Germany 5.7 too strong after Tiger pack wins 66%?

What’s wrong with having 5 Tiger’s and 2 Tiger P’s at BR 6.0?
And having 5 SPAA at BR 6.0 that have 37mm with 250/480rpm?

Not really, but whatever makes You happy.

Why do we see it as a problem? I belive WT players had a problem with premium 1DL so gaijin have found a way (preatty good tbh) to deal with it.

Oh that is just bollocks, nothing more.


Much rather they do this than “Hey, here’s a japanese plane for your american tech tree” or “hey, here’s a sherman for your chinese tech tree” and variants. Captured vehicle premiums are awful for sim game modes (I really hate american bf109s)

“Hey, here’s a tiger that’s barely different from your existing tigers, but it allows you to spam tigers back to back”? Perfect, no stupid copy-paste into another nation IFF mess.


you replied to the wrong dude.

Not denying it was a smart move for gaijin as this is going to be a long term money printer for them


its not that hard to tell which beats which overall

You don’t even have the best toys.

When it comes to the USA/RU nation You have mentioned, they can create strong line ups at 5.7 that can stand a chance against german line-ups without that much of an issue.

And when it comes to GB line up, it is more of a 5.3 one, not 5.7.

isnt my screenshot. I got so mad at how braindead german mains were a year ago I haven’t got past 6.7 germany. however it shows the overall supremacy of the german lineup at that BR

excluding the jumbo for german skill issue reasons. the American 5.7 lineup is all an easy one shot from near enough any angle and from long ranges
only the IS proves to be a challenge from the soviets because the IS has a wonky damage model like the IS2 famously has

It might as well be 5.7 as you’re only going to get matches against or with the german lineup because of how popular it is

Prot analysis of the vehicles which are the main danger to tigers. spoilered


It really doesn’t.

Nothing special about it.

Like T1E1 with 90mm doesn’t exist, same with M36 having HEAT-FS.

The Tiger dies to them as eaisly as they die to it, nothing wrong with it.

It isn’t.

And now show the Tiger against T1E1 with 90mm gun, T-34-85 etc ;)


you ignored my point, its a lineup that gets ruined by a power BR being right next to it, you will never get a 4.3 match in a British 5.3 lineup

my point was to show than ever bad players can perpetually spawn tanks which give easy kills against their most common targets

It doesn’t change the fact that it is still a 5.3 line up, not 5.7.

Same for bad player in T-34-85 or T1E1 (90) when facing Tiger.


angled tiger doesn’t care for the 85mm and a bad player isn’t going for a cupola shot. Angling can stop the 90mm surprisingly well too when lucky. its only really 17pdr APDS or the M50 HEAT which can just laugh as they angle. not really the other way around. and its not like they can spawn another three tigers or anything no biggie

Angled T-34-85 can bounce Tiger too, are we going to go down the route of this?

Doesn’t have too in most cases.

85mm gun can always pen Tiger no matter the angle.

The moment 90mm gun can’t pen frontal plate of the Tiger is the moment it is showing You his side.

Which doesn’t change anything, You are not limited to destroying 1 Tiger per game.


no but youre more limited in your amount of viable vehicles then they are which is my whole point

Which still doesn’t change anything.

All nations have proper vehicles, especially USA/RU that can deal with any amount of Tigers on the battlefield.


It’s not a rare exception nor experienced players that highlights the German 5.7, is gaijin actually handing depth to people that decide to buy premiums, a thing that should’ve been a monetization practice long time ago, not with a experimental pack to test the scheme. No wonder why Germany was once a meme around 5.7 and its terrible WRs because of people not even angling their Tigers. Now they can jump into 2 Tigers without angling + eventually getting to the TT Tiger, having 3 and enough depth to overrun their enemies, same as Russia’s top tier situation.

If any wallet warrior (either Tigers or Clickbaits) can play the match for longer by having proper lineups, higher are its team’s chances of winning.

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Angling Tigers isn’t the magical invincibility cheat those who claim it to be overpowered make it out to be; not even with the… logs, tracks, or whatever;

The majority of the guns Tigers face in uptiers and its own BR ranges can deal with them just well enough.

Yes, sometimes they survive being shot at by weaker and lower BR guns from lighter tanks when perfectly angled and positioned… and how is that a bad thing? They are suppossed to be Heavy Tanks- some of the best armored ones of their time. Why can’t they have the right to benefit from this? Why does everyone want them to be just slower Medium Tanks by losing the slightliest armor strength advantage they may enjoy from time to time?


Was never claiming it was. it helps a lot at long range or against weaker guns

Tiger acts more like a medium in this game. play it like a medium

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Precisely. Tiger Is already feel and play more like medium tanks than the heavy tanks they really are suppossed to be… so why are there some people so determined to raise their BRs even more and make their armor even more irrelevant by facing faster, stronger and generally more advanced opponents?

The Tigers are fine where they are… and I would even dare say that Tiger E at 6.0 is a stretch. We don’t need the H1s going up any higher, and let alone E… (I’ve seen people claiming that they should be 6.0 and 6.3 respectively xd.)

If Tigers go higher up, then the current 6.7s, 7.0s and 7.3s should go up even higher at the same time. Otherwise we would only be compressing the 6.0-7.0 range once more.


I dont think tigers should be above 6.3 unless there is extreme decompression of the entire game, its already bad enough that they can face MILAN missiles. letting them see IS3 and FV4202 too is absurd.

6.7-10.7 really ought to become 6.7-13.7 before a move beyond that could be fair at all


I agree!

People always talk about how Tigers should go up as to not face current 4.7s… but they never talk about the outlandish idea of Tigers facing current 7.0-7.3s as they would do if they were raised alone in BR.

If there’s major decompression across the board, I would have no issue with Tigers going up as long as they wouldn’t end up facing any stronger opponents than they already are.

I just tend to get defensive when talking about Tiger BRs because, more often than not, the people claiming that Tiger I should be 6.3 are the same ones who claim that IS-3, the T-54s and IS-6 should be 7.0… so I’m like; how the hell could anyone believe that Tiger Is should be 0.7 BRs apart from those things! It wouldn’t even need to be a full uptier to come across them constantly, and that would be FAR from balanced, despite what these users claim! There’s even a recent thread suggesting these changes active, so my “fear” isn’t unfounded when I see people unironically supporting this.


I mean the firefly will hammer a tiger any day but a Churchill VII is at stalemate and most else can just about escape from 4.7. Its not the most fair of downtiers with Tiger but its uptiers are just as brutal as Tiger 2s ones.

Theres plenty of vehicles (mostly russian surprise surprise) id back getting sent up by multiple BRs even without decompression but Tiger certainly isn’t one