Give the JAS39A and JA37D AMRAAMs (Rb.99)

Because it would be funny. There’s no other reason.

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Uh right, I hope gaijin not forget give Rb 99 on JA37D but would be 12.0 BR (Air AB, Air RB & Air SB)

For JAS39 Gripen A, remove IR AAM Rb 74(M) and PS-05A radar lose HMS mode & SARH but stay at 12.7

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So make the JA37C a great 11.3. There is nothing negative about making both vehicles more historical.

the JA37 is far better than the phantom airframes. It is much better suited for higher BRs because of its higher top speed and maneuverability. The Viggen can already stand its ground against the highest tier aircraft it simply lacks the one-on-one advantage it has at 11.3

Most important thing to note is that the JA37 will be dead in the water now that the Harriers and J-8Fs bring Fox 3 missiles to its battle-rating. The current meta will creep its way down to 11.3/11.7 and then everyone will immediately beg for Rb99s.


JA-37 airframe is pretty mid currently.
J-8F doesn’t have 9Li/Ms and is 12.3, while being marginally worse than the JA-37 in airframe.
Just cause 12.3s can face 11.3s doesn’t mean all aircraft should be made 12.3.

Just add RB99 for JA37D and GG.


The Ps-05A can guide SARH, the PS-05B cannot. Early Gripens had PS-05A and the illuminator that radar set had

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So I hope JAS39 Gripen A lose HMS mode from PS-05A radar and remove IR AAM Rb 74(M) in this major update

And third major update change new radar (PS-05A Mk3) instead PS-05A for Gripen C only

The Gripen C has PS-05A mk.4 IRL though.

I would Personally like to see:
-JA37C get kitted to its actual kit and moved to 11.3 where the JA37D currently is (Sweden has no 10.7-11.3 lineups at all so it wouldn’t matter for Ground).
-JA37D Get kitted to actual kit and moved to 12.0-12.3 depending on performance at that BR (both the AV-8B Plus (12.0) and the sea harrier FA 2 (12.3) on dev has two AIM120A / four AIM120B missiles, i think the JA37D with four AIM120B would land at 12.3)
-JAS39A Stays where it is, has the PS-05A mk.3 radar, gets the Rb75T (AGM65B with more explosives) and two Aim120A (only two for balance? unsure here but several DEV vehicles has ARH missiles at 12.7).
-JAS39C 13.0+ (whatever BR will be max) gets the four AIM120B, upgraded PS-05 mk.4 radar, MAW system (and slave CM to MAW), GCAS, voice warning system and Litening III pod.
-JAS39E BR+++ All the upgrades it has.


You hope JAS39 Gripen C from sweden tech tree in dev server is a JAS39C basic or MS20 standard

Sadly Gaijin aren’t using the MS standard but are instead choosing between the upgrades to fit balance.
so the things i listed are the things on my “want” list and aren’t part of any one specific MS upgrade.
doing pure MS standard would either take away functions (that other aircraft at even lower BR’s already have) or give it abilities that are not yet in game.

I assume JAS39 Gripen C from sweden tech tree in dev server it’s Gripen C basic before upgraded MS20

After JAS39C might be JAS39C late or JAS39C MS20 and would be 13.7 BR in rank 9

Well said

I don’t think the Gripen in game has gotten any of the MS20 upgrades (i even doubt MS19 and most of MS18). So far the only thing i have seen from any MS above 17 is the air refuel from MS18. Which would be a big shame if that is the case as the only difference would then be something we cant use, color displays and the addition of the ARH missiles. it feels a bit lackluster if that is the case.

The things i listed are things that would not effect its BR more than perhaps one step above current but still make it feel like a different aircraft.
Given the new ability to launch chaff and flares separately it would be weird to not give the top BR their MAW/slave CM to MAW abilities.

No and my suggestion is that you can pick between having an 11.3 Viggen (JA37C) and a 12.3 Viggen (JA37D). You literally get to make this decision yourself. It’s like you ignored everything I just said.

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Don’t bother engaging with Alvis. Mate’s an absolute tool, argues the alternative just to be a pest. Quite frankly stunned they’ve yet to be banned for it with how many threads they’ve derailed.


There is no reason for the jas37c to go up in br just to fight against f16s more often it is perfectly fine where its at especially with its flight model getting nerfed

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What @Necronomica and @Rubbry are saying is that the JA37C becomes the current D variant with the Rb74s and BOL pods - and after flying the JA37D in the dev server, the flight model, while different, doesn’t feel much worse.

Comparing one of the best dogfighters in the game to an interceptor that is not designed to dogfight does not make sense. The F16 will easily win against a Tornado F3, a J8F, and probably a Mirage 2000D, and there are no f16s at 11.3 - every plane suffers in a 0.7+ uptier at toptier.


just add a foldered jas37d or c costing 200k rp to unlock that comes with amramms no reason to ruin a plane that is perfectly fine where its at I don’t want to face f15s with aim 9 m in my viggen


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