Game is unplayable for ground with Heli / CAS spam

Only need one. I love spawning in my adats and dropping ka50 rushers. Almost knocks them out of the game first round.

Until you run out of smoke…

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Again, another person with a big mouth but nothing important to say.


By then you should have found some solid cover. There are very few maps that offer no spawn zone without any cover.

Your dreaming ain’t ya? What maps have cover for a bus in spawn? Most maps its simply open ground. Not that you should ever stay there… But your solution is 4 smoke salvos and hope you don’t get hit by a spike missile you have no idea is coming… Unlike the helicopters that get a massive warming and auto countermeasures the second a missile leaves your launcher… So it simply hides. If you can’t see the imbalance there there’s no point in the conversation.


Some vehicles don’t have smoke…

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Almost all of them do.

Na, otherwise spawn camping for mbts wouldn’t be an issue either, there’s a handful of city maps that you could potentially reach without dying, but most maps the spawns are in the middle of open ground.


My experience greatly differs from yours then and I am having no trouble clearing the skies with the FlaRakRad.

If you stay at spawn right when you spawn SPAA no wonder you die lol, that is first spot where anyone looks for SPAA. I never had issue playing with Pantsir or Tor which are huge against UHT popping parses and hiding, and neither of these have smoke, you just need to notice that there is UHT and then get behind some cover or pass under a tree, the PARS/SPIKE then looses lock and explodes, you have so much time,even more with Spike as they are much slower than PARS.

Another thing is, you can just proxy them with your own missles, which is how i am shooting down mavericks going for me for example.


Easy solution, make tanks earn MORE money than planes and Helis. The carrot works better than the stick

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Clearly you can’t read because I’ve already said you wouldn’t stay there because it’s open ground…

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Again absolutely nothing of value to say.


Said a guy who needs air to be able to do anything in game


Comedy writes itself sometimes lmao


I haven’t died to a single helicopter at top in months.
Last time was a Kamov on Mozdok, which I then killed with my proxy fused Abrams in one shot.

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I see CAS players complaining because playing CAS is useless in ARB now without AAA, they are told by pure fighters that ARB is made for fighters. Okay, they go to GRB to play CAS, now pure tankers are complaining they are too many!

Well the game provides ways to respond to CAS in GRB because you can prepare a line-up with different types of vehicules to adapt to situations.

If you want to play tank only you have the possibility to make custom battles with other pure tankers, or create your own missions with CDK.

Reading this, one might think helis are DOA and are getting removed from the game any second now.

They often are. Helirushers often die without any kills and often the helipad is being camped by aircraft later in the game thanks to the AAA that only works as a searchlight.

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It’s more that you can learn tactics to avoid being spotted by helicopters.