Get the F-104, MiG-19 and A-4N Ayit out of early cold war era matches

Yeah… This is the ultimate solution.

No, we need full across the board decompressing. Moving ANYTHING isolated at this point is just moving compression around. 15 BRs are mandatory.

And if it’s too much work for Gaijin, they can lower the BR range of a battle from 1.0 to 0.7 with one klick so many problems are solved too.

lol Ayit doesn’t have all-aspect missiles.
On top of that they are dodgeable.
Bit silly to include that one among those, especially since Ayit is just a worse Hunter F58.

Moving jets with no flare to a br where r60, 9js or all aspects msl are commons would be a death sentence. Better solutions is raise the br cap and move everything from 9.3 up so that it separated the subsonic and supersonic era and maybe the supersonics with the msl slinger era too if we are lucky.
TLDR: decompression

I never claimed that and It doesn’t matter if they are all aspect. The Ayit is the biggest problem 8.3 has as it can click on 4 enemies and they die. I’d love to see you try to avoid them in a Javelin or F9F. They have 3km (a bit shorter for Shafrir 2 put better pull due to lower speed) of range and 18G pull they are absolutely undodgable and it gets 4 of them. It’s basically a subsonic F8U-2 with the ATG ordnance of an A-10. Both of them sit at 10.0 yet the aircraft that slightly worse than worse but combines both sits at 9.3.

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The Ayit has Aim9D that are similar to 9J but caged at 9.3 and faces planes like the F-84F. The F-104 and MiG-19 and nowhere near as bad at 10.0.

It’s simple.

Statistic balancing + Premium vehicle + Big Tree

A lot of people that don’t know how to use it buy it, perform poorly and since gaijin balances on statistics instead of actual vehicle capabilities it is at a low BR

The MiG-19 doesn’t need to be fast at low alt it can simply climb to orbit and outrun anything in the vertical. I Don care if 2 planes suffer if that means 20 other aircraft get to have fun again. The F-4C has unusable missiles and is worse than the F-104.


F-4C isn’t worse than the F-104A/C in any way. Its missiles are more than capable for its BR

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Yet as a plattform the F-104J without flares does fine facing 11.3.

Its a missile bus with 6 Aim-9P, but as a gun fighter its quite neat tbh.

Edit: honestly once i got it stock i couldn’t for the life of me figure out how this airframe could be had at a whole BR lower

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it is 10.3, so you will be facing a limited amount of 11.3. also the 6 aim 9j does makes a difference, imo the A should be at 9.7 like it used to, the c could do fine at 10.0 thanks to the rwr, rockets and the aim9E, but still being just .3 from the j doesnt make sense either.

and as i said here:

As a plattform it does plenty fine at 10.3. the 6 9Ps do make a difference in its killing power, but you can also just fly around with its gun and do plenty of work.

i responded to a comment which seemingly say the F-104 will be useless at 10.0 when a stock F-104J at 10.3 is fine.

its just an issue of compression. Gaijin refuses to do the max BR bump to give the game adequate BR granularity

3 planes killed vs 10 now terrifying early jets sounds like a good trade to me.


That doesnt make much sense. If it is fine at 10.3 stock and without the aim9ps, then being sladed and having 6 of them should push it to 11.0/11.3

What I am saying, is that 9.7 would be fine for them, and that Gaijin should’ve scrapped the jet changes.

10.0 is too high without proper decompression. 9.7 is fine.

I mean if thats how you read what i said then you do you.

Point is that F-104A/C can be 10.0 no problem imo. The 11.0 uptiers, while posing problems, dont make them useless

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I’m fairly certain it’s because of money, and the devs need serious hand holding when it comes to these things.

The A-5C is based on the Q-5A which also has countermeasures, but the Q-5L which is literally an upgraded Q-5A doesn’t get either missiles nor countermeasures because the devs haven’t been personally provided crystal clear photos or declassified literature as evidence and won’t do any further research regarding it. Even though, logically the upgraded version shouldn’t be missing critical components that would make it upgraded. Even though they’ve also changed vehicles for balancing purposes in the past without any evidence at all…

Besides, the Q-5L is actually capable of carrying 2x PL-2 or 2x PL-5 missiles, and realistically should have a countermeasure pod in order to survive at 9.7. Also, its guided bombs are already at par with the A-6E at 10.3. There really is no valid excuse for why the plane sits in the state that it has for years.


While I partly agree with what you ask your title makes no sense as the cold war has been defined as 1946 - 1991 all aircraft mentioned are cold war so where would you want them placed? In the WWII era or post cold war era?

Ehh AIM-9D’s are somewhat dodgable but you’re gonna need to pull some maneuvers or use terrain but at least they ain’t an R-60 (Yakovlev Yak-38 at 9.3).

We all want decompression & the upcoming BR splits for seperate modes may remedy this but for those things now to go up would probably mean them getting/ getting more or getting better AAM’s to fight the higher BR’s.

• F-104A’s could get AIM-9D USAF (tested), AIM-9J ROCAF (heard rumours on this), F-104C 2× more AIM-9B’s (in the files) all put to 9.7

• MiG-19PT could re-recive the R-13M & go to 9.7

• Q-5’s the PL-2/PL-7 depending on model with the A model becoming 9.3/.7 while the Q-5L to 10.0.

• But I’m not sure about the A-4N AYEET! as I’ve not read into its history, But I think it would stay its BR tbh.

The F-104A, which could have AIM-9P/P-4, is not currently in the game.
The “late model” F-104As had different engines than the original F-104As and were much closer to the F-104S in performance.