Give the JAS39A and JA37D AMRAAMs (Rb.99)

I’ve found one being mounted on Gripen in 1999, I’ll see if I can find it again, but I gotta run to work in 5 minutes.

It was mounted on the underside btw

It’s this image, still have the screenshot but I gotta find the source again. Gotta run to work, don’t take my word for it yet, but I’m 95% confident it was 1999
Edit: I think they are BOY402


fantastic work! I never managed to find any pictures of it!

Edit: Boy 402 is also a good notation


Here is a picture of JAS 39A test firing the RB99 i.e. AMRAAM.

You can see Tail number 200, so sr is 39-200 which just happens to be JAS 39A.


Yep and that was just a test fire for a software update to the AIM120, it had been integrated before


it’d also mean there’s a 1:1 of tech tree to premium j35s lmao

That is utter bullshit, the JA37 lad is just a Viggen with the Gripens ARH capabilities integrated, the JAS 39A had amraams

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Not quite, the J-35J integrated superior close air support capability (bombs)

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no, it does, however this ability was intoduced in an earlier version and kept on for the J35J, so yes quite.

JA-37D add Rb-99, to 12.3 (because still no IRCCM)
JA-37C add Rb-74, BOL, to 11.3
J-35J for 11.0

Dunno about Rb-99 for the JAS-39A because that would mean two pretty much identical aircraft at 13.0 with nothing at 12.7, but still has potential.


what could the JAS-39C get like extra CAS stuff or is it just exactly the same

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My idea is Rb 71 move to tier IV and exchange with Rb 99 but lose HMS mode & SARH from PS-05A radar and remove Rb 74(M)

For JA37D Viggen, gaijin give RB 99 under Rb 71 (DF) and increase max BR higher 11.3 for Air AB, Air RB & Air SB

My personal opinion, gaijin change radar to PS-05A Mk.3 (but placeholder like PS-05A) & new targeting pod (Litening III). and add new PGM (GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II) on JAS39 Gripen C for sweden tech tree


This would be the most historically accurate weapons loadout, but I’m unsure of how even the JAS39 would handle 12.7 without IRCCM.


I hope PS-05A radar lost HMS mode & SARH. and removed Rb 74(M) from JAS39 Gripen A

I’m not sure JAS39 Gripen A stay at 12.7 or 12.3 BR

But JA37D Viggen higher 11.3 with gajin give Rb 99

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Gaijin should give the 37D its Rb 99s, move it to 12.0 or 12.3 and remove some features from 39A. Germany gets a 3rd gen Amraam bus so why shouldnt we get one?


yup I remember reading it and I thought it was an excellent idea. Also got the whole NATO standardization of the 39C mixed up with amraam compatibility, didnt know the 39A had it from the getgo as well

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Hope paveway from missing the target in perfect drop conditions like it behaves like now

JAS-39A needs to remain 12.7 [on top of any other limitations it has].
And JA-37D needs to remain 11.3.
Stop trying to nerf my vehicles or I’ll stop playing the tech tree and tell people the tech tree is dead, unplayable, and no one will play it.
People play the JA-37D cause it’s a great 11.3.

You can tell people all you want but it’s not really relevant to this debate. The viggen c can take over for the viggen d so it’s not like there will be a gap there and the gripen would lose its extra features when it gets the correct missiles( which include aim9Li’s which are worse than 9m’s) so it’d probably stay at 12.7 anyways.


Id disagree with you on that. As actual said, the D is just a C rn. Here are pictures of the payloads. Note that both carry the BOL and BOY countermeasure pods with 320 and 48 spots.


Here’s the real question… why do you want an airframe far worse than the F-4E at 12.7 with AMRAAMs and RB-74[Modernized]?
Especially when there’s no replacement for the 11.0 Gripen with Viggie’s suggestion.

It’d be the same BR as the Gripen A…