General Japanese Naval Forces Discussion HQ

WT’s underwater shells have a longer travel distance than in reality, but I think there is a problem that they do not get an effective angle against the armor because they go straight at the water entry angle.
I also think that real-life Japanese armor-piercing shells may have a higher probability of underwater shells than WT underwater shells.

Can anyone explain to me in words i understand why then the snail decided to not only put a nerf to most reload rates (apart from the japanese somehow) big caliber guns but also the accuracy??? even if irl appatently showed that for example the british guns were some of the most accurate? why would any nation on earth have used big boom cannons if of the amagis 12 main cannon shells only 2 will hit a battleship from one kilometer and from 10 km the dispersion is equally bad? the increase of pen at least in game doesnt justify this at all, because its no less likely for a scharnhorsts shell with 1/3 off its mass to make it into the magazines of a battleship? but with much higher accuracy. and in comparison to the us ships with twice the reload rate. and those explode if u hit its barbettes. the scharn doesnt. Balans much, i dont get it.

I literally have 0 motivation to start grinding anything else than germany and japan (maybe gb now) now that i have finished germany with free ace on scharn and japan. there is 0 reason to do so. in ec you wont hit shit with it and if one or god beware 2 enemies decide to spawn a scharnhorst and rack up sp on defenseless cruisers or destroyers its over anyhow. and i cant rly bring myself to play rb because im tired of being spawned 8 km from the whole enemy fleet with 3 scharns immediately shooting at me 10 seconds after the match started. PLS SNAIL

So that’s another way how gaijin balance ships? Or it’s a bug?

Otherwise of all the ships - Scharnhorst should be sitting higher


If its supposed to be for balance it went the wrong way? The two japanese top contenders amagi and mutsu have much worse armor and especially crew distribution than scharnhorst already plus horrible accuracy, longer reload, bad turret traverse and 0 aa guns. If your engine rooms get set on fire…poof 40% crew gone. Seems unnecessary that they are also sitting 2 m higher in the water than on that photo?) Still love them tho don’t get me wrong.

But dealing with Scharnhorst atm is just annoying atm. Had several matches now where they didnt even have to do anything, never shoot back, never maneuver and were still annoying. One match one of them just sailed straight across the whole circle in an open blue water rb match and couldnt be stopped or killed until 2 km from our spawns. While all its guns and engines were permanently shot out by 3 of our bbs including me in amagi (he was sailing straight towards me).
If he had any support at all that match would have been basically unwinnable just because of him setting course across the map and go to the toilet (maybe he forgot to bring ammo which would be weird usually when i play germany i adapt to the customs and bring every shell i can find to disappear in a giant ball of fire when i get penned anywhere?)

If this were “balance” then it would be an extremely strange balance… This is if we talk about the draft of ships.
So this is most likely a bug that has not been fixed for many years…

I don’t think the devs consider it a bug, they’re just very stubborn and somewhat arbitrary about setting draft. They often seem to just take whatever the design waterline is they see on the plans and stubbornly stick to it, even when pictures of the ship in service show a ship sitting deeper or the statcard displacement would make a ship sit at a different height. While I imagine this would be a lot of work I think the ideal solution would be to use the existing 3d models and statcard displacement to calculate more appropriate waterlines based off actual water displacement rather than the current system.

I just did this for the French Navy and figured I would attempt it again for my other main Naval nation.

Here’s a more complete and more logically-ordered Japan Naval tech tree, including prospective Submarine and Carrier lines.

Uses current BR values and ranks (mostly) and doesn’t include any decompression. Yes, I have smooshed the Battlecruiser line inside the light cruiser line.

New Additions:
Kitakami (1941)
Ibuki, project
Tosa, project
Carrier Line
Submarine Line
Ikoma to BR 5.3

Rank I-III

Rank IV-V

japan expanded naval tree 2


japan expanded naval tree 3

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And I once made my own vision of the Japanese research tree. But I just didn’t add submarines and didn’t write on which BR all this will be


Move the Nagato class out of the far right line immediately. Do not play Gaijin stupid little game of pretending in any universe that putting them there makes any sense at all.

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I’m too lazy to go to the editor to drag Nagato to another branch where Fuso or Ise is located xD

i was wondering, is there any chance we get Shinano in battleship form with 100mm AAs by Gaijin rules? Or was it just intended for replacement in carriers?

We can also see the 4th battleship Yamato - No.111 with 100mm AA defense

So now it seems Nagato class and Yamato class would be only counterpart to Bismarck ingame, I wish our IJN Mutsu to be reworked to 1943 version again.

I would like it to happen. At least with a research module.
I would do something like this on the battleship Ise, to see it at the time of its 1945 modernization

It may be possible that the in-game formula is confusing British long tons with American short tons.

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I guess there is a chance that at some point we will se never completed Ibuki class cruiser. Wouldn’t really be much of a upgrade over Mogami other then stronger torpedo armament and maybe better AA?
I know that suggestion of her was accepted.


Is it has stronger torpedo armament? AFAIK they both have 16 torpedo launcher and 24 torpedo.
For AA… identical to IJN Mogami ingame according to suggestion thread.

Doesn’t Mogami have 4x3 with 24 torpedo and Ibuki newer 4x4 with 24 torps?
I know it is same count, but you can launch them slightly faster and torpedo reloads are closer to center line while in Mogami they are located front of each launcher.
They also swivel from different direction giving them better angles then Mogami class.

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Oh yeah 4X3 for Mogami.
and better angles… that fits better torpedo. I really hate IJN cruiser’s torpedo firing angle.

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