Gaijin, Stop blanket nerfing an entire game mode - This is just a lazy approach and does not address the cause of the nerf

No. The multipliers between different modes are there to help offset the time it takes between engagements. Generally when moving from AB → RB → SB the time used for just flying around between doing something that gives score increases.

Instead of reducing the score earning for events flat 23% in Sim I would had first tried removing the vehicle Rank bonus entirely from SB (it does not make any sense in the first place) and removing the “Base Destroyed” score part from bombing airfields (so you would only get the “bases damaged” score from airfields).

Not only that. Those are the tourists that mostly come from RB to grind in SB so they can unlock stuff to play with in RB.

They are not active Sim-Players. The community that cares about Sim are basically the only ones being punished by this.

As many have pointed out, the real solutions for this would be as follows:

  • Add competent Airfield Defense
  • Make bandits near the Airfields visible on the map (Limited ground radar)
  • Make the reward after landing greater or decrease rewards when dying to an airfield drastically

Case in point to spawn costs.

If i am flying my p-51 i will readily fly and engage with a points even if i got my 2 kills or other ways to max out score. Worst case i lose 2k sl so i can die 50 times with minimum useful actions reward without going broke. And getting a full 15 minutes reward gives me enough profit to have a buffer.

Contrast with my f4u-4b where i seriously consider just rtbing after getting 2 kills since the margin of 2 kills to 1 death is bloody tiny, and i can only die like 10 times with minimum actions score before having to leave the lobby as i ran out of sl.

1 full reward cyxle in the mustang is like almost 5 deaths. 1 full reward cycle in the f4u4b is 2 deaths with overflow into negative (18k max reward, 11k respawn cost vs like 13k max reward and 2.5k respawn cost)

It already heavily affects my choices.

I dont want to lose the ability to fly my mustang without worries as well.

Bombing a BASE and returning in SB mode takes about 10 minutes, and the payoff is about 1980 points (550 * 3 * 1.2). Bombing a combat zone in RB mode takes less than 5 minutes and yields about 924 points (550 * 1.4 * 1.2). If the score is taken into account, it is 1150 points (685 * 1.4 * 1.2). RB is more efficient than SB in terms of bombing BASE.

Easiest real soltuion would be to remove useful action and return normal rewards for everything, give 15% of score/rp/sl reward for base bombing and rest 85% when they land. All other actions keep 80/20 ratio they have now.


Which is not what the devs will do. It will only increase the wave of boosting crews coming back to milk the system, again.

Controlling most of the active games and harassing the player base that join their controlled environment. It will frustrate the community even more and cause more headaches for the GM team to manage the reports.


I love air sim. But it makes me very sad to see how Gaijin has forgotten this game mode with SO MUCH potential. I wish this would change but I highly doubt it and looking at the reward changes now this makes me feel even sadder.

Letting Gaijin pamper you is something that you can’t go back on.
Even if Gaijin were to make the reward system more convenient for us now, the migrant workers from AB/RB, who are the overwhelming majority of players, would raise a furious cry of criticism.
“Don’t take away our convenient bonus stages!” they would say.
Unfortunately, Gaijin would never take such a risk to save us, the “minority” that is SB players.
We are not even worth that much to Gaijin now.
In fact, they may even see us as a nuisance that requires a lot of work for no profit.


Yea, the bomberscores for bombing AF´s must be reduced close to 0. It´s way to easy to get points in a bomber for doing easy tasks.
Or simply just buff the AA at the AF´.

I see Bombers getting 5k points in 10 minutes, bombing AF´s.

The problem here is, for me as a fighter pilot, if my teammate damages the AF´s, the fighters leave the game and my gameplay is shut down. I´m not in sim to fight AI. I´m there to have good fights with the enemy fighters.

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iroha-kazuma-iroha (1)

No. Just… no.
Upon the behalf of every AAB player, we need RP buffs, not nerfs.


Arcade is to get into the game, not for grind. Arcade shourly need no buff…

You should play Arcade only just for a short periode of time to prepare for RB… In RB the rewards are way better.


WT is a simulator. And Gaijin gave you an easy way to get into it.
And that´s great.

1st Step Arcade:
You face new Players, learning the game. Players who maybe never flown an aircraft before. Easy Mode to get used to most things.

2nd Step Realistic:
You still have your 3rd person view and the instructor. But the planes react more like planes. You face better players. And if you get used to this, you are ready for the WT it was ment to be.

3rd Step Sim:
No 3rd person, no flight instructor. No enemy markings. The planes fly more “realistic”. And u face much more skilled pilots.


WarThunder is a game.

Choosing between game modes is not a progression system and putting sim on a pedestal for being the “hardest” game mode is awfully ignorant.

Case and point is this statement here

This is not actually the case. The vast majority of sim players are effectively bots. And the players that are not bots will basically spam whatever plane is most overpowered for the BR bracket on any given day.

Most sim “pilots” are getting less than .2 kills per fly-out.

The average Air RB player is getting 2-3 times that.

On top of that…sim is the only game mode that is effectively non-competitive due to the way that it is structured.

Look at the win rate distribution. The largest portion of players are winning above 60 percent of their sim games over a month long period. This is not a normal win rate distribution for a game mode that is competitive.

Pretty much every other game mode has a win rate distribution graph that looks like this.

Huh? WTF?

Sorry, but Sim is the hardest of all 3 modes. And WT is a simulator.

I really don´t know what you are thinking.
The harder the gamemode, the more rewards you get. Simple.

Arcade is the beginners mode in WT. There is nothing wrong with it. And like I saied, it´s good to have it.

Did you ever played other games?

Low Level = Easy Mode = less rewards
Mid Level = Medium Hard = Medium Rewards
Endgame = Hard Mode = best Rewards.

Thats how gaming is and ever was.

If you don´t want to do the next step, its ok. But don´t complain about the rewards.

And? Where is the point? Did you ever played sim? Sim is mostly about objectives. And sometimes Verry good PvP fights.
The Maps are hughe. You can fly for 30 minutes and see no enemy. On the other side, you fly 2 minutes and u see 6 enemy planes…


Yes. That´s because most of the Sim players are multi nation players. And yes… there are players that “spam whatever plane is most overpowered for the BR bracket on any given day” like in all other gamemodes too.

It’s a simcade. Simulator aspects, but with arcadey features and aspects. Ground vehicles aren’t close to being a simulator, and airplanes are simpler compared to IRL.

They’re both difficult in different ways. ARB has more constant action, and a higher concentration of players. Sim takes away many things, and it is much more difficult to actually fly the plane.

Stats are heavy skewed in sim because of suicide bomber spam. Win lose is also skewed because gamemode is half working and is giving one team objectives without giving another one. And how it isnt hardest mode to play? You have full control of aircraft and not only point mouse where you want to go. Try to provoke “skilled” farming RB players to dogfight and start counting how many flat spins they make every single time they try to dogfight.


It’s easier to kill a plane that is flat spinning than one that is maneuvering.

Just learning a new control scheme doesn’t mean sim is inherently harder than other game modes. In many ways it is easier due to the way it’s structured and the average players skill level being even more limited than arcade or realistic.

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