Game is unplayable for ground with Heli / CAS spam

After recent discount people bought so many helis that RGB on 11.7 is simply unplayble , it`s heli spam especially on russian side makes tank just cannon fodder.

Please do not tell me to play SPAA , it boring and I simply dont want to do it , unless I`m eating .

Heli spawn cost should be raised so it is not possible to first spawn with it. Most of russian players just take KA50 fly super high over enemy spawn and spam 30mm . I dont find any skill or fun for anyone but him .

Not to mention KA50/52 taking faceshot from 120mm for no damage , because why not .


If they are rushing at the start of the game en masse, you should unironically take SPAA (I know what you’ve wrote) and farm them. That’s like the easiest RP and SL you’ll earn.


In general battles are swarmed with Helis , and its simply not fitting GROUND RB . They should bring tanks only mode long time ago.


I’m not a huge fan of CAS either, but seems like we’re not getting TO so it is what it is.
Helis are especially annoying around 9.3 - 10.3 where your IR-based SPAAs will have hard time dealing with ATGM helis, since you won’t be able to lock them, unless they’re dumb and get to like 2km away from you.


Sucks that they made a lot of SPAA missiles suggestions rather than threats.


Allow figter only players from ARB in there to give air superiority


i like the cas


It`s 50/50 that they will spam helis , so in 1 out of 2 games I would be useless spawning SPAA

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Bro maybe lets allow to spawn nuke plane as first spawn, why not ? Then tell people to spawn SPAA`s to shoot it down .

Tanks has no chance vs heli that knows what he is doing . Helis can fight both air and ground so its seems to be unbalanced if you ask me . To balance it out it should HIGH RISK / HIGH REWARD thing in spawn points , u spawn a heli fine but if you die you are out of battle completely as it should cost 400 SP to spawn at least.


Did you just compared CAS plane to nuke?

I just mean that CAS and HELI`s have so much advantage over ground that it should be balanced by much higher spawn cost .

Typical russian matchup :

3 KA50 are in the air , spamming 30mm . If out team did not spawn at least 2 spaa`s (which rarely happens) we are fucked.

Usually those KA50 have enough points to spawn another heli (KA52) with vichrs , and nuke our team for free.

Spawning SPAA does not help much as helis can spawn camp you for free hiding behind hills .


CAS already costs 3-9x as much as a tank and I rarely see successful helicopter players anymore.


its just good to know that any idiot can now spawn a fully loaded plane/heli in ground rb if he gets a cap and a kill (which isn’t hard to do)
and if you don’t have russia on your side you are f****d.


They will not bring it, because then skycancer players would cry with their premium skycancer.

Every poll did on this matter shows, that 60-80% of the playerbas supports the TO mode.
They will not implement it, because 0skill morons would have to wait a lot ot get matches, since the bigger part of the playerbase would just play TO.

You can look at any player’s stats, who uses skycancer, and 90% of the times, he will have much better stats with skycancer than with tanks.

You could literally teach a monkey to fly over an enemy and press the space bar a few times.

While with tanks, you have to learn armor, angling, shell stats, tank reload times, map positions, weak spots, and a lot of tactics, but with skycancer? “haha bomb go boooom”


I screenshot every skycancer user’s (those who kill me or try to kill me) first tank stat page, and i have more than 1000 of them.
I have a friend who might be able to make a python image recognition script that averages their tank K/D, and we can see how “good” those players are…

Btw, i have ~2500 screenshots in my WT screenshots folder, just on my main PC, and anyhere from 60-90% of them are these stat screesnshots.


I will consider you TO people valid when my 50kg bombs in lowtier stop killing you and my aerobatics in top tier stop making your shots miss, ground has since it was added a mixed mode, what you fail to understand is that SPAA is way more important than people think, simply because it cannot kill a tank, BTW the Rolands can kill a tank.

I love playing SPAA because a lot of people ignore them and thus anyone in the air is not used to being fired at, except in top tier when they do start avoiding it, I play both as CAS and as an SPAA, what would class as supports in WT, I love clapping aircraft out of the sky but letting off a salvo of rockets into SPAA because they do not expect me to be somewhere besides the normal spawn points

The way I see this whole situation is that people that do not want to research air cry about air in ground rb and expect to not be punished for their lack of diversity


must suk to keep playing a game where low skilled players constantly beat you…

If you watch a recent video from a CC called Justin, you’ll pretty much see there’s no point to playing spaa at top tier, the French tiger with spikes will pop up fire a missile and hide behind a hill/mountain and the spaa simply cannot respond. There is no system in game that can counter that… Except a plane which requires you to grind out an entire tech tree in a different game mode. Spaa have no missile warning so essentially die randomly out of the blue over and over again.


I am one of those people:)

First of all, I didn’t play anything higher than Rank 3 yet, but it seems that CAS/SPAA notorious issue is present in every rank, so I could add my two cents.

I reached Rank 3 with US ground and recently, I started to progress other trees namely USSR.
With USSR I first experienced the feeling of helplesness against CAS and realised that unlike USA vehicles where everything and their mother has .50 cal, in USSR I often can just watch the incoming plane be unable to do anything about it and realised what people talked about.
It is one thing to feel frustrated by CAS, but helpless is a different thing.

Now I have absolutely no issue to bring out SPAA and do the job, but despite getting fairly decent with it, I feel like SPAA is more for distracting the CAS and forcing them to keep the distance and planes are the real CAS killing tool.

And that brings me to my point, where I feel little disheartened, when imagining I would have to go through another whole tech tree to get a plane for the job. not to mention, that planes are essentialy a whole different game, gameplay wise.


They see them on the radar when they pop up. The turret rotation is fast enough to see them fire the spike and then popping some smoke causes the spike to self-destruct.

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Well then I guess that is a you problem then.