Get the F-104, MiG-19 and A-4N Ayit out of early cold war era matches

While I partly agree with what you ask your title makes no sense as the cold war has been defined as 1946 - 1991

Early Cold War

Ehh AIM-9D’s are somewhat dodgable but you’re gonna need to pull some maneuvers or use terrain but at least they ain’t an R-60 (Yakovlev Yak-38 at 9.3).

I’ve played more than enough matches with the crusaders to know they aren’t even dodgable at 10.3. How do you expect any 8.3 to dodge them.

The Yak-38 is a piece of shit and can’t even get it’s nose on target so it won’t ever get a lock on you if you don’t let it. The A-4N can dogfight most 8.3 on top of being able to click them out the match. The R-60 only have a third of the range of the Aim-9D. They are easily defeated if you’re fast enough. The Aim-9D is only possible to dodge if you’re a F-104 already going 1400 kph.

F-104A’s could get AIM-9D USAF (tested), AIM-9J ROCAF (heard rumours on this), F-104C 2× more AIM-9B’s (in the files) all put to 9.7

9.7 is far too low even with its current loadout.

MiG-19PT could re-recive the R-13M & go to 9.7

Again should be 10.0.

Q-5’s the PL-2/PL-7 depending on model with the A model becoming 9.3/.7 while the Q-5L to 10.0.

Same deal as the MiG-19.

But I’m not sure about the A-4N AYEET! as I’ve not read into its history, But I think it would stay its BR tbh.

The most undertiered jet in the game shouldn’t stay at its current BR.

Again your decision to say early makes no sense as the F-104A first flew in 1954 same with the MIG-19PT, These Aircraft are early cold war designs.

Only the A-4N, Q-5’s (as chinese designs) & my mention of the Yak-38 are mid cold war designs, (although TT Q-5’s still suck unlike the A-5C if they did have missiles they’d be higher).

Still don’t discredit an aircraft just due to its cumbersome nature as as Yak-38 will still obliterate any aircraft with its R-60 or heh equipped with further GSh-23’s.

Well the AIM-9D might not be dodgable in open airspace but using terrain or towers you can dodge them that way yet for 8.3 aircraft the same can be said for most missiles around this BR.

TBH 9.7 is perfect for the F-104’s with their current armament as they used to be 10.0 & were basically in the same case as 8.3, At the current time 9.7 is a perfect middle ground (I truly never understood why it went down to 9.3 as that’s one of their stupidest moves as 9.7 was perfect for them).

Ehh I wouldn’t say the A-4N is the most undertiered aircraft as there’s still the F-5C /(USAF F-5A) both of which are 10.3 & will easily curpstomp the A-4N with a competent player (I’ve seen it many times & done it twice against them).

Cold war aircraft fight Cold war aircraft. As simple as that👍

Technically… The cold war was from 1947 to 1991

So by that you could have props fighting AMRAAM

Perhaps more accurate to say

Korean war era aircraft fight each other (1950-1953)
Vietnam War Era aircraft fight each other (1955-1975)
Falkland war era aircraft fight each other (1982)
Gulf war era aircraft fight each other (1991)

Though even then, got a broad range of aircraft


Shit happens 🫤

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They are just as “early cold war” as the saber or mig 15…

Again your decision to say early makes no sense as the F-104A first flew in 1954 same with the MIG-19PT, These Aircraft are early cold war designs.

MiG-15 and F-86 first flew in 1947 while the 19 and 104 had theirs around 7 years later. You know exactly what I mean by early cold war yet you choose to get caught up on this.

Still don’t discredit an aircraft just due to its cumbersome nature as as Yak-38 will still obliterate any aircraft with its R-60 or heh equipped with further GSh-23’s.

The Yak-38 will always be bad it doesn’t matter what BR it’s at.

Well the AIM-9D might not be dodgable in open airspace but using terrain or towers you can dodge them that way yet for 8.3 aircraft the same can be said for most missiles around this BR.

You fight in open air space 99% of the time.

Ehh I wouldn’t say the A-4N is the most undertiered aircraft as there’s still the F-5C /(USAF F-5A) both of which are 10.3 & will easily curpstomp the A-4N with a competent player (I’ve seen it many times & done it twice against them).

I said most undertiered jet not aircraft in general. The most undertiered plane is shared between the P-39N, Yak-2KABB and Yak-3U. The only other jet that contends for this spot and might be even more is undertiered is the P-59A but that one only fights props so I didn’t mention it.

The F-5C is nowhere near as strong at 10.3 as the A-4N is at 8.3. The F-5C can still be killed if the pilot makes a mistake. The A-4N can put his cursor on you from 3km distance and you die with 0 options to counter their missile.

F-104: Really fast, gets two Aim-9b’s, cannot turn around at all, no flares, decent gun
MiG-19: No flares, Fast, Russian version gets two R-3’s, good maneuverability
A-4N: Flares, Missiles, not very fast or very manuverable

A-4N is the only one i really could see maybe surviving if it they were to get moved to 10.0. F-104 and MiG-19 would be dunked on all day

Now compare 8.3 to these planes and tell me which ones are worse of in an uptier.

the f-104 is annoying, but not broken, as the lack of maneuverability in a down tier is usually its downfall. the MiG-19, while powerful, is also not un defeatable as long as you don’t try to defeat it in a vertical fight, can be dealt with by getting it to over shoot and dragging it down to where its speed gets negated by keeping it in a turn fight, as it struggles in keeping a turn fight due to its not great turning energy retention and terrible low speed energy retention. however, where it could be uptiered to 11.0 if moved to 10.0, they would consistently fight supersonics, flared vehicles, vehicles equipped with Aim-9E, Aim-9P, the R-60 and others would completely drive players away from them. as i said, the A-4N is the only one of the three you mentioned that could realistically survive at 10.0

Other nations’ F-104s do just fine without flares and a full BR higher.

Other nations F-104s are also later models with more advanced features or better weapons, such as the german G model, the Italian and Chinese models, and the japanese models. the American one only has two Aim-9b’s

Chinese and japanese sit an entire BR higher with only improved missiles, which will often see countermeasures, UNLIKE the F-104A

but they still have better wepaons systems which allow them some grace, unlike the american ones. either the american one needs to get better systems/capabilities, or those ones need to move down if its that big of a problem

Why would it? It’s too strong right now, the entire point is reducing its effectiveness.

my point is that if you move it up, specifically the A variant, youll have to move all of the other verisons up as well, since if the A variant with only Aim-9B’s and no flares goes up, theyd be saying that if the A variant can handle 10.0, the other variants could handle 11.0. see where moving up becomes a problem?
also there would be no reason to play it specifically because there are so many other planes at 10.0 i would rather use the F8U-2 or the F-100

What a terrible idea. Can we please start asking gaijin to raise the maximum BR of top tier and start adjusting everything else within the expanded range. Moving these planes to 10.0 would make them absolutely worthless, and frankly is a suggestion that will never ever ever happen in a million years without previous BR decompression I’d be willing to bet my life savings on it. Also ayit missiles aren’t undodgeable the shafrir can be outran be a saber past 1.5km and the 9D has a caged seekerhead with no lead ability and not even that great flight stats. Skill issue

The only ones that are overperforming are the A and C though.

(it can)

No, because their speed is no longer useful at that point. It is just broken OP at 9.3.

F-104A/C ruining the entire 8.3-9.3 region vs F-104A/C being not great sounds like a fantastic trade.

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the f-104 is annoying, but not broken, as the lack of maneuverability in a down tier is usually its downfall. the MiG-19, while powerful, is also not un defeatable as long as you don’t try to defeat it in a vertical fight, can be dealt with by getting it to over shoot and dragging it down to where its speed gets negated by keeping it in a turn fight, as it struggles in keeping a turn fight due to its not great turning energy retention and terrible low speed energy retention.

They don’t have to commit to fighting they can simply BnZ you.

they would consistently fight supersonics, flared vehicles, vehicles equipped with Aim-9E

Lol this alone shows you don’t play Air RB