Flanders Map is Garbage

The flowers are considered grass by the client.



One of the best maps added recently


I think you need to look how the suspensions react to movement & gun shots in Steel Beasts before you laugh again.

You’ll have to remember that tanks can’t drive off cliffs and fly before I’ll take you seriously.

Yeah yeah, you prefer arcade I get it.

OK, you don’t have an answer to my question.

Open maps mean you are vulnerable and have to take advantage of limited cover and all the tools that the game provides. Deep knowledge of the vehicles and weapon capabilities is important.

There is great satisfaction to be had from taking on challenging situations and coming out on top. It’s constant learning and progression.

Hunter on YouTube is one of the best and has really turned it into an art form.

I keep getting this map more than any other since the patch and I agree, it’s pretty bloody awful.

I feel like it’s a mess of sight lines where you can get randomly sniped from anywhere (inc spawns) unless you’re in comically sized trenches near the middle. They’ve made a tank game feel like a WW1 shooter… maybe that was the idea after all.

i completely disagree. Flanders is a Great map… it looks good and IS a good map. It has plenty of good terrain for cover and even flat areas. The map is not only a good map, it is a Very good map, and id say Quite balanced.

What i think is the issue here, is your inability to be in your comfort zone and be competent at the game. So… play the map… learn it, like Every other map in War Thunder and figure out good spots. (and subsequently bad ones)


Like the thousands of comments here, I must disagree with the OP because the map was barely released, and there hasn’t been time at all to make any changes to the map, which doesn’t make any sense,

Flanders is by far a unique map for War Thunder, both because it has a unique mechanic of altered environment according to the BR of the match (something that could be added to all maps in the game, including constructions that could adapt to the tanks present in the match). Despite the constant frustration from players sniping from the furthest possible distance at the doors of the lower side of the map’s spawn, the importance of this map is undeniable, both aesthetically and technically.

Up until now, having played literally three matches where I couldn’t enjoy the terrain, and visually because I have to settle for a daily grind for a clay graphics because my device is unable to run the game at higher graphics without sacrificing precious frames, I can’t complain either.

Maybe if you, suffering from an overload, constantly playing on this map, can provide more information to change the map and a vote to determine balanced scenarios for both sides in battle.

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I totally agree! The players produce their own problems. It is the same over and over again. On Flanders everyone now runs to C and simply don’t pay attention to the other caps …
Cap A and B got wonderful flanking options. Gaijin could make a map only 250m wide. Most players wouldn’t notice the difference. Flanking is they biggest key to a successful battle but many many ignore this simple battle tactic and rush straight to the caps again and again and again and again and again …

got no clue about the image?

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale

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And that is the reason whyte allies removed them prior to advancing with tanks… Because tanks can not fight with those in the way… So do we have infantry modus to clear them before spawning in a tank?

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I really like Flanders personally.


The weird thing was a little “coloring” for my “again and again and again and again …” statement.

Your question didn’t make sense, to give an answer. You asked me to confirm that close quarters fighting requires “slow, considered aiming”, but I never CLAIMED it did, so why would you ask that? I said that long range hill fighting is the one that was just aiming and clicking all along, not city fighting.

Open maps mean you are vulnerable and have to take advantage of limited cover

Yup, minimum cover, which means basically no choices to be made, and very little strategy, since you have very few choices. And you also already know where the other guys will be, because THEY have very few choices too. Andin high tier, you have thermals, so you see each other right away.

So it boils down instead to nothing more than aiming (pointing) and shooting (clicking) better than the other guy. “Point and click adventure”, like I said in the first place. You’re barely even disagreeing.

I don’t, it’s the same as Campania. 3-lane garbage map where everyone goes to the A cap and clashes, whoever gets the A cap then pushes the enemy back to spawn and the game is over. Not to mention that Flanders is an ugly map. Too much puke green and fog and from a realism and historical perspective its landscape layout makes zero sense.

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Well…map is debatable apparently…no consistent opinion, but most who have one are sure about it :)

BTW…still didn’t get an answer to my flower issue…i know it is moot…but i am wondering if it is a reportable bug…or something that only i get
(depending on the view i see flowers or grass…gunner vs outside views)

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I also dont like the Map!
Feels like an enlarged (like bigger trenches for tanks) Map for FPS games (Enlisted,BF)
Talked with my Squad mates and they also dont like it (10 people for now)

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Everything you say is true.

I still don’t really like the map, if I have to be honest, and I don’t chalk that up to performance. My very first experience with Flanders was in fact a very good game, I got four kills in the Jagdtiger, died, respawned in the Tiger II Sla, and got seven more kills. An American on the other team got a similar amount of kills, maybe slightly more, including a streak with their last spawned vehicle, the Ontos.

It was a Battle mission, so it went down to the wire, at the very last seconds. Those are always the best matches, when everything hangs in the balance and you feel like your input as a player really made a difference in swinging it towards victory (as was the case here).

So, if we go purely by subjective emotions, my first impression of the map was as good as it could possibly have been, short of dropping a nuke outright.

And I still wouldn’t say I’m a fan of it, sadly.

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Blud i bet i have more hours than you, dont go telling me about comfort zones and competence. Flanders just isnt fun for Japanese tanks