Fix the Arietes armor

this could be said about every minor nations MBTs, they’re all not fully modeled

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I guess their idea is a Russian copy-and-paste vehicle… So lazy and incompetent are the developers that they no longer release Italian vehicles, in the Italian technology tree.

I know, i was talking about someone who said that the us get trolled by gaijin.

this aged well

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No one sane is gonna spend 70 bucks on it unless they fix the armor. From a salesman POV, letting the premium Ariete out without fixing Arietes is just dumb as fuck.

Hahaha you underestimate intelligent of the human’s brain

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its pretty easy at this point : does it have como net ?
Yes : premium
No : premium or squadron

Whats there to fix? There aren´t any sources and in the absence of these Gaijin is free to guestimate armors as much as they want.

The tank weighs over 50 tonnes, no one sane can think all it has is a bit of spaced armour on the front of the hull. It will have at least the same frontal protection as Leo 2A4, or very similar.

Weight might be an important indicator of protection but an indicator isn´t the same as evidence. Ie. its not enough. We have no sources specifying the composition or requirements for Ariete´s armor.

Given this precarious position these are the thing you can push forward that will improve ingame armor rating:

  • Demanding equalizing the armor protection of both turret cheeks. The left cheek has singificantly better armor rating than the right cheek, which doesn´t make any sense. Left cheeck effectively protects vs BM42 while the right one doesn´t.

  • Demonstrating that the front hull armor is a lot thicker than currently modeled and therefore demanding the same armor rating as the front turret.