Fix the operation of radar-guided missiles

Please finally fix this bug. This is not the first time a radar-guided missile flies at a target it shouldn’t. This is especially annoying when the missile flies at an ally for an unexplained reason.

Video →
Use the bug report website or it will just be ignored.

You can report it all day long, nothing will happen.
This bug exists over years.

Not a bug. CW illuminated SARH missiles are guided to the target by what’s essentially a massive radar beam. It guides to the thing it reflects off the hardest. Your ally being in your CW beam makes a greater reflection than the enemy due to his closer proximity so your missile guides to him.


This, its always a good idea to first look to see if your friendly is, 1- faster than the enemy, and 2 - pointing more towards you. If they are it will go for him instead as he would be showing up as the bigger target. If they are both dog fighting and are relatively slow then its a good chance to go for the enemy but i wouldn’t risk it if you have a thing called a gun…