Fox is still overpowered

Fox: CVR - No Stabilizer

XM800T: CVR - Stabilizer

Marder A1: APC - No Stabilizer - ATGM

BTR-80A: APC - No Stabilizer

Type 87 RCV: RCV - Stabilizer

Complaining on the forums that your APC doesn’t have equal or better performance that CVRs is wild. Two vastly different vehicle types that are simply thrown into the same vehicle category.

Good thing XM800T and RCV have a stabilizer and are entirely capable of shooting tracks and barrels while on the move. 66mm of pen can easily burn out most tanks with shooting fuel tanks and engines, through hull sides or rear.

Why is everyone in the forums so dense

Instead of purposefully being dense you should instead maybe learn lanes and areas where fast rat cars will go and mindful of the nations on the opposing team so you can expect such tanks on flanking routes.


You can’t kill alot stuff with 60mm pen. I know this from my Wiesel. 60mm ist just supermeh to go ground hunting. Fox has 110mm pen. Almost double, kills all targets reliably from the side and alot even frontally.

I’d say Fox is far, far better. And fully deserves an up-BR. I’d say considering its tiny size + speed + gun handling + pen…it should be 9.7.

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Ah yes let me do the work of my whole team, which lets tanks slip by, how silly of me.

How about you make a list of vehicles that can be penned by 66 mm pen rounds, 6.7-8.7, anything that is an medium tank, heavy, Td, none of the soft targets, such as light tanks, aa, or easily to kill tds.

But yes I do expect my apc to do similar things as a cvr, especially since the guns are very identical :)

Ah yes, Begliet57 and Fox, one in the same.


Any British tank @7.7 or later…
including the Conq

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I don’t disagree, 66mm of pen is meh on the Weasel but with XM you have the speed to get the sides.

Asking a Truck to perform like a F1 car. This is why your on the forums complaining about the Fox.



M26 / E5 / E1-1 / M46 / T34 / T32 / T32E1 / M47 / Family




M60 Family



T54E1 & E2 Family


Leo 1




Any T-54 / T-55 Hull


Centurion Mk.3





Vickers Mk.1

Centurion Mk.10

Vickers Mk.3

Cheiftain 3 / 5 / 10


Ho-Ri Production




AMX-50 Foch




AMX-30B2 Brenus

Strv 103s

All tanks listed are able to be penned and burned out at the very least and most can be killed from the side.


That’s a higher BR than the BMP-2s and similar tanks. How is it equal to 9.7 IFVs?

It should be 8.0 max. The XM800T is arguably equal to it, with the Wiesel only being slightly worse.

Sorry I’m using logic to fight you illogical comments. No im not asking it to be an F1 car, but both the fox and btrs are trucks no?

If it’s 9.7 worthy then the puma should be 11.7

Thats a first time i have seen anyone call Fox a truck.

But yes I do expect my apc to do similar things as a cvr, especially since the guns are very identical :)

You are quite literally asking for the BTR-80A, A troop transport vehicle to be able to perform as a reconnaissance vehicle. Two vastly different vehicles, designed to do to entirely different roles. You are literally asking the BTR-80A to be a Fox. Just because they have similar guns doesn’t mean they are “very identical”.

The only illogical thing here is your incessant nerf boner for Britain and the Fox.


Yeah, like the Fox is an armoured car, which implies it is a fast vehicle, but the BTR is a troop carrier not intended to be as fast as something like an armoured car. Also the fox is made of aluminium armour for the sake of being lighter for speed, whilst the BTR-80A is made of steel intended for better armour protection, since it would carry troops.


They have what, a 7 mph difference?
I don’t have a nerf boner, but you must admit, if you have a brain, the fox is quite potent, same with any light tank in game. Some games I can do pretty good in the Italian btr-80a, some games, I get hit in the back half and am dead immediately.

They either need to reduce the pen of the Fox, to be about 88-90 mm, since according to gaijin, the BTR-80A, has 82mm pen with its APDS (quite literally the closest example outside of the Brit nation), or buff the BTR pen. I’m not comparing the other light tank guns because they’re either wayy bigger, or are smaller.

The fox is such a potent vehicle, i constantly see 2-3 on the enemy team.
I’ll have the fox soon, I’m sure I’ll have a 3.00 or higher kd in it with ease, but hey “it’s balanced”
Also, weird you say I have a nerf boner… I’ve literally only been talking about the fox and the fox alone…? I could talk about the Conqueror’s armor upgrade it gets.

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The funny bit about that is the Warrior isn’t Stabilised. And it’s also a Milan/Milan 2.

And then I guess I can ask for other things that I don’t play to be ahistorically nerfed.

Almost like the RARDEN fires really good shells at the cost of having a worse rate of fire compared to other 30/35mm autocannon… oh wait

by the logic which you applied to get to that statement, the I-15 is potent at 13.7 because it can outturn everything…

My guy you can talk about the Conqueror all day long and how that’s OP… and you’d be laughed at all day long because of how wrong that is lmfao…


Funny enough, it seems according to penetration data it’s the 30x165mm ammo that is overperforming. The penetration formula gives it more penetration at an angle, for whatever reason.

The L21A1 is also missing APFSDS ammo, so that’s another part of the Fox and Warrior that are underperforming.


You mean the addon armour that doesn’t stop you getting overpressured from the front by anything with an autocannon firing remotely competent HE?

Oh no, the Rarden which was a historically competent cannon is performing well, whilst not performing quite to the level it should be if we’re going for historical accuracy. Whatever shall we do that it is underperforming but still outperforming the Ruski guns, I think we must nerf it further.

The fox is good. But the reason you see so many isn’t because of how exceptionally potent it is. It’s because there’s nothing else in the line that is fast enough to contribute in the start of the match. If we really want to nerf excessively potent things, take an axe to the XM800.


Yeah, you are right. Actually got it and had some matches in it tonight.

Not stabilized (though it feels like it for me), but compared to the Fox… It may as well be with how easy it is to keep stable at speed. Milan (TOW almost the same thing) I wanna hurt myself over with how you cannot aim it down enough though.

  • And yes. We play Fox to be a scout. Eland is ok, But Fox is best scout. There really isn’t another choice of scout besides the busses that can still be effective at 7.7+

Here’s the thing - I wouldn’t even bother to nerf the XM800, It’s annoying, yes, but it has relatively little pen.

I dunno if i’m just getting lucky/unlucky, but I’ve not seen that many Foxes in live MM, I see far more XM800s now.

Been a hot minute since I played the Warrior, iirc it is or at least was reasonably stable (apart from when you’re braking, and then the gun dips about 10 degrees and it’s not fun then lol)

MILAN was always fine for me.

Well, you see, in the absence of the long requested CVR(T)s, it’s the next best thing. I’ve no idea why, but the Eland always felt really sluggish for me, and I don’t love that 90mm low velocity gun. The only other “scout” that comes to mind is the Rooikat or the Warrior, both of which come with the downside of being slower and are much larger, with the plus side is that they get a whole lot better in the firepower department (Rooikat gets the 76 with Fin, or the 105, and Warrior gets Milans)

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Honestly cant wait for the CVR(T) family to arrive.

More highly moblie light tanks with 30mm’s >:)

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