JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

This isnt even a first time theyve done this lmao. You think sweden started it? F-5C is an amalgamation of like 4 different coubtries f-5. Then the SAAF gripen got the agms ehich it never used. Or the agm upgrade for the ICE because other phantoms can carry them. It all comes down to whether the devs believe the vehicle for x nation needs it.


Swedish gripen a has the wheels of the c and as far as I can find the gripen a shouldn’t have internal countermeasures either

correct, JAS39A had Skyflash capabilities until they integrated the AIM-120. the JAS39C has however never been able to carry them.
i think they removed that bit of code in the radar software to accommodate the ARH missile codes in mk.2 or mk.3, unsure which though.

not in Swedish service. while yes the C can also be in english. in Swedish service everything is in Swedish.

we had the aim-120 on Viggen. wich we tested alot of components that went into the early versions of Gripen. Gripen was never meant to use Skyflash at all. i, and a couple friends have found nothing that can really support that the Gripen A could carry Skyflashes, since they where both outdated and phased out by then. maybe the early prototypes like 39-1 and 39-2 could. but not anything built after those.

and there exists so little info on the mk1 and mk2 versions of Gripen’s radar on the Internet its basicly none. and what does exist says nothing about being able to use skyflash.

Gripen A had internal countermeasures. they were just belly-mounted instead of on top.

Not according to the Swedish defence force’s own website.
" En annan stor skillnad är att all flygdata i Gripen C/D presenteras i fot och knop istället för i meter och kilometer (km/h)"

just because they use Knots and foot instead of km/h and meters, dosnt mean the rest of the cockpit is not swedish ya know.

att least early gripen radar could guide the skyflash.
I have seen more but cant find it now. will continue looking.

this museum claims JAS39 used skyflash:

Gripen got maw with the E version not before as far as i know,

anyone has a source to say the opposite ?

ive gotten that pic before, tho no proof that its actually a JAS39A or that its actually from 1999

and if all thats true, its only 1 not 4 pods like the C

and ive talked with Rubbry at length about it, and no conclusive evidence

look to the bottom right, English text in Swedish gripen.

You the guy that made that report? With the only source being pictures of 39A’s at airshows with no visible BOP/C?

its a stand alone pod:

with integration with AIM-120 and AIM-9.
So a pod that replaces one of the countermeasure-dispensers.

here is my report on it:

found more and it might actually be internal.
“Both variants are fully integrated with BOP-L” (BOP-L is the one JAS39C uses)

I prefer the old name. BOH

Radar info got forwarded! :D


yeah in that case it could get MAW
on the E its intergrated

Necro already reported this with proper sources months ago, you can ask him if you want.

yeah he just replied, he was talking about pods not internal

Does the gripen C or the E have CFT?