General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

Ho-Ni II and Ho-To (short 120mm gun on Ha-Go base) are one of waited from me vehicles especially with funny high caliber HEAT rounds.

I would also really like to have Ho-Ru (Ha-Go with 47mm in hatch like Hetzer) but despite it was produced no photo survived so very doubt it will be added


Ho-Ru would be amazing; it would play like a rat tank with the decent 47 mm gun.

I also want the correct Ho-Ri and the Ke-To as well.


Dont forget about biggest japanese land battleship O-I


I’m specifically hoping for an increase in acceleration and less speed loss in turns. The tank looses more speed than tanks 20 tons heavier like the Leopard od Abrams, but I fear that would require actual regenerative steering to be designed in WT.


You were wrong on this btw

Field tests on the type 10 turret showed maximum of 48 degrees a second

Which I’ve translated the documents. I’m in the midst of writing a detailed report to send to the tech moderators. As of rn my team and I have chosen to give the tech mods 1 last chance to send these docs back to devs before we open a suggestion to remove the TKX and Type 10 to have them removed from the game due to the inability to make them accurate


David_M543’s latest video about Thai vehicles

I love that he ignores the common forum stigma of “haha sekrit documents” and actually attempts to display some of the suggested vehicles that community members have put so much effort into researching.

While his last video focused on the North Korean part of the United Korean Tech Tree suggestion that is actively managed and expanded on by ChieftainWarrior, his latest one uses Nikolai_Kachorn’s Thai Subtree suggestion, which was posted in August 2023 and passed to the devs in October. This means that it has not really received any updates since its conception, and there are many vehicles missing such as the Super Vulcan, Type 21, and others that have been discussed in various threads.

In conclusion, I think we need a new formal list or non-suggestion concept subtree to keep track of all possible Thai vehicles, so that all the options remain clear.


That would be amazing. There are a few other Japanese tank projects like the Ke-Ho and Ke-Ni Production/B


Yes, let’s remove two of Japan’s top MBTs. Why are we deep-sixing vehicles when they can just be fixed?


Tbh it is just the same Ke-Ni what we have in game but with angular hull

Yeah this one is interesting because of 5km/h more top speed

  1. It is cool, so shuddup. (Though I concede that the Ke-To would be better since it’s basically the same aside from having a Type 100 gun)

There are other tank projects like the Ka-To that would be cool. I can’t think of anything else atm


I want Ha-Go with Chi-ha gun (i forgot how it called)


Type 4 Ke-Nu


Cause they won’t fix them and honestly the type 90 is way better than what is currently implemented in game. I’ll be issuing a bug report on the type 90’s.
As of rn it is speculated
Type 90 turret cheeks are more armored than currently thought
2nd gen thermals
Gunners sight is not 10x11 or whatever it is it is the same magnification used on the type 10
To put this in perspective the type 10 was added in 4 years ago and the devs have refused to fix it. The documents I have access to as of rn paint a completely different picture of this tank. To the very point the one we have in game is a fictionalized version of the one in real life


The armor as of right now is the lowest possible estimate based on the very limited information we have. If you have any more specific documents I’d love to see them, but I’ve seen some insane takes that basically assume Type 90s armor is based on Chobham despite the fact that it is known to be a separate domestic development.

Wasn’t this more of a case of it suffering under gameplay simplification? Iirc it was just barely below the resolution Gaijin consider 2nd gen.
But if this can be fixed this might apply to other thermals like the Type 93 and Type 81(C) as well, that Gaijin just based on what the Type 90 had.


I’d love to be proven wrong and see a buff to these tanks

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Oh you have the Type 90 thermal matrix format?

Meanwhile it contradicts what is stated in the documentation for Type 90, where the maximum magnification is 10x

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“Or give it its 1.6s reload and 693 mm of penetration”
Where did you get 693mm of pen from? It does not look like you used LO, could you give some extra context towards that number? For refrence, here are gaijians current numbers for Type 10.


Something like that???
I spent a lot of time decoding the manuals
The 526 page document is the one to read cause it gives the amount of pixels the old thermals sights had and compares that to the new with the newer FCS attached to the prototype Type 10 turret

It’s a lot of documents. I have documents on the new MCV’s as well I’m just really only going through this trouble because the type 10 is such a horribly implemented tank. A child seeing a drawing of the interior layout of these tanks would have done a better job lol. Also reason why I’m so pessimistic is because this is like the 5th or 6th time and only 1 tech mod stated to organize better and come back. The rest shot it down immediately and didn’t give a fuck lmao


Refer to the translated docs. If you want further explanation you can go to the old forums with way better in depth analysis

Mine is literally just a very basic rundown of the issues with the tank and everything they need to correct it. If you have an issue with the post please go read the documents and come back

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