Fox is still overpowered

They change shell penetration rather often…?

And that would be a balancing factor, if the fox wasn’t able to destroy everything super far away with its clearly unbalanced 110 pen.

The fox pen should be dropped, or buff the btrs since they are rather similar guns.

For example: a BTR-80 can engage a M48, but even with the APDS belt, due to poor gun depression, it pretty much has to be right behind the M48.

Xm800: can’t pen pretty much anywhere, same with the RCV.

The fox if I am correct on the armor values, can frontally, if not reliably side pen the M48 at a decent distance. (Using an m48 as an example as they are super common)

Because they often find information about a shell that would require them to update its characteristics? Seriously, how dense are you.

Find information about 2A42 and 2A72 and forward it to Gaijin. Since they haven’t been changed in ages, just maybe thats all the 2A42 and 2A72 are capable of.

I literally posted pictures every every MBT / Heavy / Medium that the XM800 can kill / burn out but it seems you just willfully ignored that.

Good luck with how inaccurate RARDEN is at range.

Its almost like 80% of post war Medium tanks don’t have thick side armour besides the T-54/T-55s.


Hard disagree. The XM800T is easier to use than the Fox, but not better. The Fox has a much higher skill ceiling.

The Fox can keep moving after losing half its wheels, the XM800T cant move with one track. The Fox has a higher max pen (almost double) giving it the ability to kill tanks outright that the XM800T can only annoy or maybe burn if it has the time.


This is simply a case of what you prefer in a vehicle.


  • Wheeled (less Control)
  • No Stab
  • Slower RoF
  • Higher Pen


  • Tracked (More Control)
  • Stab
  • Insane RoF
  • Lower Pen

Fox becomes hard to control an rough terrain due to it being wheeled. Where the XM800T isn’t affected as much. Having a stabilizer with the XM800T is just a huge advantage for tracking and breaking barrels while on the move, if you want to break a track or barrel with the Fox, you have to come to a dead stop to do so. (depending entirely on the terrain)

Fox is generally played by more skilled players (higher skilled players usually play minor nations) and of course the population playing it is less whereas the XM800T is going to be more numerous with it being in a major TT, where a larger population of lower skilled players.


The Fox also has a higher overall top speed (at least in RB) and can move backwards just as fast as forwards. The XM has better depression (-20) than the Fox (-14) but only when facing forwards where as the Fox has consistent depression at all angles. The Fox has more armor which gives it the chance to resist 50cal fire at some angles.

I can’t verify this without firing the game up but I’m pretty sure the Fox has better optics than the XM800T and even if they’re similar the Fox’s higher pen round allows it to reach out further than the XM800T, thus giving it a greater effective combat range.

Even without a stabilizer a skilled Fox player can land shots on the move, not barrel breakers or track shots per se but since the round is more effective they don’t necessarily need to be.

Raw top speed isn’t end all be all. Comes down to power to weight ration and top speed

Fox = 32 hp/t

XM800T = 33.1 hp/t

Eland 90 = 15 hp/t

The Eland 90 has 100 km/h top speed but takes forever to reach even 60/70 with its awful 15 hp/t, whereas the Fox/XM can get to 60/70 easily with their hp/t.

While the difference between 33.1 and 32 isn’t much, XM800T is still going to be more responsive then the Fox. Depending on Terrain (snow etc) XM800T will be faster.

I’ve had instances while playing the Fox, if I had been able to break a tanks track or barrel on the move, I might have not died. If I had the XM800T, I could have easily done that.

I quite enjoy both tanks. Both have good and bad sides. The XM800T is very powerful when played right though. Same with the Fox

And I’m sure XM800T players have had instances where if they could have killed a tank outright they would have survived too.

Besides you’re forgetting the single most important stat, the Fox has a much greater potential for Shenanigans. An XM800T could never do this:


you just hit him with a taunt before killing him lol


Matrix dodge, nice :P


gaijin has no problem changing the pen on either vehicles
just first find correct and sufficient documentation to prove that their rounds have that pen

they won’t and shouldn’t change vehicles to make them less realistic

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This man has my full respect, nice kill.

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You cannot pen a m48 in the side, btw with a btr, I have had many instances of trying to do so, I gave up, and hit the m48s roof armor (I was above him), I jammed his turret and killed his commander and ran, because, with APDS, less the 100 m away, the 2a72 was not penning the m48 from a 90 degree side angle…

Send me this post. I did not see it anywhere.

But how do you get them to change it with the info? I thought that’s what the forums were for no?

There’s not a single photo there.

Click it

Doesn’t work on mobile

Bug report

sure does for me