Germany suffers and is not worth grinding at the moment

France has many more tanks that are made by them. So does china.

Hmm, it’s not that easy.

I think the german CL-13 is a Canadian plane. So we would lose it

…excel mainly in having severely undertiered props - German props are seriously outperformed just because the average US & USSR player sucks at Air RB and dragged the BRs way lower than their performance would justify.

So playing props for Germany requires either to be extremely good or you need to play in a coordinated squad. The nerf of the mine shells (ballistics first and now wrong implemented time fuze) fits perfect to gaijin’s policy to nerf Germany when possible - but mostly with stealth nerfs like sudden overheating of 190s some time ago…


Not after they gave France the F-16s.

I main Germany can’t say there are any problems other then the Br of some jets.

Other Nation? Like Poland, Swish*?

Sweden is already in the game, and Poland is kinda unlikely imo.

Germany was sold F-35s?

Yes, but they don’t even have them yet

People asked for ARAAM and how did that turn out. Please don’t ask for random stuff that clearly isnt ready for the game just because something else got added. We already got many cases and it didn’t benefit the gameplay as much as the people who asked for it thought. So , with all due respect, don’t make such suggestion even if Germany desperately needing better fighter

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Pol should be a sub tree ngl , might as well merge it with germany for obvious reason

Yes Poland :)

This is the worst use of ChatGPT ever.


Germany has the strongest rank VI ship in the game by far with scharnhorst.

Me262 is a compression issue. It cannot move down

Germany could do with the typhoon but they also have the ICE at a somewhat stupidly low BR at the moment

Germany has one of the strongest ground trees in game by far


No issue. Just move the other nations up where they belong to.

I have no issues fighting planes that got moved down a few BR´s if they are equal.
But atm we face planes that are just way to OP in their BR´s.
I wonder why 6.0 to 7.0, 6.7 to 7.7 are just dead in SIM…
But also at way lower BR´s, it’s just a pain.

The Me-262As could probably be 6.7 since the He-162 is a lower BR and is better than it in some situations.

As for the rest of the air tree, it suffers due to undertiered planes from other nations, and compression, but it is overall good. The only weak point would be rank VIII and some of rank V. Rank VI-VII is mix of decent Soviet and western planes.

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Fighting jets in a 5.7s sucks. Heck fighting them in 6.0 sucks. So I really don’t want them any lower

Maybe even more BR decompression…

Fighting post- and cold war jets in late war jets sucks too…

Fighting late war props in early and mid war props sucks too…

Fighting OP .50 cal´s in nerfed to the ground 20mm´s sucks too…

Fighting in props that can’t even take off from the runway (Rocky Canyon) sucks too…

You want me to go on?..

So I really don’t want fighting players that cheer themselves in public chat how good they are in way too OP planes…



Oh boo hoo get over yourself an Me 262 can not fight an saber or mig-9 or for that fact anything but the Meteor Mk.1