Fix the Arietes armor

Can Gaijin please fix the Arietes armor in game its not realistic at all

Screenshot 2024-09-24 153830

The Armor specs pictures is on google for everyone to look at nothing is leaked and its there for everyone to view. Just this bugs me that the arietes does not get the righ armor specs along with the Merkava Mk.4’s


Everyone support this Bug Report, it’s been acknowledged for 9 months but no changes yet: Ariete MBT’s armor is incorrectly modeled with wrong figure


Speaking of Ariete…

Ariete during exercises.


Ask Smin as he passed or just labeled it as Acknowledged.

From Smin (9 months ago): “Thanks for your report. Forwarded as a suggestion.”

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Gaijin be like : shush new premium idea for italy guys !

Italy’s armour will be fixed the same time Leclerc gets unfucked.

So never.

Always remember, this following nations get trolled by Gaijin: UK, France, Italy.

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UK, France, Italy, US*

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Pardon I forgot

No, the US is not. US players just can’t use what they’re given in spite of it being incredibly good.

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Agreed. Abrams are really good in every aspect. Sure, it isn’t the best in any single category, but when you combine how good it is in all of them, you get a really good and versatile tank that can do anything.
I see US mains complain about the armor being wrong, but honestly, a little buff wouldn’t change anything - the turret cheeks are basically impenetrable already.

It’s meh at best in all aspects, and move to an Abrams thread (like I tried to do here) if you want to talk about it

You are one of those US players right? You really should try becoming good at top tier before talking shit about other players.

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What is more confusing, you get not even an answer if they work on it or will fix it soon.

much like the massive bug report done on the challanger 2 and half of that was changes to its engine noise, armour etc was all ignored, they butchered the mobility some how making it worse at lower speeds and turn better at higher speeds.

also 11 months ago, acknowledged, lrf for cheiftain mk5. no doubt will be implemented n put it at 9.0

I will have to agree with Fluffy, the Abrams is a good tank just people either don’t know how to play it like its supposed to be played, the Abrams players i have always seen just Rushed enemy spawns die once, then either leave or jump straight into CAS. The Abrams is a good tank though. Just not given its actual armor value lol

Oh it’s a good tank, not 2A7/Strv 122 level, but I still really enjoy playing it when I’m not grinding other trees.

I just meant to point out his hypocracy by calling other players shit while he himself isn’t that good of a player, but I don’t want to derail the topic too much.

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yeah ofc US suffer from bad reaload or bad munition… what make UK bad is not only the armor, its also the mobility, for france its the round and italy, its only the armor and 6.5 aced reload. (And btw you can add israel that can be pen everywhere on the chassis.) Abrams on the other hand has comparable armor as the other mbt exepted russian and german one but actually compensate that by an incredible reload and mobility. so yeah don’t compare it to the leclerc, chally and ariete.

okay one i never said anything about comparing the Abrams Armor to the European Mbt’s i said it was not given its full amount of armor…