Game tiering for germans is broken

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Nothing is broken. This should encourage you to keep grinding to the top because at some point the end will come.
The sooner you get used to these battles, the better. And there are plenty of opponents who share the same fate as you.

And entering a battle with a locked crew is … well … does that make sense?


you comment has contributed absolutely nothing - infact, less than nothing as it absolutely has shown your complete ignorance.

p.s do you comprehend english? did you even read what i posted?

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Simple reason for uptiers and yes ,you get uptiered in all German tanks from 6.3 to 8.0 all the time.
That is because other nations know that if they play 7.3/7.7/8.3 that Germans and Italians will be uptiered due to stupid way tech trees were done.
Get used to it ,it will get better after you reach 8.3.

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Another person who has not read what I’ve posted. Its not 7.3/7.7/8.3 - Its every tier, but to and including the Leo2A4 (at least that’s tolerable as everyone not playing germans doesn’t seen to be able to play above 9.7)

To repeat for those that can’t understand English - I could play a 5.7 lineup and always be placed at 6.7, if i then go to 6.7 i will be at 7.7, 7.7 i’ll be playing 8.7, 9.7 i’ll be playing 10.7, (10.3 is my highest with the leo2A4) even then i’m normally against 11.3.

This is when i know there are games at the lower BR’s that i should be being placed in.


You get uptiered a lot more than getting down tiered for a very simple reason:
Matches usually (absolute top tier being the exception) have a maximum of 4 players with vehicles that have the highest possible BR for that battles’ BR bracket. The remaining players all are playing varying degrees up uptiers.

Also, when you are playing at certain BRs you will face less or more impactful uptiers. GRB 9.7 tends to get matched with the 9.3-10.3 bracket because there is a general lack of 10.7 vehicles for most nations in GRB

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Also if you play a very popular nation you will reduce your chances. More players queuing same as you means a lot will not be in the downtier.

But as you can see responses are odd saying “Germany get all uptiers”, ignoring the fact that four on their team, probably German since over the top queuing results in many German only teams (similar to US and RU but seemingly worse in terms of one nation teams), are top BR.

Then the usual: even in full uptier the enemy will have similar composition so all facing on the most part similar performing vehicles.

Yhe enemy is not all +1 but the way people talk about it makes it seem they think it is.

Again, popular tiers and nations mean your “chances” are effected. If you don’t like it switch nation/mode/bracket/take a breath.


Try Germany/Russia at 4BR and you rarely get up tiered.

Prepare 3 initial tanks, and j out 3 times if it is uptier, if Gaijin servers want to make you suck, just suck them back


The last BRs changes created a lof of holes in the Germany TT (AGAIN) . For example BRs like 6.3, 7.0, 7.3 and 7.7 stop exist and they are filled with more numerous vehicles from lower BRs, thats why you always are in full uptier.

To be honest I’ve just started auto quitting games when all my vehicles are worth 100sp (which is most if not all)

While i get there’s alot of really crap players out there that are gaming the broken matching system, and I definetly get the br changes broke the german tree (why did panthers go up to 6.0?)

early in this games history they did the br matching far better - when they took the average of your top 3 vehicles if they were within 1 br of each other, or just the top vehicle.

also, i define “being at my own br” as my vehicles costing 130sp, if they cost 150sp then you’ve gotten lucky and scored a max downtier

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Wasn’t that Air AB? It still exists there but never in GF (I started with AB AF and GF).

same here. I can’t remember any match where I was the uptier one. Ever since I reach BR 8.0 it’s always like this. I go in with BR 8.0 (Leopard 1,M48, etc.) I see T-55AMD (BR 8.7) everywhere. I go in with my rank 6 deck BR 9.3 (Leopard A1A1, Leopard 1A5, etc.) I always see my DM33 rounds get blocked by the T-72AV (BR 10.0) reactive armor. It’s annoying af.

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In those matches are there players in German vehicles in the top BR slots?

Again this is an issue created by too many queuing the most popular nations and then the limitations of one nation teams at these BRs. The MM was unlocked to deal with this, in my opinion, yet the sheer number of players queuing popular nations breaks this (before you would possibly get France and Italy, maybe Japan (though JP and France could not team up)).

But due to all the issues minor nations deal with it seems like a tradeoff.

A (not liked or likely) solution would be popular nations to have longer queue times until they are joined with others to fill numbers and stop the flawed one nation teams.

I would rather like to see team are matchmaked together by their personal skill to make even skilled teams, than by nation. (Within the BR of course)

Welcome to every nation at some point/BR.

They went up to 6.0 with msny others to lighten the lower BRs after so much went up 6.7+. Now you won’t get Panthers and Tigers facing things like a Churchill so in some cases it makes balancing sense (before Tiger and Panther were just 2 increments away!)

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“Skill” is an almost impossible metric to work out.

Why not just avoid one nation teams? (Edit: As this seems to be an underlying problem)

I think win ration and KDA ratio can be very useful data for a skillbased matchmaking.

Full up tiers should just be illegal. Any person who says a tiger 2 being up tiered to early cold war era vehicles is a clown. Playing 6.7 Germany is almost impossible because you keep getting fully up tiered.

This comment doesn’t even make sense. Simply because if you down tier another nation does not mean another nation has to be up tiered. Gajin does this because they know if they know Germany is a popular nation and on top of that if you continuously get up tiered you would eventually give into their paying premium schemes. Thats the only reason why full up tiers exist.