General Japanese & JASDF General Discussion

As I know project was frozen because UK couldn’t be able to produce seekers by themself and in fact project was stopped. It wasn’t finished because in this case they would show it or use it on the aircrafts because it wasn’t any type of scientist research but developing the actually missile for air planes
If you say about this missile it looks like another project created only by Japan




the JNAAM was merely a program for practicing Japan-UK joint research, and it was never intended for adoption or mass production from the beginning. I couldn’t find any mention in Japanese sources about the UK’s inability to produce the seeker on their own, so I can’t comment on that. The JNAAM project concluded with the successful miniaturization of the AAM-4B seeker and the identification and proper management of high-risk areas in the Japan-UK joint development. There is no possibility of it being restarted. Additionally, there is currently no new international joint development of an AAM in which Japan is participating. JNAAM

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Probably I do mistake about this project. but it is little bit strange why do you need to do joint project with another country if you only need to “make seeker smaller”
Anyway at the moment there is the Japan-UK-Italy air to air missile is under development

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It’s to strengthen the cooperation between Japan and the UK, and the practice with JNAAM later led to the GCAP.

You may be misunderstanding ‘the next-generation medium-range air-to-air guided missile that will be equipped on the next-generation fighter jointly developed by Japan, the UK, and Italy’ as ‘a missile jointly developed by Japan, the UK, and Italy.’ To be precise, it means that ‘Japan will develop a new missile to be equipped on the GCAP.’

So, it’s likely that the UK and Italy will each independently develop something new, or perhaps equip their fighters with the Meteor missile or something equivalent.

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The missiles in that article were developed independently by Japan.

hope we finally get a morden cas jet at next next major update…

I’d like to advertise a squadron. Our squadron heavily focuses on Japanese and other Asian military equipment. We have an affiliated and very active Discord as well! We do a lot of research regarding Japanese aircraft as well, especially the F-2.

Some community members are a part of this squadron, such as @MAUSWAFFE and @WreckingAres283.


Mainly Japanese and South-East Asian.


Is there a discord too?

Yea, DM for invite.

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Sent. I’ve also applied to squadron

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Ooohhh yeaaaaah.
Now we wait 2 years for it to be added

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Just noticed that the report for the GBU-8s for the F-16AJ got fordwarded 9 days ago.
Hopefully we will get them next update.


I have made the list of “CAS line” for Japan. All of this planes can be added as Strike aircraft. Information was taken mainly from JP wiki because it is just fan-made list
Some planes are controversial but there was reasons to add any vehicles
Of course it is not full but enough to show that Japan can get a little more than one Ki-109



There are 6 versions total of the Fuji. The 3 prototypes and the 3 variants of the finished product which IMO can potentially replace the R2Y2 V2 and V3 from the TT.

Less likely to see in game: One can hope
-T1S1 Jet Prototype (7.3Br)
-T1K1 Jet Prototype (7.3Br) was inspired and based on T-33 under licensed production in Kawasaki
-T1F1 Jet Prototype (7.3Br)

More likely to see in game: They are overdo and should of been in game LONG AGO
-Fuji T-1A (British Engine) (8.0Br or 7.7)
-Fuji T-1B (Weaker Japanese Engine) (8.0Br or 7.7)
-Fuji T-1C (improved Japanese Engine) (8.0Br or 7.7)


Here is my critique on this chart

Ki-45 Hei: Can also give the Ki-45 Otsu (maybe the Ko) a bombload as well to compliment the 37mm

Ki-115 & Kikka Early: I unfortunately cannot see either of these added since it’s largest bombloads is not large enough to take out a base and you don’t get the multiple bomb load options that lets say the M6A1-K gets

Ki–102 Otsu: BR could be raised to 3.7 but only if it’s moved to Tier III

T-2: Should be added on the list since Trainer aircraft when they do see combat are always used in the Ground Attack or CAS role

There is a few aircraft that is missing on the list that includes

  • D3Y Myojo - BR 2.7: Trainer Aircraft armed with 2 engine mounted 20mm’s and a bombload up to 800kg
  • Mansyu Ki-71 - BR 3.0: Proposed evolution of the Ki-51 with improved firepower and bombload, didn’t pass the prototype stage
  • Toyo FD-25 Defender - BR- 2.7 (Air), 3.3 (Ground): Early Postwar COIN Aircraft built in Japan, used mainly by SEA Nations, can use the same rockets that the Swiss Hunter and Israeli Spitfires use (up to 32) or 40 FFAR rockets, it’s slow though and only has 2 30cals as it’s offensive weapon
  • Mitsubishi MU-2K - BR 5.7: Postwar Utulity Aircraft equipped with 2 M3 Brownings, Dumb or Napalm bombs or FFAR Rocketpods
  • S-2F Tracker BR 4.7: Early Postwar Marine Patrol Aircraft, armed with bombs, depth charges, HVAR Rockets and torps
  • FS-T-2 Kai - BR 10.0: An intermediate aircraft between the T-2 & F-1

Thank you for critique of this line. My main idea was creating the “CAS line”, not list all planes what can be added as strike planes. Also BRs is very approximately thing

It is but I am not sure that all 6 is needed. I wanted to add 2 T-1 but with as much differences as possible that’s why I took T-1B-10 and T-1A, the plane with weaker engine abd the plane with better engine and missiles mounted. Also T-1B-10 is the plane used “Improved engine” from T-1C. Original T-1B looks too weak as for me

Yeah, I just remember how tester188 on old forum shared that some Ki-45 Hei was officially called “strike airplanes” if it take 37mm gun. That’s why I decided to add only Hei version but other is possible too

It can be added or can be not. Anyway we has Ar 234 or Canberra with no guns

BR is approximately but yeah, 3 rank is needed

I was thinking about it and it can be added or can be not. The most funny is that T-2 has more Air-to-Air functions than Air-to-Ground. It can get aim point in shooting to aircrafts for example.

Haven’t known about this aircraft. Checked and very doubt tbh. Japanese wiki says only about 2 7.7mm and some 30-60kg bombs. There are some problems

  1. For what you need to have 2 20mm on trainer? As for example A6M2-K IRL had only 1-2 7.7mm guns for trainings. But here is dive bomber with 20mm?
  2. Is it even possible to synchronise the Oerlikon type 20mm?
  3. D3Y would be dive bomber in WT as D3A, not CAS
  4. The only source on EN wiki is Francillon which is not very good

Yeah, forgot about this one during writing. Well it can be added in line or as good premium

I am not sure about this plane. So modern equipment in so bad performance platform. With it’s speed it is 1.0 BR but weapon is as minimum from 6.0. I doubt that it will be added

Yeah, forgot about this one

The same as MU-2K

Why it is on 10.0? FS-T-2 Kai is the whole copy of F-1 because it was F-1 prototype. The same FCS, same armament, same RWR, same everything. Why should it be lower? Also this plane is not needed into line because F-1 is here already but I really hopped that it will be premium plane, not T-2 Early


Mizuno Shinryu - Wikipedia Found this very interesting, strange air vehicle. Japanese prototype design is very nice. Would love to see unfinished, canceled japanese planes in the game. But thats just a dream. ;D

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Its the same like Ki-200 būt instead of has 30mm Ho-5 cannons. This could fill up the Rank V.


Specifically, they wanted to acquire FA.2. This deal never went through and as far as I’m aware Thai crews never actually flew the FA.2, so it isn’t valid. They threw around the idea of acquiring harriers from pretty much every possible source but as far as I’m aware only the FA.2 Sea Harriers were serious.

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