Fox 3 is unplayable for most players

Id actually argue that at top tier, they could do with both reducing the team sizes (8-12) and increasing the map sizes.


Smaller teams won’t help when one player who understands the mechanics of the game kills 5 players from the opposing team.

Mig15 were completely massacred by the F-2 to be honest. The F-86F-2 was absolutely dominating, and people also forgot that, at the time, the ticket bleed was autowinning the map on certains sides. For example Spain had NATO side autowinning with 0 player input after about 15 minutes of gameplay. It really wasn’t great.

The game was at its best when they introduced the Mig17 and the Hunter. The Supersonic update was ruined by the T-2 in Japan’s side, and the F4C vs Mig21SMT update was a bit too much in favor of the Mig (the UK had the FGR2 tho which balanced it a bit, and France had Mirage IIIC).

the f4c was added with the mig21f13 not smt, the smt was added with the f4e, the f4 was better both of these times and you guys must not remember when the f4 was the only plane with flares in a fox2 meta lmao that was some serious bs.

Talk for you i have a lot of fun.

That its a lie. SMT trashed the F-4E. That its why they add flare to it and not to the mig that could have a pod with flare. S*** got so ridicule with mig21bis that a full Mix MM was implemented. Then Gaijin Bugged the R-60 for 6 months. And remove the bug when they started to add new thing that could counter the migs dogfight like The UFO F-5s

The only mig that the Phantom could Bully was the poor MF that didn’t have RWR.

Can you explain why when I fire the 8 missiles of the f15 at 50 kilometers its touch at least 3 planes. There is a problem to die from a aim120 to 50k

please use proper grammar. The f4e was better with a better missile lmao, and rwr has what effect on fox2s? I don’t think that was even added yet. The mig21smt/mf still lost all its energy in a turn back then too, and the bis was added much later literally like a year almost and conspiracy theories about missiles because you’re bad in a jet in funny.

Yea my English is bad. But you’re delusional. At some point in the F-4E era i managed to get up to around 72% win rate on mig21bis and even now my win rate on the SMT is 66%. both have tanked like 5% since i don’t play the game that much as i used to do. And It was not funny trying to farm mig29 with the current state of r60. But back then that missile was the meta. I also played the 3 mayor Phantom at that time. USA/JPN/UK. That its why i know that IT was funny to bully Mig21MF with Aim7. You could easy kill mig21mf at 20km+ with aim7, because without RWR they didn’t know a missile was launch at them. Also at that time the Red diamond “missile” thing didn’t exist.

What its funny its that you have never played the URSS mig21smt/bis. And you’re trying to talk about the META back then…

bad players like you are hilarious, dude I literally remember being able to dodge r60s in the mig19 by rolling and hitting the elevator lmao (yes you could do that) while you couldn’t the aim9j. And you’ve already proven you have dementia or something because the f4e had flares before the bis was even added or received them and the bis was never op lol r60s have always been mid. As for not playing them, I grinded Germany first, why would i play the same plane again?

Maps and vehicles are produced by two different teams. Working on one doesn’t take from the other.

I never said I’m a good player. But…


For me is either that you didn’t played the game at that time. Or where a complete new player in top tier. These stat don’t lie. You’re not better player than me.

D A casual.

I never said that the bis was the reason that the F-4e got flare. Also you didn’t ever played the SMT/BIS but also never played a F-4… You’re account Reek of new player. And you’re trying to give me a lecture of the meta back them… To someone that played Mig-21MF/SMT and BIS. And the phantom of 3 Different nations.

Again You’re Delusional.

yeah bro I’m a new player which is why I somehow remember everything better than you lol, and you’re aware the Germans got a bis too? why would I play the same thing again? and nice job posting a jet I haven’t touched in years but your stats aren’t better lol so I literally don’t see your point. And I would like to know where you’re getting your information about me not playing a phantom lmao I’ve spaded a couple but hey details. my account is coffee_can we can meet in custom if you want to

Yes that problem is called “stupid players”

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There’s no fox 3 at 4.7 BR, you know… :)

The fox 3 meta takes some getting used to for current Air RB. I wouldnt say its unplaybable but there are VERY specific ways to play depending on what you’re flying. Basically if you dont have fox 3 or you have less long range fox 3’s you basically have to stay low and be a rat.

Ultimately top tier Air RB is just VERY limiting in terms of how you play. Gaijin really needs to bring back an Air RB EC mode and develop EC more than what it is now - in sim. Or they need to scrap the assault modes and make a proper PVE mode with long form gameplay.

The gameplay in Air is just really underdeveloped. RB EC was passed to the devs about a month ago so hopefully we see some movement with that but the current EC needs work so we’ll see what happens.

Gaijin seems to be adding some more AI to Naval so maybe they could add better AI to EC which would allow for more dynamic PVE gameplay.

Many of us have been begging for RB EC to be added for years to no avail so dont hold your breath.

But we’ll see. War Thunder needs more long form gameplay outside of Sim.

If you’re willing to play sim tho, currently sim air and sim ground can be pretty fun. Youre just stuck in the cockpit which kinda sucks for players who love RB.