Germany suffers and is not worth grinding at the moment

Because the Game was not ready for it, as you stated yourself.

Huh? What are you even saying? The game is no ready for it yet cuz it’s bad? xD

And because stealth is completely new here.

Why do you think it sits at 8.7 in ARB? 10.0 for ground is good otherwise it would’ve been clapped by Pantsirs, and now if you use atleast 1 german main braincell you would’ve known that F-35 and F-117 are NOT the same.

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So you’re suggesting an even less likely too be added jet. The F-35 wont be added until years.

Germany has a desperate need for it, and 35 have been ordered. Atleast eight more are in consideration. The US got their F-15E amraam Cruiser, no need for them to get the F-35 anytime soon.

💀💀💀 It will never be added to Germany until it’s added to US. Not my words btw

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I feel like on the naval front, you’re really not giving Scharn anywhere near the credit it deserves.

Just about every naval person I’ve ever met has near unanimously agreed it has been king of the mode since the day it was added, even to the present day.


Is this bait or are you just dumb?


The whole italian airforce was added to Germany first before Italy was even a nation in-game. So I do not see a problem with the F-35 here.

The sad thing is, there is no plane they could add atm. Germany has non. And I’m not a friend of adding fictional planes to a tech tree.

The real reason why they don’t add the Eurofighter is simple. None has planes that would be 3 BR’s above it to put against.
If the US had a fighter at BR 19 or so, we would get the Eurofighter to fight this UFO’s.

That’s how this game works. And that’s why you should never spend your money on it.

Most of the Nations got 2!!! free!!! planes added to their tech tree. Germany got 1 and u have to pay for it. And the best thing is… it’s a stupid SU-22.

So yeah, thank you for playing Gaijin… Zero out of 10 points.

Germany as one of the two best top tier naval nations having any problems there or being underrepresented is definitely one of the wilder takes i’ve heard. why oh why is there any need to make this a problem when the scharnhorst is still the best and most meta top tier battleship in game and has been for what? 4 years now? i mean its just sporting good guns with incredible accuracy and the best reload rate of bbs while having thebest armor scheme, good aa, one of the fastest top speeds and maneuverability with high crew count while the bayern classes are good second spawns.

in what world does this create the need for germany to get somethinig even better while theres a lot of nations that have to play ww1 dreadnoughts that somehow end up at 6.7 br into this?

even us players while having more diversity in their top tier bbs have to face all these near unkillable top tier battleships like khronstadt, scharnhorst mutsu and amagi while each one of them except maybe alaska just explode with one hit to the barbettes.

Baffles me how its possible to call this a problem for one if not the most meta nation in top tier naval?


Wdym, Russia got the 2S38 while it was basically just a demonstrator vehicle. So why should Germany not get some Candy too?

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Smin stated that no nation will get jets made by someone else until that nation gets them first. So tough luck buddy. Now cope and seethe


What about the F-14 IRIAF then? Iran is no nation in-game, and US got it first.

F-14 is made by US that’s why it got it first.

The 2S38 is a BMP-3 with a new turret, the F-35 is a stealth fighter jet with advanced weaponry, avionics, radar, etc, these are not comparable.


Fair enough, but what about the new IAR-93B in the Flight of the Vulture Event? Why can Italy get it? Shouldn’t Gaijin add Romania as a Tech Tree first and add the plane there before Italy?

There’s not enough resources for Romania to be added to the game, since it will just be Copy and Pasted.

Did not stop Gaijin from copy pasting all Leopards to france though or add China.