Following the Roadmap: Vehicle Research Bonuses

I mean I can’t really remember any vehicles from the main tech trees I play that have gotten old vehicles foldered in the last 3 updates, and new vehicles don’t seem to be getting foldered either. Why wasn’t the new PUMA foldered? Or the F-111F? Or the Bf 109 C-1, Buccaneer S.2B, ZSU-23-4M4?

ZSU-23-4M2 could be included if Gaijin decided to have folders that can contain different tiers of vehicles.

But I checked the wiki pages for the last 3 updates, and none of them contain any mention of foldering vehicles.

It’s kinda interesting to cross reference the two rank-based RP modifiers to see where your 5 games are best “spent.” In general, if you’re not running a premium you want to be in the BLUE areas, which is where the 5-game bonus has the greatest effect and avoid the red areas, where the combined effect is quite pronounced.


That’s not what you said though, both times you explicitly stated that it was for the tree, not part of it.

Do you have links to news about these or something similar? I’ve tried searching but only found threads complaining about it without really showing proof that it did happen (admittedly not searched that thorough though). I’m not saying that it didn’t happen, just that I personally haven’t seen anyone actually prove that it did.

if you are interested here is a spreadsheet of the RP reductions made last year, as their total (Summarized changes - Google Drive) and for specific vehicles (Detailed changes - Google Drive)

Well no, of course they haven’t. It was a one time large change a year ago, it isn’t really a continuous occurrence. It was a part of the roadmap for last year.
I don’t know enough to comment on the specific vehicles.

Here is the news about that change ([RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Sons of Attila Roadmap implementations and some Postponements - News - War Thunder)

Ooohhh! that a nice chart! where did you get it? :) I’d like to save it :)

It looks like it isn’t correct though?
if i use a rank 8 vehicle to research a rank 5 there is a 90% penalty and the bonus for rank 5 is 50%, so the combined effect would amount to -40% right? and not plus 15% as in that chart.

I need to find my spreadsheet. Even if your interpretation is correct, is a month or less out of a year really a significant reduction? I don’t think it is because it shouldn’t take a year (or more) to begin with.

The BR change I experienced personally when you downgraded the T18B from Rank IV to Rank III. Other vehicles have had their ranks changed randomly, reducing their multipliers.

The base bombing nerf was about a month or so ago and was discussed here.

The old forum was full of every type of br and multiplier change, some have never been reverted. Gaijin even loses RP according to this thread:

Updated, thanks for the catch.


In your example, 8 for a 5, you lose 90% of the effect for researching 3 levels down, and then lose 50% for a rank V research target for the new bonus, so the net effect is a 1-(0.1*0.5) = 95% loss (on the new bonus RP only).

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on its own? no. The total reductions with all the changes made? i would personally call it significant yes.

that link goes to the update that was reverted? i don’t know what you wanted to show with that one.

again, i’ve seen no sources on this.

That wasn’t a nerf though? it was a bugfix, rockets were never intended to kill bases that easily as the game accidentally counted number of rockets instead of amount of tnt equivalent explosives.
The rewards for bombing bases has to my knowledge not been reduced.

That bug i can absolutely agree with, i het when it happens and i think its weird they haven’t fixed it sooner. (i.e. had a higher priority on it)

Nice :)

good clarification, i thought it was compared to total possible RP and not percentage of bonus still gained :)

Same help, but depending on how much they have grinded other nations,…

Many old players didn’t reached higher than rank 4 in nations they don’t main.

I’m kind of an exception myself yet it’s still helpful to get top jet in other nations.

Currently i’m thinking to go again on nations such as Russia or Italy that i’ve left out before to main France and USA,… also helping me to finish with Japan(only on F-16AJ and F-15J(MSIP) now, but still)

I can also have full help for both Isreal and chinese if i decide to go in those nations(i will not because there is low interest for me)

I don’t believe the change was actually reverted. Multipliers got changed with the BR adjustments since then, and then Gaijin introduced Severe Damage. The end result was a net loss in RP gains.

My understanding is that the number of bombs to kill a base was increased. I know that I do not get as many rewards for bombing with bombs that I used to.

same chart for helis/naval:


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according to everything i’ve seen it was reverted, it was the catalyst for the negative reviews and the start of the positive changes for the economy and progression. had it not been reverted then things would have been a lot worse in the community.

The link to those BR changes all almost exclusively show increases in BR and thus increases in Multipliers.

I do not think i’ve experienced this or seen anything about it.

Ah I had just started playing around this time, I remember the news about RP costs being significantly lowered for top tier vehicles.

Still, it’s a disappointing that Gaijin has been so reluctant to folder vehicles after the RP change.

As someone who is researching every nation by rank (I’m at about Rank 6 in every nation) is it worth it to go for a top tier vehicle in 1 nation just to get this bonus or not?

Yes, if you then play 5 games per nation and switch to play only games where you get the bonus.
As soon as you play more games in a tree after the first 5 bonus games the percentual gain lowers quick.

But to get to the top from rank 6 in like japan air is going to be really quick and well worth the short switch-up in playstyle.
I cant remember which ground tree has the fewest top tier vehicles but you can probably do something similar there.

The economy update was reverted hours before the Steam review bombing.
At the same time as the economy update being reverted, a direct line of communication with Gaijin was opened for feedback.
And that feedback form is what led to the roadmaps.

Name calling really mature attitude. The amount of Premiums i see at almost every battle rating says to me they are making money hand over fist. You’re talking about feelings and responses on the forum.
I brought up several points which i “FEEL” were improvements for my playtime. you respond with name calling and no concrete examples just “feelings”, also keep in mind forum is a very small part of the active community.

And if you still “Feel” unheard and unhappy, do what i did with those “Feelings” while playing Wot /Armored Warfare, Just Quit or play something you do enjoy, and hope for a change or update.

Recently with all the Roadmaps Gaijin has attempted to change things based on feedback, so progress if even a little.

Had there been a response to this at all? Some squad mates are saying it’s happening to them.


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No response so far.

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