Following the Roadmap: Detailed Helicopter Damage Models

Neither does this team or forums yet we are still here. I’m stating my obvious distaste with this unfathomable decision. You don’t like it I’m sorry I simply don’t care. And you know what else doesn’t work? Straight up lying about a product you are trying to sell but they’ll still do it. And I’m going to call them out on their bs as long as I still play this game. Next?


I love the introduction of modules, that is fantastic. However, the fuselage damage is stupid, you take little damage to an open space and the helicopter can no longer do anything at all. Hitting the empty crew carrying zone and I can no longer fire rockets, or fire the forward mounter machine gun, it makes no sense at all. Please revert and implement properly when they have modules designed for them.


I agree, it needs to be reverted until they can implement it properly.

Fine with the modules, they are cool.


This basically kills off anyone wanting to grind the lower helicopters. It’s a bad decision.


Adding to the joy, on PC when test driving any helicopter being researched, or with completed research but not yet purchased, no secondary weapons are available for selection.



gaijin are delighted to see you encounter difficulties in developing helicopters and then spend money on it.


Thankfully I’m one of the best Heli PVE players there are so I sped through them rather quickly and got all my US heli spaded without spending. I almost started feeling guilty having all them KA50 players quitting when they realized they had no shot against the Apache. But then again they do better in other modes so screw em this is my mode. But you know what is back on the menu boys? I know what I’ll be doing today


WTH did you do? it’s really unplayable to use helis in close combat. While using Tzefa D/E my Cooling system were damaged (small square in the model), but nothing else. And after that I wasn’t able to use any weapons! How so? That thing is so annoying and stupid.