FOX-3 Top Tier Meta / Notching + Chaff is too easy / 60m multipath is fine

Basically if you are in a F-15 variation, JAS39C or a late Mirage you are fine on the meta.

But if you want to fly Germany, USSR or UK you are doomed.

I don’t think the FOX-3 it’s the problem, the worst part is some nation prevailing on another and make them useless.

Playing with a Su-27SM it’s really frustrating.

Oh, but my friend is main Soviet and get a 3/0 K/D with his Su-27SM

Ok buddy, but not all players have enough time to get 3000+ hours of game and just have a bit of time to play each day.

So for me, at this point it’s a terrible experience to join a top tier queue since I don’t own any F-15 or other meta aircrafts.

And this problem is happening in 11.3 to 12.3 too, with the huge dominance of the F-14, which no other nation have a good counter-part to play with it, any another nation is in a huge disadvantage against it. Just imagine use a J35XS that is 11.3 but without a RWR and only 12 countermeasures.

If you’ve felt it in the last few days, it’s probably not a matter of skill. Since the update, all fox 3 missile never tracks chaff even while notching, makes it nearly unavoidable.

I don’t know if this is a bug or an intentional change.



They might have overtuned it, but if anything this is closer to how missiles perform IRL.

It is too much. Even the real missiles could be deceived by the chaff in certain situations, but the in-game missiles totally ignores them. The chaffs are now useless in top tier ARB.


There aren’t enough curse words in any language I know to properly express how I feel about this.

I already couldnt do anything about Fox3’s and now Gaijin has gone ahead and made it worse

Yeah, Gaijin seems to take a really weird “all or nothing” approach when changing mechanics like this because being able to chaff off a Fox-3 within 5km was also laughable.

I already couldnt do this anyway

Hit rate on a good player in a BVR duel used to basically be nothing. Fox 3’s were insanely easy to defeat with chaff, at low speeds you didn’t even need to be in a notch. So I believe they badly needed a buff like this, however as Yeet said, it could be overturned? I’ve notched some missiles since this change so it’s not impossible but I’ve had a few calls where I would’ve defeated it before


How on earth is it possible for someone to say its insanely easy to defeat Fox3s. I notch and chaff and do all sorts of stuff but it pretty much never works. As soon as I hear the RWR go off and I identify its a missile I go defensive.

What do YOU do to be able to say this? I’m not saying you are wrong, I just really want to learn because I am sick and tired of basically just dying 95% of the time someone shoots a fox 3 at me.

While chaffing is nerfed currently, this video covers the fundamentals of defeating radar missiles.

This is annoying when you fire a missile and it gets easily defeated. even defeating one is not a challenge.

Man, I think Gaijin should focus in to be real, not nerf or buff just because you dont know how to launch a missile

I’ve seen that. I know the theory. It just never seems to actually work. They ALWAYS nail me.
I think I do exactly what Defyn tells me I should be doing but the result is always the same.

Notching does feel really broken right now, after the 5th time I decided to go into sensor view and the missile just ignores everything, 3-9 and going cold is the only consistent way for me to dodge them right now

Yep. Chaff does nothing against missile even during notching. The previous tactics for evading Fox 3 missiles are totally obsolete.


Kinda funny to watch all 32 players start to go cold at once though lol

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R-27ET is a good missile, stop coping. You’re splitting hairs into fours.

If it had AIM-9M’s seeker it would be absolutely broken, not amazing. You should be happy that it has IRCCM of any kind.

I’ve notched some missiles today. I believe they just go into IOG now, instead of just actually locking onto the chaff behind you like before. But you should play a game and look at a replay to confirm

I do agree that multipathing should be nerfed further. Everyone started lawnmowing again, at least in sim, where I mainly play top tier.

Multipathing is basically an on/off switch. Lowering the height doesn’t do anything to prevent people from forcing dogfights. It only makes sense, if you lower it to realistic levels, such that flying that low is basically impossible. Irl I think it’s around 5-10m above the ground and it doesn’t work at all above water.

Props are so much more majestic than jets right now, because you actually have to climb in them. The meta of top tier jets is being a low to the ground, opportunistic rat, which is rather disappointing.

I’ve never heard of a time in aviation history, when someone forced to fly low would have an advantage over someone who can freely fly high, outside of being harder to spot. Unfortunately, this is exactly how it is in War Thunder with top tier jets. I am a tanks guy though, not a planes guy, so maybe I’m missing some knowledge.

It’s the same situation as with modern MBTs with laser range finders, that can easily snipe each other from 3000m, but are forced to play in literal mazes, with maximum engagement distance of 400m.

As far as I am aware, that is the case. The Sea Harrier FA2 I know quite often outranged other AMRAAM carriers despite it’s subsonic speed because it happily sat at 30k ft whilst others like the tornado F3 usually were more like 20k ft.

Only aircraft that frequented low alt were the attack aircraft. Like the tornado and jaguar.

That being said, Sea Harriers (From NAS801 onboard HMS invincible) in the Falklands opted for lower alt to be in a better place to intercept or dissuade Argentina raids that came in at wave top level below the radar. (NAS800 onboard HMS Hermes opted for 10k ft CAP stations are were always too slow to intercept the raids because they had to dive to the target)

Yes exactly. Su-25 or an A-10 flying barely off the ground to avoid being detected by ground radars passes the vibe check. However F-15 or Su-27 flying barely off the ground, instead of almost in space, doesn’t.