 undertiered in Air RB - mainly due to missing pilot skills. Same as F2G at 6.0. Or P-51 H-5. The raw flight performance allows players of those planes to get away whilst committing basic mistakes.

Some years ago (axis vs allies MM) the F4U-4bs get clapped in large numbers as they got simply outclimbed by GER and JP planes. It is a one trick pony - high speed to drain energy advantages combined with high speed reversals. As soon enemies are able to play around their advantages (and avoid headons) the plane is neutralized.

Any experienced pilot can use the F4U-4b to rack up ez kills if he knows how to play it to it’s strengths. If you search the forum - u find experienced players refusing to use them as A2A kills in Air RB are way too easy.

Your later comparison to Spits is imho misleading - compared to Spits Corsairs are bricks - the Spit has higher critical and tactical mach numbers and turns usually way better - and the FM of Spits is a pain with joystick.

Imho you are correct regarding killing a F4U-4b with a JP plane, but imho your reference to SPAAG is misleading as the fellow player knows what he is doing.

I wrote somewhere earlier in this thread that SPAAG /HMG / cannon shells “disappear” at certain ranges - if you compare effective combat ranges of let’s say German 20 or 37 mm WW 2 AA cannons with effective usage in the Game you might see the difference. Basically above 1.5 km the fellow player is safe.

But your argument “fighting new players” is pointless. First as he proved his pov several times and second the whole game is a matter of fighting based on skill. The fellow player @ULQ_LOVER simply proved that CAS eliminates skill in tank warfare with a rather low effort.


I said there easy to fly, you say im misleading, then you say it turns better

Imho a fellow player described Spits quite accurate:

So your claim “easy to fly” is relative and depends on your opponent.

And ofc on your own skill. For Ground RB purposes the F4U-4b is the clear better option than the US prem Spit at the same BR - not only due to payload and cannon ammo - the absence of skilled pilots creates no real need to use a pure fighter optimized for dogfights.

My comment regarding a pain to fly with a joystick was just for the sake of completeness.

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Thx for the advice.

This could explain why a failed at my attempts to fight Spits … still much to learn I have ^^

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Hes learning to fly, thats my point. Spits can be on the offensive, but u need advantage as there not the fastest and not the best guns and are wing mounted. Maybe there are easier like the yak as he is doing russia anyway

Italin planes are very good got my best k/d with them. Some will say there guns are rubbish, there not, you just fave to use them no greater than 300m. And they come in great colours 😆

Guys don’t fight because you want to help me.
@Wishie7119 … Uncle J Wick@live is helping me with super helpful tips and replays. They basically got me through my first week in ARB and GRB with planes without giving up. I’m really happy to get help on the subject, no matter who it’s from.
I think in the end it’s down to each individual’s ability to determine what works and what doesn’t.
I ran the Spit MkIIb (3.7 BR) in stock condition yesterday and managed to get two kills in GRB. The manoeuvrability is a very nice change from the more demanding La-5FN where you have to be very aware of your energy and speed.
With the P-47D-27 I even survived the first bombing runs well, although I was a bit too cocky once and an SPAA hit me so hard that my aircraft crashed directly into it … oh well … a kill is a kill.

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Are you on console with controler? Why not give interceptors a try, ie p38, reason is you can easily climb above everyone else and only have to look down which i find a lot easyer playing on xbox due to camara work. I also stays away from furballs

I’m on PC and due to GRB I got used to fly with mouse. At the moment I don’t feel rdy for ARB. The chance to find training subjects with less skill is higher in GRB. Also I got the feeling by fighting air targets in GRB I can help tanks advance while enemy planes are in danger by my guns.


F4U is a popular plane. I shoot down several dozen per day.for anti-aircraft guns, planes with a narrow silhouette like the BF or P39 are more dangerous.

Now’s the time people
If you want your voices to be heard, leave your critics, suggestions and whatnot for/against CAS

We need to work together because your only allowed to list 1 iteam and i have more important issues than than this topic 😢

Here is another prime example of how to deal with CAS in GRB

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And then 1000 more videos where it doesn’t work


The only reason you are able to do what you do with an f4ub is because i am not around XD

Sorry but You wouldn’t be a problem ;)