Germany should also get the KF41 Lynx

Both are utter trash right now lmao. Spike is practically a dead-weight, the 30mm is bad, post-penetration damage is bad, armour is bad, survivability depends on the guy who’s shooting you…

Suppose so but I’d rather have the Spike PUMA.

Eeeeeh i still have My fun with the PUMA but it is missing a Lot of stuff yet

Again, Ive had it since it came out, its not great. Its an okay ifv, and it could be so much better, thats what makes it incredibly sad to play

PUMA better, lower profile. As for the 30mm, seems like you guys don’t know how to play it

Good for you I want both

Well I haven’t had it nearly as long as you and I’m doing fine.

Fair enough

Your stats with the Puma:

My stats with the Puma:

Anything else?


What are my stats with the PUMA btw?


1: I use it as a support/scout vehicle, I have more assists than kills
2: Who tf cares “gUySh iF yOu dOnT hAvE a sUpEr hiGh kD yOu sUcK aNd iM riGhT aBoUt eVeRyThiNg”

Aren’t you the one who went “broo you don’t know how to play ittt” here. Victim complex?


Damn i suck

Uh, because you seem to think its a 1v1 tank destroyer when its a support vehicle.

Well you’re just putting words in my mouth now lol. I said it’s a bad vehicle (because it is), there are many better IFVs, some of which sit at lower BRs, and even at its own BR there’s stuff like Vilkas or 2S38, both of which are technically speaking better than the Puma.

The entire premise of WT is that it’s a shooter, there is no “support class”, you can play anything however you want, and I’ve played my Puma in both roles, I’ve got a lot more games in it under my belt, and I’ve performed a lot better than you have while doing that, so y’know, look in the mirror next time before telling others that they don’t know how to play X vehicle.

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Your only stat is KD tho, if you play it like a support vehicle you won’t get a super high KD, doesn’t make it a bad vehicle. A good life with several assists and scouts with it is a good way to play as a team and even get Air Support through scouts. You’re just ignorant for looking at KD alone as the sole metric for the capability of a player or vehicle.

It is not the best , but i still love my little Puma, it was a fun vehicle even with all it flaws. I will look forward to a hopefully fixed PUMA VJTF. Until then gonna try out the Vilkas


Well here we go.

Called you out on your words, you went defensive, now you’re just calling me ignorant because I don’t strictly share your point of view.

Why am I wasting my time on you? I dunno tbh. I’ll just let you live in your fantasy world where Puma is somehow a very good vehicle despite the fact it has so many shortcomings.


also the only reason why people think the Puma has “armor” and is “survivable” is because the majority doesnt know where to shoot.
I CONSISTENLY one-shot Pumas and have absolutely no problems whatsoever dealing with it.