Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

Ignore him, he’s being a contrarian and trying to shut down any nuanced discussion of the issue

but he is right sadly with what he saies… even tho not helpfull… but yelling at someone who dont want to listen is not helpfull aswell… or do you have the feeling gaijin is listening to what we say here? xD

I think one of the worst parts is how the bonus is gone as soon as you purchase one Top Tier vehicle on a tree.

So you must grind all vehicles without purchasing them if you don’t want the already weak bonus to disappear entirely.


After a week of testing this; my previous points still stand and i have some additional thoughts and concerns:

-The mechanic for losing the bonus has to change, it’s bad game design that punishes the player at a moment when they should be rewarded (buying a top tier takes away the bonus, player has to choose bonus or new vehicle = bad). This also punishes the “Veteran players” this bonus was intended for to begin with as the players who has played this game the longest might not get a bonus at all if they have unlocked the “top” vehicles in all nations already.
My personal opinion on this would be to only have ONE vehicle that is the top one (alternatively several but the bonus is only gained once you acquire them all) and to not lose the bonus at all (the second nation gaining the bonus should make it apply to the first).

-The bonus as it currently stands is WAY to small. There is absolutely no reason for me to change how i play the game (one tree/game mode at a time in larger timespans) just for the very small reward it offers. I sincerely hope that you see this in the numbers after this test.

Currently, with premium account and playing A LOT each day. it will take me approximately 5 years to unlock all air and ground trees currently in the game (i.e… not counting future added vehicles nor the heli/bluewater/costal trees). That’s an insane amount of time for someone that pays for double the progression speed.

Granted, the first tree (and perhaps even second) should take some time to give players a chance to properly learn the game and not rush to top tier, BUT once they have done that and know the game, even twice, why in the world should the rest of the nations take just as long?

-The bonus really shouldn’t be constrained to specific play/progression styles and shouldn’t force the player to change how they play the game to get the bonus.
That is just bad game design in general, especially if the opposite is encouraged at the start for a new player.
As it is implemented it basically tells the player how they should progress in the trees to get a reward and then once they have the reward it tells them to completely change how they have so far played to get progression. It makes no sense.

-The first description of the bonus made it sound like it would be cumulative with each top tier vehicle in a nation that was acquired (and it really should be if your goal is as stated bellow).

As it says (see screenshot bellow for original):
“as we introduce new nations, it becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of veteran players. They have already traversed the ranks multiple times, and therefore, each new journey through a different tree becomes less captivating.”
I personally read “[…] already traversed […] multiple times […] each new journey […] becomes less captivating”
as the main issue presented.
Currently this bonus does not adress this issue at all, it helps semi-new players with their second tech tree. But by the 3, 4, 5 … 'th tree; the bonus will still be the same and will not in any way incentivise new trees to be traversed.

this part:
"If a player has a top vehicle in a vehicle branch within one nation, they will receive a RP bonus when researching the equivalent branch of other nations.

In the research tree, certain vehicles will be marked as “top” vehicles for each nation at any given time. Once a player gets one of these vehicles, they will receive an RP bonus when researching other nations where they haven’t yet obtained the top vehicles. "

VERY much makes it sound like the bonus gained will be for EACH “top” vehicle in different nations that the player acquires. NOT that it would ONLY restrain the bonus and lessen its effect the more top tiers in different nations you have.
It tells the player that they should unlock other trees but NOT the top tiers of those new nations as the bonus for future additions to those trees will then be taken away. It’s extremely counterintuitive and weird.

-The bonus NOT applying to premium time/talismans/etc is crazy to me (not only as a player but also from a business perspective), why would you effectively reward PAYING costumers less?? I can’t wrap my head around how this decision came to be.

-The bonus being limited to 3 battles a day is odd. It will incentivise players to stop playing after 3 battles every day as every battle within the same nation and mode will lessen the percentual gain from the bonus over all (The bonus is also NOT worth changing nations over as you first have to get through rank I-III without any bonus at all and then its to small to be attractive enough).
This seems not only bad for the player but also for you as fewer games per day per player not only lessens the active player amount but players will also be less likely to spend money on a game they play so little every day.

Screenshot of first post about the bonus

Screenshot 2024-08-28 115646

I REALLY hope you rethink this implementation.
Right now: At the very minimum, take away the effect of losing the bonus when reaching top tier in new nations as well as increase the daily battle limit (but perhaps make it global and not per nation).

Future: After that i hope you start looking into ACTUALLY solving the issue this bonus was presented to solve as it actually doesn’t solve it as it currently stands. the biggest and most positive change would be to make the bonus cumulative for each nation that top tier is achieved in (but the bonus amount might then have to change to accommodate).



Based, bro got legitmate constructive thoughts and I really hope they will listen at least some…


Seal clubbing isn’t real because there is no skill based match making. Gaijin should encourage players to play every vehicle they have available, because that’s best for the health of the game and the matchmaking.

Also wow, this bonus tiny

Yeah, I always disliked it when people attempt to gatekeep new players from Top Tier, and veteran players from Low Tier.

In War Thunder, tiers only determine different historical time periods. Gameplay isn’t inherently harder or easier the lower or higher the tier is; it’s just different and linked to personal tastes.

So if I want to go down and play some KV-1 matches, why should I be kept from it? Or, if a new player just wants to enjoy modern MBT action and gets Type 90 (B) “Fuji”, why shouldn’t they be able to do so?


sealclubbing isnt a thing? tell that my crew that reloads 25% faster, turns the turred 25% faster, suvives much longer, drives faster, repairs much faster and so on…and my decks that are fully spaded already.
I would love to enjoy that 6.3 deck much more, but it usually end in total mayhe, having only a few VETs that stay on top and bullieng the rest, for both sides.

i agree that everyone should play what they want, but the discussion was about a bonus system that gives you only the bonus when you spade stuff and that does the opposide, such a system would encourage players to stop playing what they liked once spaded.

and on that note, “players should play what they want”, i already wrote in the forum that i would love to see a Rank Research change to at least ±2 ranks and not ±1, or even better delete the rank research penalty all together… cause that makes me not able to really enjoy my beloved rank 4 and 5 due to 60-90% RP penalty when i try to research rank 7+

I’m gonna summarise the problems I can see:

  • 3 matches a day is too few. It punishes people who play large amounts of matches on particular days and then don’t play at all on others
  • The rewards modifier is too low.
  • Removing the bonus if you get one top rank vehicle is a terrible idea.

My solution:

  • Just buff rewards across the board. Like increase the RP per match for all vehicles by 50%. Probably more for all the Naval modes, Ground RB, Helicopter PvE EC and the respective vehicles that participate in these modes.
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The current system encourages players to just start a new tree as soon as they finish researching their current one, and even skip most of the vehicles if it’s their first one.

At least this system will add some variety to the grind, and encourage people to go back to low tiers.

Personally, one of the reasons I don’t play low tier very much is because none of my vehicles are spaded. Probably gonna buy a few talismans in the upcoming sales to change that, but still.

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The current system encourages players to just start a new tree as soon as they finish researching their current one

does it? there is no benefit in starting a new tree.
Also you dont play low tier cause they are not spaded? so you dont play the game in general without a Premium? Hightier with stock stuff is 10x worse so i assume u dont play that either?
Or do you dont want to spade them as you dont get any research done with them? If thats the case my solution of getting rid of the RP Penalty would fit you perfectly ;)

and if you dont play them cause they are just bad vehicles, why do you want to punish yourself with the need of spading them for a RP bonus then? ;)

I forgot one option:

They lowballed on purpose, thats why they made it a test week just to say afterwarts that they where listening to the feedback when they change it a tiny bit.

I don’t play them because I’m trying to research as many vehicles as possible before the November and December sales, and have enough SL to buy them all. Stock grind without a talisman is also unbearably slow, and it’s cheaper to buy a talisman for 50% off and just grind for the ace crew.

After the December sale, I’ll buy talismans for the low tier vehicles I’ve been wanting to play and go from there.

I also don’t like using talisman tech tree vehicles for tech tree research, because coupled with the RP bonus for completing modification tiers, it’s pretty easy to research more things than you have SL for.

Ever considered to not give the guy money that u dont like? Just saing…
Do try to debate a Change in the Grind but youre the first one Buying their stuff usually dont give your voice any weight.

who said I don’t like Gaijin? I love War Thunder, it’s the only game I play.

Do try to debate a Change in the Grind but youre the first one Buying their stuff usually dont give your voice any weight.

its like… i dont want childrens to work on my shorts, but i dont want to pay more for it…
i dont want the grind like it is right now but i will buy all your stuff to counter it…

Just think about it…
what weight more for gaijin?

That you dont like it


You buy their stuff to counter what u dont like, the grind.

Why would i sell you a good car,
if you are happy to pay me regularly the repairs for the shitty car i sold you? xD

Actually it’s the opposite. Gaijin needs to keep their paying customers happy. The only purpose that f2p customers serve is giving the paying customers other players to play with/against. They still need them but it doesn’t matter if a few leave as they can just buy ads and get more.

This is the reason for OP premiums, horrible stock grind, and P2W crew skill mechanics.

That said, they still do a relatively decent job of keeping it non-P2W, relative to other F2P MMOs I’ve seen.