Fox 3 is unplayable for most players

Hello everyone.

I have to point out a fact.

The current game mode is bad and unplayable for most players.

In a given round, you will see that it’s usually 50% of people would die without doing anything, the score distribution is very top heavy. More top heavy than previous BR like 11.0.

I myself prefer PvE, which is a existing part of Air RB, but the targets are placed too far away so I always die before reaching even a ground target.

The following screenshot shows how it is, in a nutshell. Majority are not premium planes or event planes, but players who have tech tree items, which means they are experienced players; I doubt they’re all PVE’ers like me, but the results are shocking.


It’s not unplayable, it just is zero fun.

This is bound to happen at every BR, missile cluster or not. It’s more common in the missile spam metas because a team can just snowball the other by simply having more players still alive and actively fighting.

Just because they have a top rank jet doesn’t mean they are any good. Could have just zombed in a F-4S, GE’d everything (why) or just be plain bad at the game.

It would probably help your chances at winning if you focused on air combat anyway. Tickets don’t really matter much anymore, especially with the very high speed “gameplay” of ARH thunder.


half the people die because this is a PVP game mode with one life…
if one half of the players get a kill each then the other half must be dead xd


Why do i need to care about people that don’t bother dodging missile and die?


Top tier has a steep learning curve. Those that can be bothered to learn it do well. Those that dont want to learn die.

From what I see of high tier/ top tier ARB. A vast majority of those that die early, are still relying solely on Multipathing and make no effort to defend against an incoming attack. Even in Sim. Had multiple people in a match at 12.0 just ignore their RWRs and continue flying in perfectly staright lines expecting that just dumping flares/chaff alone would protect them. (news flash. it did not)

As for PvE. ARB isnt a good place for that whether its 1.0 or 14.0. I would learn to play Air Sim for that


It’s also hard to notch and chaff multiple missiles when you only have 60cms.

The main issue is that there are too many players in too small of an area. You notch one missile, 2 more are heading to you.

Proper BVR isn’t very possible due to BR compression, high player counts and low player skill, and WVR is just a furball where you need multipathing to live if you want to get a kill. If you are too cautious, you will end up not doing anything, or you will be facing 6 enemies from 4 different directions.

I genuinely have better experiences doing long range combat at 11.7-13.0 than I have in the Typhoon. Stuff is a lot more asymmetric there, and there are just fewer players doing long range combat (which is good). I’ve tried to enjoy 14.0, but I just can’t. I can’t stand hearing my MAWS that much, and there is just too much information and sensory feedback for me.


You notch one missile, 2 more are heading to you

That is mainly caused by bad positioning causing you to get swarmed.

me personally ive not really been launched at like that in a normal game unless my team is dead , ive rushed into the enemy or im at contrail height but nevertheless the fox 3 spam meta is not fun no matter what you do

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Because not everyone has the time to learn how to play the game correctly and tbh its not fun to do good all the time. What I saw in 11.0 ground is when I start playing like a sweater I get really good games but its not fun to play on such a level all the time

At least some of it is, but it’s a bit difficult to position when every single plane is capable of going 1500+ kmh in a straight line while having good manoeuvrability.

Has top tier ever been in a good state?

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the gameplay is just awful, ive never not wanted to play ARB as much as i do now

Go low and dont go straight and you wont get hit.

little correction: unplayable for players who have massive skill issue*
and all fox3 massively nerfed so very easy to defend we don’t care if 85% of the playerbase have braindamage and they can’t even play against any fox3


That isn’t what makes it entirely unplayable. There are too many players, too much BR compression, and too low player skill.

Don’t blame the players for it sucking, when it’s also gaijins fault.

I find 14.0 awful to play and worse than any other BR in game, does that make me a bad player?

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yea its true. 16v16 too much and the br system not exsist but this not a fox3 problem

I mean whole point of top tire is “rush to middle, spamm 120 radar missiles, hope they hit”…and game last litterally less then 5 minutes…

I tought when 14.0 came it will come with bigger maps, special missions just to make it more fun and not just one dimensional BS

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What kind of response even is this? Apply this kind of thinking to anything else! “because not everyone has the time to learn how to play the game correctly” is every single second/minute/hour of every day of your life taken? 0_0 how can you even start the game up then???

should the game be made unrealistic in its base mechanics to make these players happy???

Does ARB need a rework to be PvPvE 100% imo. With way more realistic objectives spread out acrost the maps, much bigger maps as well. These objectives should imo contribute a large amount to the out come of the match not just TDM being the decider. The problem the OP is having though is with the FUNDIMENTALS of how Modern Jets fight and ARH missiles are only going to get stronger from here! Even with a PvPvE ARB mode you will still have this happen.

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Well not game problems tbh if they not willing to learn then they will become free kill
Simple as that.

there is always only two ways to learn:

  • easy way
  • hard way

But you learn.

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The problem is we live in the information age…and people can’t bother to watch a 15-20 min YouTube video on how to defend ARH or IR missiles :/

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So they gonna learn the hard way…

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