Fox is still overpowered

Maybe mines bugged? What kinda phone are you on?

You need to click
and then click

App or Browser?

Or that

I had to relog in to see it for whatever reason…

But yes most of his angles in those photos are flat rear, sides, etc. you have to add into the fact, that combat isn’t linear and you more than likely never get the “optimal” angles.

Browser. Also lol those up arrows and what not aren’t there for me either… what else can’t I see?? :’(

How about you make a list of vehicles that can be penned by 66 mm pen rounds, 6.7-8.7, anything that is an medium tank, heavy, Td, none of the soft targets, such as light tanks, aa, or easily to kill tds.

Don’t be suddenly changing it now, it was never about “Optimal” angles.

Majority of the tanks the XM800 face above 7.0 can pen their sides or burn them out.

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Thank you. Have some more.

Here’s an absolutely filthy display of a what a Fox can do at the start of a match in the right spot.
(Note: I had to compress the shit out of this to get it to upload here so forgive the poor A/V, I also had to cut it down but all you missed was me getting into position from spawn)

And here is an egregiously Foxy kill on a Tiger. (also had to be compressed but not nearly as much since its shorter)

EDIT: It would appear the forums didnt load my files correctly.

DOUBLE EDIT: I figured it out. The Forum cant handle H265 encoding. Switched to H264, no issue.

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Got to love forum upload limit.

That the thing, I worked hard to get both files under the 4mb limit, and it said they were 100% uploaded.

EDIT: it looked like this

DOUBLE EDIT: it is now fixed

Ah. The Fox IS INCORRECTLY modeled.
They wanted this meaner Fox instead Fox Armoured Car

The one in game should be swapped with that one. All players will be happy then.

Because evidence turns up that means that the characteristics/parameters that determine what penetration a round has changes… they don’t magically make it up. They use the Lanz Odermatt formula for large calibre shells, and iirc use a variation on this for smaller calibre rounds.

Incorrect. Even at point blank range, the Fox will struggle to front-pen an M48.

You are partially correct in your assessment of the side armour, though above 1000m the side of the turret starts to become difficult to be penetrated.

However, it gets interesting - the RARDEN APDS actually performs worse at 1000m, as the Fox only penetrates 69mm of RHA, whereas the BTR using APDS can penetrate 75mm.

The XM800 can penetrate the side hull, but can only do this at point blank.

If you’re firing APDS you should’ve gone through, so long as you didn’t fire at that front bit of the turret

Well hang on, you said side armour. You never said something about angles. Even then, the fox at a 30 degree angle at 1000m has 63mm of pen and under the same conditions the BTR has 69mm.

I mean you can keep moving the goalposts and all but it just stops being productive.


From experience I can second this.

As for the side armor, its not as reliable as the protection analysis makes it look. M48s give me a real hard time. Volumetric makes the side more survivable and often even if I pen it doesnt do much.

I imagine the roadwheels/guide wheels (whatever the heck they’re called, I’m writing at midnight and my brain function went out the window) screw your shots. I usually manage fine but that’s normally because i’m firing at point blank range where i can fire into the turret anyway.

I’ve had turret shots pen but not take out the gunner or the 50cal, also if the turret is rotating volumetric makes it a lot harder to pen.

I must admit the only time I’ve found it to be an issue. If anything, the RARDEN would appear to be underperforming, since the pen drops off much faster than any other autocannon ammunition of a similar calibre. iirc Rulan did a bit of digging on this some time ago, can’t remember what he found.

Also, fun fact, the only reason the BTR APDS isn’t worse is because of the generalised formula that I mentioned earlier that’s used for Autocannon/Low Calibre rounds:
30mm 3UBR8 APDS round overperforming // // Issues

Sir that is a Canadian WW2 armoured car that next to no one had heard about in the WT community until I found it. Heck most of the major members of those interested in the UK tree learnt it through me a few days/weeks ago.

In game is the highly requested FV721 a domestic light tank of the UK something they have been wanting for years.

Besides unless the CAN Fox was in the US tree it would also get a “fox is overpowered thread”. Because “minor Nations” aren’t allowed anything good.

(I’m assuming your comment was sarcastic)


Must have fox (or fox-like) in every slot on my line-up. So its another variant to go alongside the variant with Milans and the Ferrets


All Canadian and Australian vehicles should be in the UK Tree.

We should have the Canadian Leo, and the Aussie Abrams. The fact that we got the Aussie Aardvark Jet proves my point.

On that note, the M22 should also be a UK vehicle. The US made it but only the UK used it in Combat.