Fox is still overpowered

If I wanted to get it nerfed, I could. But I believe it it balanced where it is at because I am only a cog in the system as far as Gaijin goes.

And I could easily find a French player with personal stats sufficient to indicate it should go up in BR with the claim it should go up in BR. And you’d be obligated to take it on face, in spite of the fact that we both know full well char 25t should not be at the BR it currently has. But to hold your own argument true, you’d be obligated to say “well maybe it should go up”.

I’m sorry, but I really don’t care for your troubles with it. On a 1:1 with equivalent vehicles it has worse performance in rough terrain (even if only barely), a fire rate that comes close to being (if not is) at least an order of magnitude slower than the competition, and is significantly more impacted by shells shattering by virtue of this. It is loud, you should be able to hear it moving. The gun is distinctive and relatively easy to locate (even for someone dealing with lag as bad as myself). The gun is plausibly underperforming at range compared to the competition as well. It also is unstabilised so can’t effectively engage on the move, unlike other vehicles that fire faster or are stabilised. Or in the case of the xm800, both. On the topic of weird survivability, I’ve had almost all foxes die when shot the first time, but xm800s survive rounds centremass. This is also the experience of my peers, but we don’t see people ranting about that as an excuse for it to go up.

It is annoying, sure. Almost all autocannon vehicles are, but that does not warrant it being sent up in BR whilst the rest retain their positions.

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Sorry for not explaining my point well. My point is that an individual player can use their stats/experience as evidence for something needing to go up. However, they are disconnected from the global stats of a vehicle, and that stats aren’t the true defining factor in balance. For example, I believe that the 76mm Jumbo could be 6.0/not 0.3 below the late war heavies, however my stats show that it is quite good at 6.3. I can use them as an argument for it to go up, but me having good stats doesn’t mean that it should go up.

I have the opposite experience XM800Ts seem more vulnerable to overpressure/hmgs, but I’d consider them better than the Fox due to the stabilizer.

If I had my way, I’d choos the nuclear option and remove all similar vehicles since they can’t be balanced in a way that is enjoyable for everyone.

I understand your point, but I am trying to get you to see how it really doesn’t matter in the face of 1:1 comparisons. I could find someone with great stats in char 25t, and they could say it should go up. That person’s stats are disconnected from the wider stats, as you want. That doesn’t mean it is good cause to consider sending it up, when on a 1:1 comparison, char is abysmal at the BR and in no sane world should it go up.

As it stands, it is balanced fine. You get punished for not being careful, and they get punished for being too greedy. The Fox is significantly less of a threat than the xm800 in my experience, as it dies when it is shot, and it is incredibly loud whilst lacking the ability to just circle you and shoot out your barrel and tracks with ease. Hell, the fire rate means it struggles to even circle you and shoot out crew unless by some miracle the shells don’t shatter.

It’s annoying, won’t deny that. But you’ve plenty of means to fuck it up, and in most circumstances plenty of warning where it is. Unlike comparable options.


gaijin: hey hey hey we balance vehicles based on the performance of the entire vehicle line up within its br, since brits have pretty much dogshit 7.7s so we keep a strong light tank there to offset their dogshitness bro

They don’t know.


7.7br has a lot of rats, brits has two, USA has one, sweden has one, France also has one, the USSR doesn’t have any, can they have some??


Man I cant wait for Ferret 2/6 or mk V to truly make people miss the days of just the fox coming at 'em. Yet alone the rest of the crazy train of blowpipe missiles and the like to protect from air etc on 30+hp/t wheelie platforms.

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Ariete is complete garbage compared to the other two you just mentioned XD

Fire rate only helps to engage multiple targets, problem is, for those higher fire rate, less pen tanks, they can’t even pen a lot of vehicles, which then means all that fire rate isn’t good for a whole lot.

so you want the fox to be the same br as the pt 76 57? kindly go look at the br you want to put it at and think very carefully about weather or not it should be there… Its amazing but not so great as to contend with 8.0 and 8.3 mbts and light tanks. We dont need another situation like the falcon where its at 8.3 without a radar (it had contrast track irl but gaijin refuse to give us it) while we have spaa like the veak and such at 7.7 with 40mm cannons and radar.


u think people would actually be afraid of blowpipes? But im more looking forward to the saladin with the 2pdr with the little john adapter and apds. the pen of a 17pdr with a 3 second reload on a frame with a v8… What more could you want?

No, not at first, but I think its going to be the same as when Fox initially came into being, when the majority thought it would be rather meh because “RARDEN bad lol”. People will soon realise “oh, this is actually a really good vehicle when used properly”. also 100% gaijin will put its br as silly low causing upset.


A) Higher fire rate helps get through shell shattering.
B) Higher fire rate helps assure destruction of barrels and tracks
C) Higher fire rate makes it easier to engage air targets.

If I need to explain this to you, you have no place commenting on this stuff. It isn’t hard to grasp. The lower pen matters much less given you’ve the ability to effectively cripple the targets before going to the side and killing it. Or you’ve got the fire rate to shred targets more effectively if you start on the side on account of being able to fire through shells shattering.


3.3, and im not even kidding when i say this. The 2pdr apds will have the dispersion of the russian 30mm irl (basically a shotgun). Its apds would be an early british apds which shatters on basically anything that inst flat. 4.0 perhaps but it really wouldnt be all that broken as 2pdr apds really wont be doing much damage at all and would require multiple shots to kill anything, meaning the 3 second reload wouldnt actually be as good as you think. It would still be alot of fun as it would still get a squeeze bore solid shot to use but it really wont be all that high.


Trying to compare a btr with whats basically a crueless turret and a fast firing 30mm to the warrior is not even worth the arguement. The btr is perfectly capable at its br to flank targets and get kills, the problem is people who use the fox are smarter on average. Its not hard to get into good positions.


Yeah, and I’m fully aware of that.

It’s this muppet who ain’t.

meant the fox lol, but yeah. No idea why this guy has such a massive rage boner for the fox. The xm800 is more effective than it and you dont see nearly as much hate for that thing as compared to the fox.


XM800 with a stabiliser and high fire rate that means it can reliably cripple barrels and tracks whilst moving but it is fox that is the issue.