Type 91/GCS-1 bomb guidance device for japan plane

I disagree, it is alredy an imaginary aircraft, istead of giving it other imaginary weapon it should be replaced with a real Thai F16 since theyr sub tt is coming

They have been in game files for a while, however the Japan tech mod wrongfully made the assumption that since it’s an anti shipping weapon it can’t target tanks… So it didn’t get added.


i counter you this. gaijin does not care if it’s tested or not, as long as it is able to use it they can add it
example the Type 87 RCV never have apfsds (if my memory serve me correctly) yet gaijin add them.
so it does matter


according to You logic every aircraft in game that could carry the MK82 or the M117 conic bomb should receive this bomb

why not? but then again this is japanese bomb. if other plane want to get it they have to have a good reason no? like are they testing it or are they importing the bomb.

Good to know regarding the first two, I was indeed wondering if the F15 could carry them (and especially how many of them). Regarding the AJ, for me it shouldn’t get these, but again as You said it’s a developers choice that won’t be chamged by my opinion

The fact that the GCS-1 is a japanese bomb doesn’t mean it was used on every japanese aircraft and gaijin mainly want proofs regarding testing or trials on a specific aircraft with that specific weapons. Also forgive me but wich aircraft are You referring to? The two I said there are no proofs about?

does it need to be spesifics to the plane and armament though? if people can give a proof that GCS-1 does not need any special wiring, all plane that can carry dumb version can carry gcs. that proof alone is a statment that all japanese plane can and should carry them if gaijin put CGS-1 to the game.


+1, this is greatly needed, especially when the F-2 comes around

GCS-1 doesn’t need any special wiring
It is only needed the ability to drop simple bomb like Mk.82 or JM117 or other. It’s seeker or any other electronic activates after 3 seconds from the drop moment.
So any Japanese aircraft in theory can use GCS-1 even F-86 (but of course it wasn’t IRL because F-86 haven’t used in this time)


The F-15 would carry up to 9 of them, three on each bomb rack. the bombs with GCS-1 kit are too long to fit behind eachother on the racks, reducing the number from 6 to 3 per rack, of which the F-15 carries 3.

I’d say as long as an aircraft could carry them and was in service alongside these bombs it should be fair. GCS-1 bombs only require wiring for unguided Mk82 and JM117 bombs as they are fully self contained, however they also require the space and weight capacity to fit the additional size and weight of the guidance kit.

I actually wouldn’t want to see it on the F-16AJ, as that proposal was denied well before GCS-1 entered service in 1991, instead the AJ should receive GBU-8s it was advertised with. However the F-15 I’d say should receive them.


How much bombs you can take so much gcs can be taken (but some problems with length as been said before)
This F-4EJ is carrying nine GCS-1 Mk82(500lbs) IR image horming bombs


If there are proof that support it’s addition for the F15 then I’m completly fine with it. Like You, my only issue was with the F16AJ

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GCS 1 will absolutely work against ground targets as it has an IRI seeker, basically an IR seeker that ignores all other sources of heat below a threshold or above it. no questions asked. since a tank engine is generally the same heat as a ship engine and one can assume the bomb is guided to both then it makes absolute logical sense the bomb can be used against ground targets.

so @S3b5 was correct, congratulations sir!


Given that we have man-in-the-loop guidance modeled as regular TV on munitions in game, I don’t think it would be a stretch to make the GCS-1 function more like the seeker on the AGM-65D / PARS (or other pre-existing munitions) rather than it’s auto-acquire mode with the knowledge that it can lock tanks.

It would be great to finally have some usable stand-off munitions


from what i’ve seen it’s just a laser guided bomb with no target pod, you drop it like a regular bomb then the seeker turns on 4 seconds later so it still has a bomb like parabolic curve

Yes, I understand that it is an un-boosted bomb. I am merely speaking about how the seeker could be implemented, if Gaijin does not wish to go to the trouble of modeling the free fall timer into “maddog” seeker activation. I believe they could make it function like existing IR / CCD seekers currently found in game, just as man-in-the-loop guided munitions like the martel are simply modeled as FnF. Would it make more sense if I compared it to the GBU-15(V)2/B IR guided bomb found exclusively on the Barak II?

so basically a maverick (doesn’t have a man in the loop)?
i mean you know the seeker numbers of how much they like certain heats? like they got aircraft heat, afterburner heat, flare heat. they could just add tank heat and IRI IRCCM and make it behave like an air to air missile if they wanted

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.