General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

It’s not the one that’s on the Type 89, it’s due to be retired.

Either the Type 87 Chu-MAT, Type 01 Light Anti-Tank Guided Munition, or MMPM

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Overall, the front armor of the CTWV family is likely weaker than the MCV, and the RCV lacks 5mm gap armor compared to the ICV front, but note that the current RCV is a prototype, so this image could be fictional.

Oh, I forgot that the RCV uses a manned turret while the ICV is an unmanned one, although I was the one who originally suggested the difference XD

Unmanned turret lacks the rear optic mast

In general, fitting the ICV with ATGM may require a redesign of the turret, which is designed to switch between manned and unmanned, the space reserved for humans will not be used to store any equipment, and it is impossible to add ATGM launchers on the sides, which will lead to increased costs. We can only accept…

Do you mean this gap armor?

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But we do not know what kind of board thickness gaijin will give, the lack of 5mm gap armor may result in a lack of 8-14mm equivalent, assuming the front plate thickness is 20mm, the lack of armor may cause the vehicle to be more easily penetrated by the APDS.


This tone of bicolor camouflage is pretty nice.


I was just reading the CTWV technical discussion document, and Spall Liners are considered necessary by officers, which is supposed to be installed on all CTWV hulls and the turret of the RCV.

Unfortunately, the protection capabilities are being kept a closely guarded secret, and the presence of Spall Liners cannot be judged by current photos. That would be a pity.

But on a positive note, even though we can’t prove Spall Liners exist for the time being, RCV has 5 crew, and we still have a chance to bring Spall Liners back.


How accurate is Gaijin’s two-tone camo? It seems lighter to me in the game, but I’m not sure


Gaijin changed the camo color a few years ago, and the current one is better than the previous one, but the wrong pattern hasn’t been changed, it’s terrible.

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I guess the splotches are wrong?

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I see the Type 81 missile has a lid on the booster…
I wonder if gaijin will re-model it…



Yes, we may get one of the CTWVS, whichever it is, I’m ready to go get her.


I’d assume it’s ICV and RCV unless plans changed, since the riddle leak did hint at two, and those are the possible combat variants for the game unless Gaijin decides to add mortars or air defence lasers.


Pretty bad, the grey is too faded or light while the green resembles the blue color we used to have as default camouflage.

They actually changed the modern two tone which lasted for a short time and then freaking reversing it back to the ugly one for no reason.

This version got the grey color pretty accurate but the green might be a little too dark but i actually liked it.

Well, i spent GE on this camo for a few vehicle because i loved it so much, got scammed i guess.


They change the color again?

It seems that the user’s color palette is just different, not that gaijin has made another change to the camouflage

They changed this camo two times, first the one seen in the screenshot, second time is like improved version of the old late bicolor with stronger tones both of which are no longer in the game. But this was a few years ago.
I also did bug reported this trying to bring back ‘‘that version’’, don’t think they ever will.

This TK-X is painted like that.