Flanders Map is Garbage

Flanders are bigger garbage than Campania map. Just simply broken by concept which make it unfair and unbalanced. After some battle i decide to ban it. I put here also a map which created after

This is a plan which will make this map it a bit balanced:

Updated part:

That’s true to every one rush C but i tried to understand why not go to A and B point.
according some experience:
That’s true, but i tried to understand why everyone rush C point.
From red team point of view:

Trenches are unwalkable.
path 1: take too long time need to dodge trenches… and Finally archive D4 sector, enemy tanks on position on hill and snipe his opponenets, who try to cross on hightground.
Path 2 & 3 thanks to trenches and wrecks + terrain, only safty way to attack from roads. Otherhand can can stuck in trenches, and can’t to maneuver with tanks. In hilly part fit for tanks which haveextreme good gun depression skill. In hight ground’s other side favor for Blue teams camper, and his cover enought his fast small tanks to capture and hold successful A point.
Path 4: everyone will chose it, because that was the closest and can’t want to get killed after move 4 minutes and earn nothing. To use tunnels not will work because blue team easily spot.

I just think a bit which tank will want to move here?

From next to A This plane wreck will provide the best cover for Blue player:

Or how to cross here without get stucked:

M18 or pizza car just sneak here and hold a duck hunting:

This map is fancy and nice but not playable especially in arcade battle in realistic maybe…

Hint:To not suffer from this map, and great map rotator do not drop this in 8/10 times a row, just mark as dislike.


The funny thing is … everyone is running to C and I see those matches fail so often. Predator-area? To win on this map you need a good spread. So many flanking options you can choose from. But players tend to do the same thing over and over again … it’s like me posting in the forum …



Just as tall grass goes away in gunner view so does the flowers. (I think)

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Flanders does not have 3 lanes.

You liking a map does not mean anybody who does not like it is bad at the game or a “whiner”. Get over yourself. You’re not even good at the game lmao.

As a 1-6 BR player my initial thoughts are I love it.I imagine a newbie with unmodded early tanks that don’t climb well can enjoy it too.The below ground movement of the trenches is interesting.

I like it.Nice to be able to move about a large map in a WW2 Russian a tank and not have to worry about the terrible gun depression.

It also allows intelligent flanking decisions to be made.
It works well with only one Capture Zone

The idea of being era specific is long overdue and I don’t understand why Gaijin don’t just make more of their maps era neutral.By simply removing a few cars many of them could be as it’s only the cars and coaches that date them.


After some battle i collected more fix able part: full opened spawn:
Part III


Here started a hight ground which to rush C you need to do it on opened field:


Not smooth road a bit hilly which in realistic game mod will infuence the slow tanks movement(which point are they will move) :


This point have too hight angle so gun depression useless , moreover if oppoiste team’s play decide to across it has better cover:


if go to this tunnel and tried to flank the enemy after a shot you should be carefule because this part of the trench will block you/get stucked and easily to got a payback:


To across here you need a small or lower profile tank because your turrent easily to get shot:



If go to tunnel be careful enemy campers also see you and they have better cover:


This part also not the best because from C6 sector easily got a shot like this M51 sherman:


This part will block you to get a safety way but a good spot to hunt down C point lemmings:


Fight againt opposite side tanks so difficult and they have more advantage to repel or start attack from B


To get out from this pass you need to go thight ground. now it was safety because everyone focus for C but in most case no:


To leave this area you should also need to take a trip on hight ground:


This part is a full labirint:


Possible safe path for good gun depression tank but be aware enemy will watch you:


More smooter way fot lower gun depression tanks but you also need to take a trip on hight ground:


From topside team to earn city more smooter and that will provide them a good chance to capture it in early minutes and successful hold it until the battle.


Best camper area for top side team:



Summarize : playable but i not will like/love it.
Top side team too easy to capture points and hold it and they way more smooter than the bottom side team. they always need to go on hight ground which is a deadly area. on one point variant funny while players not know where will hide flankers but when they learn it OP TD always will watch them. Now in arcade it’s funny a bit.
In realistic with slower tanks unplayable especially the bottom side area. you can stuck on everythink and need to go too long way to get A & B point. Rush C not worth it because not can pass safe in hight ground.

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jesus put a spoiler on that

you can literally nitpick every map like this?

Flanders is pretty garbage I agree, along with 95% of the maps.

Gaijin really needs to get better map makers, cause it seems that the ones they use don’t play the game at all or have any idea how it works.

I had a match on it a day or two ago where the North side completely steam rolled the south, like it wasn’t even funny. I think I had 10ish kills or something, was a blowout.

the things you are describing are Bad players… and the issues of having them on your team…

Most maps in War Thunder are good ones… Especially Flanders…

Does it have plenty of cover in all areas? yup
Does it have good areas for tanks with good depression? yup
Does it even have a few spots for tanks with bad depression? Yup

i could go on and list about 20 other things that it has that makes it a good map and then 20 more based off scenery and layout.


Yes, that depend on my free time. Now i finished with Flanders spoiler spots last parts. Which map do you think about it?

You can try making YT videos out of that, I bet many people would love to see all maps analyzed like that.

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My 4th part of Flanders experience:
good spawn protection from hilly part. Small number of tanks have extrem good gundepression:



Smooth way to camping points:


Good camping spot:


You will able to hold under fire attackers from the selected road:



Able to cove B also:



Good spot to help your mates:


Here you can cover the other road:


This trenches able to provide good cover but need to catch it:


Too opende without cover deadly place:



This trenches full useless, block bottom side team and provide cover for top side team to sucessful capture and hold A point:


You can use the wreck of plane and terrain cover to sucessful capture and hold A point as a top side player:






This point provide cover but only for low profile tanks: and use as a blocking point a bit:


Too small and angled cross point:


Good point when breaktrought:


Most garbage trench type, you can easily get stucked into here, (just think easter europe map’s city part)+nice view for labirint but not safety:


Unwalkable part:


Top side photo from labirint:


This is a trap you can lost speed or get stucked:


Where should i move:


Spawn camper detection zone:


This part is too opened, and garbage:


Possible spawn camper point:


Rush B but which object will cover me:



Jesus added Spoiler :).

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Good idea, i will try it. On Flanders case i have only one part left , the C points lemmings from both side. That will i upload here and after that i will try create videos.

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I played on it for only the 2nd time yesterday, and I quite liked it.

You can actually flank, and it doesn’t seem like spawncamping will be as easy compared to other maps.


There is still the issue that is too small for top tier, it’s halfway decent but only for low tier

Define “low tier”

I thought it was excellent at 7.7, and I could see it being fun at 9.3. I don’t play top tier so I can’t make a judgment on how good it will be there.

I think its good because: It allows for flanking, you can snipe have more long range combat, and shorter range combat. It definitely feels small, but not cramped.

I had a couple of really good matches on it earlier on…

It’s a good map IF you genuinely pace yourself. There’s enough ground to cover that if you rush up, you can get into positions that are genuinely encampable, and those who have trouble, likely have trouble on all maps where you can crest.

If you crest, you’re going to be seen for miles and are at risk.

If you use the roads, you can get up to the front very fast.

Even fall into the trenches and you’re still able to put fire on many whilst trying to get yourself out.

Overall, I actually like it.