Following the Roadmap: Detailed Helicopter Damage Models

We’re continuing to introduce some of the features planned in the Roadmap set out at the beginning of this year. And today, we’re pleased to announce that with the release of the Dance of Dragons update, helicopter damage models are now more detailed. Let’s take a look!

New Modules

New damage model modules have been added to the Ka-52 and AH-64 Apache helicopters. Each module is responsible for a specific set of functions of the helicopter’s electronic equipment. The list of added modules include Flight Control Panels, an Electro-optical station, a Radar, Avionics blocks and IRCM blocks.

The following functions are distributed among the new modules: an RWR, Targeting optic, Weapon control, NVD, Sensors, MFD/HUD, Guided weapon control and IRCM. Some modules can be responsible for multiple functions at once and multiple modules can be responsible for the same function. For example, both the Flight Control Panels and Avionics blocks are responsible for the use of Weapon control, and a single Avionics block are responsible for both NVD and MFD/HUD.

Modules For Other Helicopters

As for filling in remaining helicopters with modules, those already in the game will be given modules gradually with the release of subsequent updates as we’re going to be looking at on-board systems for each of them and make changes to the models. New helicopters that are added will be introduced with a full set of modules straight away.

How Does Disabling Modules Work?

Let’s talk about how disabling systems works. For helicopters that have new modules, it’s quite simple — each system can be disabled either by the complete destruction of the module or by damaging it, but with a certain chance depending on the type and amount of damage.

In the damage model of helicopters that didn’t have new modules added, all on-board systems are included in the fuselage damage model. If this is damaged, all avionic functions may also be disrupted, with the probability of this also depending on the type and amount of damage. However, since it’s much easier to damage the fuselage than individual modules, the chances of various systems failing when the fuselage is damaged are lower than when individual modules are damaged. Additionally, unlike the destruction of a specific module — which is guaranteed to lead to the failure of the corresponding system — when the fuselage is destroyed, all electronics will not be immediately disabled. Instead, each system will retain some chance of being disabled with each subsequent hit.

Updated Tail Destruction Conditions

Previously, helicopter tails could only be torn off by various means of hits, but not by collisions with anything else. It is important to note that even though the ground obviously has 100% efficiency against aircraft, it is not considered a specialized mean of destruction. At least it wasn’t considered such in the game until now.

However, since a bump even on the hull of a helicopter can quite easily cause damage to the elements inside, which depending on the severity of the collision, can lead to damage of the tail or even to it being ripped off. We’ve now introduced the mechanics of destruction of elements in the tail booms of helicopters from hard clams, both by the tail itself and by the fuselage of the helicopter when hitting the ground and environment, such as trees and various buildings.

This will minimize the number of successful take offs after very hard bumps against the ground where the helicopter doesn’t crash but instead flies on to base or even continues to fight as if nothing had happened.

Improved calculation of center of mass displacement after tail boom separation

In addition to all of the above, in the near future (before the release of the next major update), we’ll be reworking and supplementing the calculation of the center of mass and balancing of helicopters when damage leads to the separation of various parts. For example, the center of gravity of a helicopter shifts forward when the tail is torn off, leading to a nose-dive that would need to be compensated by increasing the cyclic pitch (counteracting the lowering of the nose). This will lead to a strong limitation of maneuverability for coaxial helicopters when there is tail separation, while for helicopters with a classic tail rotor design, the behavior after tail boom separation will be more realistic.

That’s all for now. Check out the updated helicopter damage model in game and let us know what you think!


currently it is like so:
get shot by 1 12.7mm round in the fuselage and suffer no damage except a yellow fuselage…
all systems are dead.

not cool
please fix this
if a proper solution is not yet made, dont give us a half baked one
like how you add drop tanks
you wont add invisible ones that work on the code side just because physical tank is not modelled


Well. With current values for helis that lacks of new DM too low, better to increase them

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detailed models? sounds like nerf with extra steps to me
please provide a better damage solution for those heli that have no detailed module


@magazine2 please include either the “[Development]” in the title or the “devblog” tag, you are breaking my scripts :'(


This is not working properly in game. ANY sort of damage FULLY disables everything in the helicopter, every single time. One of the devs needs to do a test match in Ground Arcade and test it for themselves, imo, a number was accidentally changed, or entered incorrectly (or at the very least, the “chance” of damage needs to be significantly lowered.) Because there is no “chance” to speak of, if the heli is hit, ALL systems go down, EVERY time.

Thank you! Looking forward to more helis getting detailed models, but the current situation is fully broken for all helis without the detailed models.


More detailed models oh that is nice.
But can we talk about armor of modern attack helos.
Since when 1 shot from 7.62 mg is disabling apache/kamov. Now you get 1 shot from low caliber mg, and all your weapon systems are offline. Something doesnt add in here…

Finally we can actually shoot them down lol, thank you gaijin!

@magazine2 Theoretically, if a helicopter has analog controls, would that be affected by damage to the new modules? (not sure if any helicopters as of now have analog controls but I was curious)

So in 2018 Gaijin implemented helicopters into the game and six years later they finally decided that maybe, just maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start working on damage model.

And so far it seems that all they did is make heli damage models 1000% more chaotic and unpredictable

Guess we’ll have to wait for 2030 to get some remotely useful damage models … especially if this ends as yet another potemkin’s village project like volumetric implementation that’s nowhere near being complete after better part of a decade, or destructible environments that ended up as devs making bunch of fake promo videos followed by implementing 10% of what was shown and giving up.


I love having a yellow fuselage and having every single system disabled on my helicopter. I especially love it because the additional modules will take a very long time to be added to any of the helicopters I play, giving me ample time to enjoy this satisfying experience.


Works as intended.
Players just don’t understand)