Grass-in-optics and realistic optic placement

I’m honestly not sure how you could if you were to be on console, if you aren’t just go to your War Thunder folder, open your config, and search “512” and make sure it’s off

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Thax m8

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I enjoy it when people fail to understand the point I am making. Then tell said person the price of their computer is worth which completely defeats the entire their counter argument. Talk about Bamboozing yourself.

Or I’ll simplify it. I give a general estimation, it isn’t meant to be an exact price. However, you just added more food to my plate thanks by the way. If you also think it’s cheating then tell computer manufacturers and companies to stop producing low-cost computers/gaming laptops as well. That is the main reason why low graphics options exist.

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You lost your own plot at the end.

War Thunder has not just a low graphics option but also the ULQ mode which goes beyond it.

I don’t know what the other fella talking about the Xbox Series X is on about, but on that system the game runs with graphical fidelity close to if not the " High " setting for WT.

PC players using ULQ are the only ones who can literally circumvent the usage of concealment from foliage or clouds, meaning they have much more unobstructed LoS for engaging people that they wouldn’t see otherwise. It is a setting offered solely to the PC playerbase, and an egregious one at that. It’s by definition an unfair advantage and the solutions are simple; either make it available for all or remove it for all. That simple.

I stand by my statement. You haven’t given me a valid counterargument which remains weak since you are trying to use the players who have highly demanding computers to justify that everyone with a laptop or a desktop can handle high, medium, and low graphics without becoming a toaster strudel all while pretending the ones who can’t do not exist and for them to make it scan your computer to know what the processing of said computer is would be essentially creating spyware and that’s a big no-no in many places.

That doesn’t change the fact I can’t see them when I’m driving around in 3rd person bc the grass renders. I shouldn’t have to make my game look flat nor have to drive in optic mode for it to be “fair”.

That is all the counter-argument I need to offer.
ULQ players are given a major and majorly unfair advantage against non-ULQ players because the ULQ mode minimizes and outright removes the enemy’s ability to use concealment for their positioning. Getting sniped across the map through concealment by a ULQ player that needed ULQ just to see you is akin to a cheater manipulating game files to be able to see through walls.

It’s unsportsmanlike and is an affront to Gaijin’s attempts to promote fair play. It needs to be removed.

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Ok cool, and MQ, HQ, and Ultra Quality artificially add false terrain and textures to the map. Low and ULQ do not suffer from this is because we don’t see it. A guy got banned long ago just for this one case because the game was designed like it however after proving he wasn’t hacking. He was unbanned and essentially was given stuff in return since it was a false ban.

So I’m sorry that you are salty over the fact we play the game that encourages it. Perhaps you should be making a bug report so Gaijin fixes it? you know what a reasonable person does. Unlike Twitter testificates.

I’ve always found it slightly comical that in enlisted has the gunnery sights fixed to their actual location yet WT where all their tanks are from it’s down the gun bore by default, I personally use the gunnery sight just for a bit more realism in this poxy game & I’ve pondered before if the game should force it in all modes as they keep adding more realistic stuff so why not just do that as well.

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Enlisted keeps vehicle combat way closer to real than Warthunder does because of the existence of controlable crewmembers. Switching views is switching crewmembers. That coupled with the distinct lack of 3rd person view on ground vehicles and aircraft make Enlisted feel like you are the actual crewmember. Warthunder has more ephasis on the vehicle itself, rather than the crew. Forcing the aim point to the actual gunsight seems like it would just be annoying for most of the players. It’s not like Warthunder is a hugely realistic game to begin with. Same with the grass, the only people who really care about it aren’t really part of the average playerbase. Both of them are fine where they are now, toggleable options. If you like them, turn them on, if you dont, then don’t. Don’t worry so much about how others want to enjoy the game.

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Still nowhere as well modeled and animated as what Red Orchestra did for their tank models. Though given what that small dev have to work with is still impressive.

I have everything maxed but have grass off in optics and grass render distance is around 50%. Doesn’t effect how good the game looks but no more hidden tank problem.

The only thing that should be changed in ground RB imo, is reducing radius of 3RD POV.

You shouldn’t be able to use camera to peek around angles

BVM would still need to aim the same as every MBT does, because optics are on althe turret top, really big offset to gun bore. Solution is laser rangefinder because it align offset automatically. Would make this game more challenging and harder on close quarters maps

Problem is that against 2A7, Strv122s, T-90Ms and BVMs, you need to aim for weakspots. Realistic sight placement would buff those tanks immensely as now weakspots would be harder to hit.

You want to buff Strv122s? Bold choice.

Now imagine you meet BVM at close range with Ariete.

BVM just needs to aim at Ariete centre mass, no need to search for weakspots.

Time to kill in ariete vs BVM would be so much in favor of BVM that it wouldnt be funny.

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Trust, I’m working on it.

You brought up “potato” computers under 2k, when a 100fps build can be done with under $800.
He named a PREBUILT that’s around that price, and it’s well over capable of 2k or 4k gameplay.

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Yes, that’s what graphics usability is. I have an in-game slider that I can change if I’d like, or I can lock a block file and set grass to 0.
Hell, that does more than it does now, as it also removes CPU generated grass. This is a huge strain for my computer, because I’m using an Intel KF processor.

How do you propose that?

There isn’t a “major and majorly unfair advantage” if everybody is capable of doing the same.
Concealment is something everybody can use, regardless of graphics settings. Trees, bushes, and so on, all exist no matter what. The only way to circumvent this is to lower your render distance, which is already changeable with the player’s input.
2.2 rendistance is used with 512mb enabled
4.4 rendistance is default
6.6 rendistance is used on Movie quality, or with custom, has to be manually input.

It’s entirely about fair play. If someone wanted to buy a $150 laptop and play, they absolutely can. If somebody wanted to build a computer with a GeForce 6k or 7k card, they absolutely can. You don’t have to shell out any more than a Quadro for a playable experience, though you might wanna take your restandardized monitor back down to 4:3.

The removal of ULQ or the implementation of the OP’s suggestions?

This right here is the biggest crux of the issue - Not all players have equal access. Only PC does, while console players be they on Xbox or PlayStation do not. Hell, console players have no ability to actually modify primary and secondary graphic settings - it’s all hardlocked. Because of such, As it is it absolutely does create an unfair advantage as PC players can at-will dumb down the game graphics to nil and cross-map through concealment with impunity or locate aircraft through cloud cover that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to if they weren’t using ULQ mode. If it was equal access across the entire board - I literally wouldn’t have an argument no matter how much I hate ULQ. I still wouldn’t use it, of course, but I wouldn’t have an argument to make.

Yet Gaijin hasn’t made access equal across the board nor removed it, so nobody can make a " fair’s fair " argument, here.

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