General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

How did these people do pearl harbor lmao

Anyway yall desperately need an IJA tank with scouting. I suggest some sort of KeNi with 47mm?


Enough with the modern posting, back to early cold war derp guns. I wish we could get this Type 56 105 mm SPG as well as this Thai Porborkhor 105 Attajhon in a double whammy update.



It used to be no brainer to equipping the Ka-Chi with its floats to increase its protection since there was no advantage in removing them beside removing a few kilos.

But now if you remove the float you gain -5 degree more gun depression (-15 from -10 degree.)

So if one choose to play hulldown in this monstrosity, well, it is possible now.

Also for some reason the Ka-Chi can still swim without its pontoons like the Ka-Mi.


Panoramic tank optics for the tank commander used on the Type 97 Chi-Ha. Magnification 10x, FOV 4.5°.




It was installed on top of the cupola in the Type 97/57 turret and in the front of the cupola in the Type 97/47 turret. According to one theory, this panoramic optic was not used very often because it was a complicated design, expensive, and difficult to use. However, if it were available for game use, its 10x magnification might be useful for reconnaissance.

It is also said that there were multiple types of panoramic optics, and it is not known if these were used on later Japanese tanks.


10x Magnification?? How zoomed in is that because damn

With the conclusion of March 2024, we bid farewell to the Type 74. After faithfully serving with the GSDF for 50 years, it holds the title of the longest-serving tank in Japanese history!

From today onward, it is expected that all Type 74s will have been completely phased out nationwide…

Farewell, my beloved Type 74. Though it may be gone, it will always hold a special place in my heart
( ̄ー ̄)ゞ

A tribute video that I made:


Can we chill out what is wrong with you

This one is really needed for enlisted… because Chi-He doesn’t have it and it is almost impossible use commander sight for comfort moving

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Great information. It seems like the Chi-Ha and Shinhoutou Chi-Ha mostly used the Type 97 Periscope of 10x magnification, 4.5 deg fov, based on photos.

Chi-He had a periscope installed next to the cupola as well, which appears smaller.


According to the US document ORD TIR 21, this is a variable commander’s periscope from 2x magnification, 25 degree FOV, to 8x magnification, 6.25 degree FOV.

Further, it says that the gunner has a periscope like the US Army M6 periscope. I guess this means that the gunner had a port for mounting a 1x magnification periscope.


Perhaps there is a port about there.

For Chi-Nu, it says that the commander and gunner both have periscopes. For Chi-Nu, it seems that there was no dedicated periscope, but instead mounting ports for two “M6 style” periscopes.


for Chi-To: mount for commander’s periscope only, spec unknown.

for Chi-Ri: mount for dedicated commander’s periscope only.

I would guess that the Chi-To and Chi-Ri commander periscopes were probably to be the same type as Chi-He’s variable one. In photos of the prototypes they are not installed.


not a copy paste vehicle this time, due to the new engine and transmission, Pendekar actually can reach the western standard at mobility. It like the T-72B3 buffed.

Does it actually have a reverse gear this time?

The czech and polands upgraded T72 have new transmition so it has batter revers speed then russian counterparts

Yes, reserve too speed had reached not 4km/h, not 6km/h, but 23km/h!

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9th Cavalry Battalion - Royal Thai Army 👀


Talking about that; I’ve created a suggestion for it and multiple other nice things, here is the list


Here is a Type 94 truck, similar to the one in-game, except armed with a Type 2 autocannon instead of a Type 98. Due to the higher fire rate and accuracy of the Type 2, I feel that this vehicle would be a good foldered upgrade under the current Type 94 AA, as the Flakpanzer 38 is to the Flakpanzer I in the German tree.


I believe the So-Ki should have the Type 2 as well

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Indeed, I enjoy the So-Ki currently but it’s a tad bit dissapointing to me that it doesn’t get its historical armament.

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wait , what historical armaments? Is it missing an ammo type or something?

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As Noveos said above, the So-Ki actually used twin Type 2 cannons instead of the Type 98s it has in-game. If I remember correctly, the name of the tank is actually just derived from the twin cannon mount which was called the Experimental 20 mm anti-aircraft autocannon So-Ki I.