Force cockpit view for CAS in GRB

Oh yes certainly you can find many people who have spent time researching or have spent real money to obtain planes which can outrange SPAA at their BR range.

I don’t care what people enjoy, I care about the health of the game. CAS is unbalanced and must be brought to heel otherwise Ground Realistic Battles should be renamed Air Realistic Ground Battles.

This game has always had cas though, and player count hasn’t been dropping since they added more cas. So it sounds like you only care about what you enjoy.

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I enjoy War Thunder. I would love for Air Realistic Battles or Naval Realistic Battles to be enjoyable game modes but to me they are not. I have suggested some ideas for both game modes on how they might be improved. Until Gaijin makes them enjoyable for me I will not play them unless it in some way benefits the main game mode I play and enjoy in War Thunder: Ground Realistic Battles.

I do not want CAS removed, I find it a very entertaining mechanic to play myself. I do not think it is currently balanced and I believe it should be nerfed in some way. One of the numerous suggestions I have made is that cockpit view should be forced for CAS in GRB. This doesn’t inherently reduce any specific plane’s efficiency and the change would be isolated to the mode itself. It will make seeing incoming SPAA fire harder and it will make finding targets to kill as CAS harder.

No this change isn’t a solution and CAS would still be able to use their targeting pods to engage ground targets with relative ease. It would be something though and something is better than nothing. As it stands top tier ground is unplayable without SPAA to counter CAS or your own plane / CAS to fly. I do not think this is a good thing and I would like to see it changed.

The part about easy air kills in ground RB is true.

Oh certainly because the players that fly CAS are horrific pilots most of the time. Their skill level is irrelevant to the overall balance of CAS though. Balancing around the lowest common denominator is not something any competitive game should do.

Something need to be done about kamikaze bombers that’s for sure, most of the time its because they dont realise there control surfaces lock up when going fast in a dive from air spawn. My post about removing air spawn will help, so please support it.

Have a good day

Do I need repeat myself?

I’m the one who can provide evidence to what he is saying, You are just throwing statments which can be proven false by just simply looking at Your stats.

Just because You have more kills in tanks doesn’t mean that You can play them and that You don’t need a plane, so please before You throw another baseless statment, learn to read or think.


Let us spice this up a bit …


Can you two discuss your personal stats related issues in a DM?
You’ve completely derailed the topic.

I like heavy tanks on lower ranks, does it mean light tanks are useless and cant be used? Nope…

@crazed_feel or @falco416
Can you please clean up the thread, I think there is some merit in the topic discussion, but by now that discussion is burried under two egos…


Back to the topic.

A forced perspective makes sense, especially in higher and top tiers.
Most 11.7-12.3 planes come with excellent optics and targeting pods allowing them to strike from heights where even the VT-1 is hard pressed to reach, let alone hit something.

In addition, the missile control is still a far cry from what it was before the change to a “realistic” model and even with the small buffs added afterwards it is still not even remotely as effective as it needs to be.

Add the low heat signature of certain helicopters and their IRCM systems cough KA-52 cough and you get a game mode that is easily dominated by the skies.

The SPAAs are of some help, but they are not solving the issue of planes and helicopters getting low spawn point cost and then playing Air RB with player controlled targets.

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i agree with this, as long as you force gunner view/ command view for tanks.

The issue of 3rd person view against air is that the rotation speed of roof top machine guns is too high. I have another thread already discussing this if you wish to provide your opinion there.

There is no reason to force commander view for tanks they are already limited in maneuver room versus air and lack a way to resupply ammo in their spawn.

If other changes are made to reduce the efficacy of CAS then certainly this change could be reverted. As it stands CAS completely outclasses Ground vehicles especially at top tier and it’s getting worse with every update.


Okay for the gunner view for tanks, as long as we can have ground vehicle in air RB.

Topic Cleaned

@Vianochka @ULQ_LOVER Guys please stop polluting this topic and take your personal disagreements to DMs.



gunner view , MG views commander view , driver view.

i made a post like this a few years ago and people didnt like it.