FOX-3 Top Tier Meta / Notching + Chaff is too easy / 60m multipath is fine

It’s things like this that make me think that the game engine has been pushed way beyond its limits lmao. I genuinely don’t think there is a way to “overhaul” IR in a more realistic way, a la DCS, because the engine just simply was not built with it in mind. And anything they do add to it is introducing the possibility that it will screw something up, somewhere, because ages ago when adding some minor feature they chose to do one thing instead of another and now its coming back.
Maybe they should put it on a new engine altogether and then drop it as an update, like how CS:GO became CS2 lol

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Also they need ECM which would let MP be lowered to a correct height for every game mode.

Yeah with the f15 in game it is like 2 texas suns.

Same with SU-27, and to a lesser extent, MIG-29

Yeah, I’ve thought the same… Too often is “game limitation” an excuse given for problems. Like the tornado FM problems are a direct result of the spaghetti code that is the engine

That would also be good, but I think at least a year away

They’re most useful long range stealth sniping

I use it to great effect.


You got any source on that? I have been trying to find some sort of information about this for years

Only the quotes from Gunjob over in the Sea harrier thread. though the devs wouldnt even give him specific numbers. If you go to the other post of mine linked. It has the quotes and there source within

You dont even need to roll to dodge them. You can just bob up and down.

Just want to throw in something I’ve been noticing - it appears as though multipathing is not affecting the AIM120 atm. Playing the past few days, and especially yesterday, I was taking direct hits (not splash damage) from AMRAAMs while below 60M over ground. Over water, it appears to work- they’ll miss.

Only seems to be AMRAAMs, but they are the most common FOX3 to face. R77s don’t appear to be doing it.

Yep F-16 chaffing Aim120B by dropping 2 puffs of chaff at close range is ridiculous.
When the Tornado and other BOL POD airframes have to drop 50 and the missile still ignores them.

AIM 120 are allergic to F-16s and F-15s. Its a massive imbalance that needs resolved.

Something to be aware of. Is that if the missile (SARH or ARH) comes down at a steep enough angle then it may hit you anyway as the multipath “shadow” that the missile is aiming for is directly behind you, with you in the way. It is possible to achieve that angle by sufficiently lofting the missile upon launch.

With the reduction of height its likely the angle needed is a bit less than before.

Though I have heard mixed reports of MP being a bit glitchy on some maps

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Only base bombers and other fodder bots complain about fox-3s at this point. Multipathing is still too high. The PK of all fox-3s in the game isn’t that high over range if the target is actively evading/going cold/notching. Flight models still matter more

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I agree but with an exception.

As much as I’d love to see MP reduced to IRL levels (missile by missile basis) especially within Sim. Not all aircraft have truly effective defence against ARH or even SARH missiles currently without its use. Most notably are those that are dependent on BOL for chaff and as such, BOL Chaff needs to be fixed and restored to IRL strength. In addition, Chaff pods such as Phimat need to be added.

That would rectify much of my concerns for most if not all the aircraft I play that ordinarily struggle with defending against incoming missile threats.

After that, Id suggest a procedual reduction in MP. Next update lower it to 40/50m, one after that 20/30m etc, etc. Until its down to IRL levels.

Larger fixes are needed as well, like Giving the Tornado a usable FM to defend against incoming missiles, but that affects the minority and is likely to come any time soon.


I had doubts because I have seen that planes like the MiG-23 are capable of avoiding AIM-9L with a single flare at less than 0.5km full afterburner like nothing

Yeah… We have docs that state Aim-9L should be unflareable in rear-aspect against a reheating target. even when large calibre flares are used. (Docs from an RAF test vs Jaguar dropping large calibre)

But yeah, Heat resistance, IR sigs, etc etc are in absolute desperate need of a ground up overhaul.


matches are 16v16 pretty much always and maps are also fairly cramped, dcs/irl levels of notching difficuilty just wouldnt work well here and would lower the skill floor. why? a experienced player even in the mess that is current top tier has the ability to notch missiles from multiple angles if they arent too close because they can be so quickly notched
and from personal experience the average wt pilot is already not too great either, i took out the mig29smt to grind some top tier and i witnessed a ton of beginner level mistakes like players not even attempting to notch my missiles, tornadoes trying to turnfight me etc

I wouldnt talk about DCS and IRL notching difficulty as a same, alot of people agree notching is too easy and reliable in DCS at the moment.

Here’s a video about it just month ago i came by:

There is even a comment from someone and him agreeing WT has more realistic radar mechanics than DCS which i find pretty funny but also there is talk WT having better IR seeker mechanics.

overall it was interesting video and read the comments

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Back in this thread. I still dont know how to defeat ARH’s.

Recently I have been in lower BRs so facing Fakours and Phoenixes mostly.
I defeat those by going cold for a couple seconds before recomitting.

Notching and or dodging them is still extremely unreliable for me.

However I mainly fly the Mirage 2000 Cs4 and the IRIAF F14A. And I DO face some of the modern Fox3s.

If an AV8B shoots an AMRAAM at me, or a J8F shoots a PL12 at me. I am just dead, theres nothing I seem to be able to do.
I can try to notch and chaff all I want, it NEVER seems to work.