Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

Its simply not enought, we, the community, should not accept “its better then nothing”.

We want a better, more enjoyable and more populated game! We want to get more players! We want to Buy new shiny toys in game! We want to have a great Game and a game Dev! We should show them that we don´t accept this crap! We want the gaijin leaders to understand that we, the community dont accept bullshit and we are here to fight the devil to get a great, awesome and even more popular game!

No one here is to harm them, they only harm themself with crap like this on the long run!


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This is the what I think it will happen. You know how they close every br “”“suggestion”“” topic with a message saying that the feedback was passed to the devs and then they change it ignoring the feedback almost every time? We just had this with the f4c and the f8u. We had in the past with the cl13, that I still believe that those 4 players were the reason why it went up.

I have been testing this out now for 2 and a half days and I like the system… Only thing I would like to have with the system is having on the stat cards of each vehicle that can be used for research bonuses, and I also think that Event vehicles should be able to give research bonuses… I do understand why Premium vehicles cannot so no worries on that front. Event vehicles are grinded for, most of the time anyways and it would be very nice if they could be used for this :)

Another thing I would like to see is the amount we earn in the battle log after the match, it would help us players to see what we do towards the other nations.

Other than that, I think the way the bonuses show up in a tech tree is easy to understand and useful, if only we could use event vehicles :)

Now what about the idea of having cumulative bonus per spaded vehicles?
The more vehicles you spade, the higher bonus you get, like a snowball.
Lets say it is 0.1% per vehicle.
With ten spaded vehicles it will be 1%, with a hundred it will be 10%, hitting 100% when thousand vehicles are spaded.

Make it available for 5 battles a day if you are a cheap snail, or 20 if you want to call it ‘a bonus’.

Everyone will be playing low tiers of all tech trees to get the bonus as high and as fast as possible.
It would encourage revisiting vehicles when new module is added, like extinguishers for planes.
Event, squadron and premium vehicles can be added to the equation, cause, why not?
Easy to implement and calculate.
It will boost players engagement.
Can be additionally tied to premium time and vehicles to further boost the sales.

It would be a win for Gaijin, cause grind to have such bonus would be longer, and it would look much better in the eyes of its customers.


All in for this solution. In fact I proposed it myself some posts ago. And of course, this booster should apply not only for vehicle research but also for modification research, which I deem more important not only for the way I play the game but also to promote people play other vehicles.


And it would give me a bigger reason to buy a talisman for every vehicle in the tech tree (That’s a lot of money Gaijin, you should do it)

Hi guys, a simple (your) idea to make this a real bonus and not a useless feature:

Immagine 2024-08-27 104154

(for all nations without tier limits)


I understand your idea…
Spading high rank is the most unfun you can have and spading low-mid tier will result in people like me habe a excuse to sealclub all day long…
Also theres a ton of vehcles that are super unusable or they are even worse… bombers,helis or ships… do you really want to push people to play more stuff they dont like or is barely fun for most players?.. i dont.

So i see a ton of issues with the idea of giving bonus for every spaded vehicle.
For every researchen one ok, but spaded? Nah.

It’s all about giving players a choice. You can go after bigger bonus, or not.
Nothing forces you.
Play as you like.

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Giving me the choice?

Where is the choice in: You ONLY get the bonus (you suggested) if…!

I try to imagine your suggested system and i see a shit ton of issues with it, as i already saied in my last post.
Making the game even worse then it is right now, having even more players with unspaded vehicles, having even more players playing with bad vehicles, having even more players sealclub, having even more players play helis, having even more players that play bad planes (like bombers or other really unnecessary stuff).

I dont want more crappy playervehicles in my matches, i dont want more zombie grinds, i dont want more bombers, i dont want more type 60s, i simply dont want to motivate players playing crap that ruins the Matches.

There is no choice in “either you do it, or you dont get it”

Again, i understand your point, but i see better alternatives to the problem that create less issues.
And one is first and foremost, reduce the needed XP and SL back to 150k for the top tier, as it was back then when IS-4/Maus was top tier.

A bonus is not needed if they fix their grind in the first place lol.

i can see your suggested bonus working great as an addition bonus on top of a grind reduction and daily bonus, as a permanent one.

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This bonus is like a slap in the face. A year of waiting and we have what we have. It does not encourage me to continue playing, it actually turns me off.


Guys, all your suggestions are interesting, but they won’t bring Gaijin any money. So, thanks, but no!

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Another Gaijin decision that makes me less likely to play War Thunder.

A 5,000 RP/day bonus is nothing when you have multiple vehicles to research costing 400,000 RP.

Glad to see the feedback was completely ignored from the original announcement post.

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You forgot to add the modifications costs, which doesn’t enjoy the bonus <3

This would remove the need of any research bonuses and make top tier accessible to the masses. I strongly support it! :)

Honestly any idea seem to be better than this slap in the face we are getting from Gaijin after a year of their hard work. Asking players that want to use the sorry excuse of the bonus to bet if the new top tier vehicle will be added in the future or not. Wow, just wow…

Now this… I get you enjoy the state the game is in right now - one death leavers, premium spam, flavor of the month vehicles, dead naval mode and so on. If it suits you, fine. Its a game for all anyway. I think it would be good to encourage people to play all the vehicles, but thats just probably me… And since:

maybe it would be wise to find a good single player game? Why burning yourself down with all the jerks that are joining the battles?

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No i dont like the current state of the game? How ypu come to thinl that?
Because i dont want people to spade every vehicle?
I dont want that because we have shit ton of crappy vehicles and most of them are not played because why should you, and thats a good think… i dont want crappy vehicles in my match for the same reason i dont want to see a bf 109 in 10.0 air rb… its a TEAM PvP after all and if your priority is to spade even the worst stuff then i dont want you in my team. Its that simple.

For the sakr of grind… the people wanting to grind insteqd of play pvp should go to a singelplayer game and not me who wants to play pvp without egoistic zombie grinders!

There is no fun in fighting with or agains crappy undspaded vehicles.

To make it even more clear… i want to play with and agains playwrs with veicles that are on the same level as mine, i want a much smaller grind for everyone so everyone can play their fav stuff without the grind in mind. If the grind is back to 150k top vehicle, ypu would get trougj the lines much faster and you wpuld be able to ignore the grind much more as it would be much less and just play the game

Having to spade everythinl to get a bonus is still making people suffer when nothing in the general grind changes, so why would you want that?

It should be based on total RP, not base. And it should be permanent, not just 3 battles a day. It’s a pointless mechanic/addition without those changes.

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You’re wrong. I’ve specifically mentioned how a minor correction to the rule will increase the incentive to play other nations, purchase other tech tree premiums even for a single nation mainers, and reduce burnout for the seasoned players. All you have to do is get rid of the blocker that prevents a nation from getting the bonus from another top tier nation when the target nation has a top tier vehicle too. It will essentially mean anyone with two top tier nations will have a bonus all across the board.