FOX-3 Top Tier Meta / Notching + Chaff is too easy / 60m multipath is fine

Yes, this might be an issue

Fox 3’s are a vital part of these newer jets and it was gonna come at some point whether you like it or not. If you don’t enjoy Fox 3 gameplay, you’re more than welcome to keep playing the lower tiers. But just because you don’t enjoy dealing with them doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to nerf them to the ground, to the point where you can defeat them with 2 brain cells.

Gaijin have in my opinion done a great job and pretty much answered all of the complaints regarding the Fox 3 implementation to alleviate some of the issues raised by Fox 3’s.

People complained about tree-heights. Gaijin lowered them.
People complained about stock-grind. Gaijin fixed stock grind.
People complained about compression. Gaijin gave us pretty significant decompression specifically targeting top-tier/fox 3 carriers.

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Not entirely, you still have to grind chaff, but at least it’s a tier 1 mod, unlike fox 3s, which are usually a tier 4 mod.


Dude, I never took the stock chaff thing seriously, it’s literally the FIRST and CHEAPEST modification.

Realism comes AFTER balance in a multiplayer PVP game. Why do you think nobody play redfor ?

You can disagree with me all you want, you’re wrong. You will always be wrong about this, and we can directly see the result in the matchmaking. All that “realism” did was making one team completely empty because pilots are sicks of being farmed while flying inferior planes.

I’d go in your direction a bit tho. The only reason why so many players use multipathing in Sim is the map layout. The most popular maps are by far Sinai, that one desert map, and Danemark, because they’re flat. If more map were like Afghanistan, the problem would mostly disappear.

Multipathing is fine. Balance is not. Gripen A should not fight Fox 3. Flat map with no cover shouldn’t exists and are miserable for everyone.

And you consider making the main armament of modern jets completely useless by flying somewhat low balanced?

It’s as if Call Of Duty made you bulletproof when crouched, it’s just ridiculous


and balance should be acheived by Battle Rating and loadouts and not by a safety bubble at low alt. Su-27SM is getting a major buff as it will now be able to carry 4x IR and 8x ARH vs other nations 4x IR and 4x ARH or 8x ARH. heck the Gripen is only 2x IR and 4x ARH

I suspect they’ll get R-77-1 soon enough

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Chaff should be stock though, its dumb that it isnt.


It definitely was more balanced before the Fox3 update lmfao. The gameplay was garbage, don’t get me wrong, but at least uptiered planes had a chance.

There’s a need to changes things up. Removing multpathing as an option isn’t it.

Fox 3 need to be segregated to their own BR. Notching and chaffing should be reliable counters. One nation (or one specific plane) shouldn’t crush the entire meta. Maps needs to be changed with more relief and more cover. Air RB needs bigger maps too. Small Afghanistan has the spawn about 50km from each other. This is straight up claustrophobic. An F15C can go 90° vertical from the airfield and he’s already in AMRAAM range.

Balance shouldn’t destroy the game.

It’s like dropping a nuke on someone to win and get their land, but you destroy the land you want to get in the process.

Says the guy that advocates for historical matchmaking lmao

It is. Even in aircraft like the F3 with its old turd-barge FM and nerfed CMs it was fairly easy to do. Now with its new FM and if it gets Phimat, it would be childs play.

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Wrong, the game get destroyed by stupid decisions that has nothing to do with balance. Gaijin cannot make their mind and always take horrible approaches instead of working on the things that matters. Gamemode, BR and map design are the core of the problem.

But by attempting to add more “realism” like the latest change to chaffing, it just make things worse for everyone.

Heck, why do stock grind even exists ffs. None of the plane in the game were made to carry only 2 ARH and then add 6 more later.

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Modern HEAT vs WW2 tanks is neither balanced, nor historical. I want historical accuracy to be at least considered when balancing.

It is balanced, so cope, seethe, and eat dirt while I use the ikv 103 :3

It’s as if Call of Duty made it so that sniper rifles aren’t always one-shot kills…which is a thing that they do so the game can be balanced.

It’s funny that the same people who claimed 60m multi-pathing was a compromise are now advocating for a further reduction and a reduction in the effectiveness of chaff.

I am just going to support everyone in their endeavors to make the game as unplayable and imbalanced as possible so that someone can enjoy the “new” patch for two weeks and then go back to not playing the game because it’s so poorly balanced.

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They are in SB. Except for the Harriers which enjoy 2 brackets where they can see downtiers because they’d be DOA in only uptiers.

The stock grind is stupid, I will say that- I think that differing BRs based on equipped ordinance could help, though.

They JUST changed the chaffing logic, right now you cannot chaff any missile reliably. Even the goddamn R530F is ignoring them. It puts planes with short ranged missiles (oh hey, Russia, and France. Again) at a further disadvantage since they already are on the backfoot and have to fly defensively until the enemy get in range, which just go harder.

But you wouldn’t notice while slinging AMRAAM at 50km of course.

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Im taking the current state of Chaff as a bug and not as intended. We’ll have to wait and see for a week or 2 first.