Gaijin (as usual) not listening to feedback (RP Loss)

Now this was brought back to my attention by a certain video (those of you in the know will know, but if not, )

But after a fair bit of playing you do sometimes go “wait hang on where has my RP gone? I thought I had more than that?”
There’s a reason why, and it’s because Gaijin research system essentially “loses” your RP if you complete the research of a modification while in a game where none of your RP has already gone toward said modification.

And yeah, Gaijin has known about this. For. Three. Whole. Years. (Citation: Community Bug Reporting System)

To make it worse it’s probably been there for longer, as Trickzzter labels it as duplicate and (for me at least) provides a now dead RU Forum link.

So, Gaijin, why hasn’t this been fixed? This affects every player there is, and it’s been sat unfixed for three years?
The best bit about this whole sorry saga is the fact that the Forum and CBR Staff, instead of going “Okay, we’ll pass your concerns on to the Devs” or at least giving some form of acknowledgement, just want to hide from the problem, lock the thread, restrict comments so they don’t get a repeat of the review bombing.

Do better.


This bug was first reported over 7 years ago. It’s probably in the game since the beginning.

There is no way to ask the devs. We don’t have a direct contact with the devs. There are many more bugs acknowledged for years and never fixed. That’s just how this game is.

They lock new topics, because there are already existing topics about this issue. Also, keep in mind, we don’t even know if our Community Managers have a direct contact with the devs. It’s possible they don’t, and that’s why they just can’t ask the devs about this issue. I assume that’s why they stay silent so often on the forum.

The devs never mentioned this problem in any of the Q&A sessions, and this is the only place (apart from the news section), where you can find answers directly from the devs.

The only thing we know is that this bug is already reported, it’s on the devs TODO list for at least 7 years, but it has a low priority and it looks like the devs never even started working on this issue for some reason.

If you want to read more about this bug, check this topic, and links mentioned there:


1 death leavers finally noticed their progress is somewhat slowed down

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Do you mean all Air Realistic players? ;)


It’s clearly a hard bug to find and fix.
And your post’s demands for the devs to hide this is disgusting.
Do better.

I’m just so good at promoting skullbuggery aren’t I!

It’s taken them 7 years, it must be incredibly difficult to find… probably helps if they’re looking at the lines of code and not the bank balances.

That reads to me as “start making Alvis-commentable posts”

I must be doing a superb job then.

Not Air RB players!


It’s not a bug. The rp is added when you complete your next battle after selecting the new module.

Eg you finished a battle which will give you 3k rp and you only need 1k to finish. Battle is ended yet so you go into another. Die in second battle earning 3k rp worth of rp but hasn’t ended. Leave to the hanger your research of 1k has completed but now it seems you lost 2k. Go into another battle with now the new module selected earn 3krp and the battle finishes. The new module or vehicle will have 8k rp not just the 6k rp from the last 2 battles. It isn’t lost.

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I think I know why it’s not being fixed…

It’s a niche issue with a couple moving parts which are probably difficult to deal with

  • Game 2 ending before Game 1 ends is likely key- Game1 had a target to add the RP to but when it finishes and calculates that module is no longer in need of RP so it just gets destroyed
  • Changing module targets for RP is likely the issue, it’s likely that it’s locked in when the game starts for score-keeping purposes
  • “Fixing” this bug would make the grind easier which is not something that motivates development

It’s way easier to be aware of this bug and avoid triggering it than to fix (and it could even be by design).

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The only RP I lose is, as soon as I have bought the last boat/ship to unlock the next tier, the RP that was left is gone and 0 RP goes to the new selected one.

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What??? Please highlight where you drew that conclusion. Also how can he make anti consumer posts when he is the consumer? Your comment has zero credibility.


Did you watch the linked video in the OP?
This issue has been around for as long as I remember. I’ve even tested this myself on several occasions with the same result. More RPs added to new vehicle research than to modules…


There’s other ways to crew vehicle research that don’t also go into modules. Like the rp bonus from Spalding tiers of modules

It’s a known bug, it’s an issue that has been known for 7 years. The excess does not get added back.
(Community Bug Reporting System)

I made a similar post a while back:


So you have not watched the video…
The author made sure to not include any kind of bonus RP, including for module tiers completion…

I’ve experienced and known about this for some time. Absolutely no excuse for this bug to still be around. Could’ve likely been fixed by one person in less than a week, but 7 years and still nothing seems more intentional than anything.

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Clearly I’m just a very well disguised dev ))))

Seriously, don’t mind him. He can be best compared to one of those annoying siblings.

Seriously he tried to tell me, the 4.3 SKR got moved up in BR in the previous changes, then it became “at some point” (it was 4.3 on release, and has never been moved), then tried to tell me the RBU-6000 had a range of 1.5km (it’s 6000m, like the name suggests) then deleted all his comments lol.

He’s a good laugh, but I wouldn’t worry.

Anyway, back on topic:

I’m not sure whether to be horrified or impressed. I’m guessing it was bug reported on the old forum and archived?

Which, I will be fair, is perfectly understandable, considering there’s more than one thread on this. However my counterpoint would be, “the more threads and posts exist on the issue, the more incentive there is for Devs to notice and do something” (though 7 years is an awful long time to do nothing!)

Thanks for the plug. Was wondering if there was another post like this!

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@Firestarter claiming that those that critique War Thunder are bad things… -_-
Apparently me saying SKR-7 is 4.3 and stating the effective [accurate] range of RBU-6000 along with its maximum range of ~5500 meters is wrong.

Keep demeaning everyone that criticizes War Thunder, all that does is protect War Thunder from criticism.

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I wonder if the bug itself is just weirdly complex or nearly impossible to fix without redoing a bunch of essential code. They’ve definitely known about it for a long time, but I am skeptical about it not being fixed is malicious.

@Firestarter There are 8 year old Reddit posts talking about the bug, so it’s been around for a long time.


Wait you really tought Gaijin is taking a second of their time to come here and read what community feels like or want to see??? hahahahahhahahahha
To be fair after what I saw here, how people talk, think of them selves Im not suprised Gaijin is not wasting a nanosecond in here.

Game is good, comunity is garabage.
If you wanna change something use Support hopefully you can change something.

I mean, I’d like to think it isn’t malice, but the near complete radio silence on it makes little to no sense. A transparent, community orientated game dev might at some point say “hey, we’ve identified a bug with the game, we’re struggling to identify a fix, please bear with” at some point - it might even be the case that that has happened at some point, and someone in the know needs to trot out a link to aforementioned statement. (Alternatively, I could go snooping, but it could be anywhere on the old forum, an old Q&A video or post, and that would/will take some considerable time)

It being 7 to 8 years old seems pretty naff.

I feel like that’s a bit unfair. Sure, there are some members of the community that, on balance, aren’t that great, but calling the community outright garbage seems a bit excessive.

This be the problem - there’s been a bug report active and acknowledged for 3 years on the CBR ( Not recieving XP for modules when playing games in quick order // // Issues), relating to this exact issue. My thoughts behind this post is bringing it back (and keeping it) in the minds and eyes of people - the more people interact with content about this particular bug, the more incentive there is for Gaijin to fix it.

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