I don’t grind China tree but by looking some of the China players want to let Japan have the VT-4 I can guess how bad is it
Ew, split nations…
If China needs a VT-4, they literally made them anyways. They can get the VT-4. If they want a subtree VT-4, Pakistan operates it too.
I think VT-4 at 11.0/11.3 will be better than VT-4A1 at 12.0
I can really see a Thai VT-4 for Japan and Pakistani/Chinese/Nigerian VT-4 be very much appreciated by both nations.
Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, China makes them, therefore it makes sense for China to get it via Pakistan, especially since we already have a couple Pakistani vehicles in the Chinese tree. And since Japan is getting a Thai sub-tree and Thailand operates them too, it also makes sense for Japan to get it.
I don’t really see any other option, this is, in my opinion, a no-brainer.
There are already two split countries in the game Canada and Australia.It’s hard to say if Thailand will do the same.
Sure, but neither of those countries are subtrees. A subtree nation is supposed to be a full nation within a nation. This makes Japan no longer Japan as a tree, but Japan and Thailand, no matter if air or ground.
Even with Australia and Canada many players want them fixed to one nation, or even their own separate nation to get rid of the forced split lineups.
Personally I even suggested a complete rework for subtree mechanics to make subtree nations feel less like an addition to another, and more like they are full nations equal to others
Both Canada and Australia arnt defined by gaijin as proper sub trees unlike Thailand
The Chi-Ri finally has the correct name after almost 10 years. We’ve actually had decent progresss of low-mid Japanese tanks in recent updates, so I’m happy.
-Chi-Ri weight
-Chi-Ri name
-Chi-Ri reverse speed
However, the Chi-Ri still needs the Type 1 APHE for for the 37 mm gun, as well as the model fixes
Two years old photo from JGSDF Camp Higashi-Chitose 7th Armored Division Archive. There are some internal diagrams of Chi-Nu, including electrical layout and transmission diagram. Similar transmission diagram drawing from Ka-Chi and Chi-Ri also list the gear ratios, but unfortunately that part is covered in this photo. It could mean better reverse speed for Chi-He, Ho-I and both Chi-Nus.
Just a hint if any of our Japanese friends are travelling that way. The diagram might also appear in one of the many tank books. I’d definitely buy one if I knew which.
:) having vehicles like these will benefit top tier (T-84)
I have a question, do you think only a Thailand can complete the Japanese technology tree?
Hi guys. I made this about a week ago. I thought it might fit here.
Expanded Japanese ground forces w/thailand. I don’t think it’s the end, I do think there’s room for Indonesia as well, but I figured this would be a good place to share. I used this thread for a bit of research for Thai vehicles.
okay idk how image upload here works so here’s an imgur link Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I agree with you, I really like the BMP and Leopard II RI from Indonesia.I wish see them on Japan’s sub tree.This will be a great addition to Japan.
Do we need another bulldog?
M41A3 maybe not (though it was their “main” tank for a long time), but the M41GTI (thermals + stabiliser) would be cool for Japan (and Germany)
Bro,does Indonesian Cobra 8x8 IFV have Spike?
reading from several Indonesian article, it only have 30mm canon and 7.62mm MG.