War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

Then the ground br needs to go up

As you can see, it’s “in progress” section.
We will share more info on this feature when we have something more to show :)


Nation tabs
Vehicle type (in research window)
Tech Tree (big and long to scroll) (also that tier might be folded!!!)
Particular vehicle in research tree <== indication only here, not in any of the above

See the point?

Depends what you have on mind.
Changing sight? AFAIK yes, this should be available.
Using player created sight - I am afraid there is no option for this, sorry.


how can we change the custom sights on pc?

Hey now, i’m openly giving criticism where i feel that it is warranted.
If you are interested to read my takes on the recently tested “new nation” bonus then feel free:

But only complaining without making it constructive, or at least pointing out that you agree with someone else’s constructive criticism, won’t help anyone.
And to only complain and not point out the good changes also wont help as they then wont know what kind of additions the community likes and thus can’t implement more features/mechanics like that.

You have to BOTH point out the bad AND the good (both constructively) to be able to show the devs what direction would be appreciated and what direction would be disliked (or even hated).

Well, the post i replied to is now gone x) i don’t remember who it was but oh well.


Surprise many “historical” nerfs at least thanks for the squadron vehicles for Japan and France

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thats what im talking about
Literally every time the soviet 11.7 wr drops below 70% another obvious op shit gets added

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Menu → options → ground vehicle battle settings → sight settings

also, this feature (custom sights) should really also be able to be accessed through where you customise vehicles (camo, decorations, etc). That is a way more logical place for it to be and where i instinctively looked for it but i then had to look up where to find it.

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Since the hstvl got a tracker and a hevt can you finally buff the oto? No for real now even the hstvl is better for aa.

Hey OH


Oh boy

Balanced. (Even not speaking about the other event’ ship, and about they need it or deserve it). Yeah I’m a selfish salty bro French main 🫣.

PS: THANK YOU for coastal tree (and squadron vehicle) but you know, should be out the same day as blueawater fleet like all other nations had (and for the same amont of €, you’ll make us in need to pay 2 time to access the whole CBT…)

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The most realistic flight model I’ve ever seen…

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@Stona_WT Can you please add how gear ratios changed? Thank you in advance.

ignore my ramblings.

@Stona_WT Hello, new HMD’s look sick, any chance we can see a fix to this bug soon?
HMD’s don’t show up on console very often in cockpit view. I’d love to use the new one for the Gripen but I can’t since months back Community Bug Reporting System

Edit It seems to be fixed?? Nothing in changeling though


Hell yeah. I reported it too. They never read it. Like almost all my reports.


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Actually, only AH-64A it seems. No new modules on US 64D, British AH Mk1, Japanese 64DJP, Swedish AHS and Israelis TT Peten and Saraph

Shame there’s no downvote or thumbs down system for these Devblogs (sort of like how there is for Steam).

The ADATS being gutted by its ammo count being reduced by 400. The 2S38 still needs to go up to 11.0 or the HSTV-L needs to come down to 10.0-10.3. A-10s and Su-25s are still missing their forward spawn despite being moved up in BR and stated they would get a forward spawn. Just move them back down to 10.0-10.3.


ok, actually found a bug in the sight editor.

with you pick a new reticle (in this case the CV90) and you have different veichle ranks selected you get different reticles.

i want to report a serious bug to you
the france f16a cant use gbu38 and 31,because leak of gps Marking function

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