Fix damned spawnkilling

That’s not what they were saying though…

Squads are limited to 4 players

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It’s what is relevant

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It’s not a problem though, it’s just a sign you’ve lost…

There’s only so much you can do to save a team from losing itself…

That’s what Gaijin is more or less doing but your solution doesn’t change the root issue of what causes spawn camping to occur. You’re fixing a symptom not the disease.

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Yes it’s possible to be ignorant. The other people in this thread appear to be arguing in good faith though so I will assume they’re not.

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spawn camping is rampant in war thunder, it’s an actual plague

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Indeed they are, and what’s the point? You don’t need VOIP to communicate.

It’s not what was being said about in here though.

And it’s one that players can counter and be aware of, if they chose… But their only viewpoint is the point that they’re going to cap, and the revenge killing they are trying to do when they spawn to merely try get back at who got them before.

The blinkers on mentality of this playerbase is the actual issue, and they expect everyone else to do everything for them, and they expect gaijin to fix why they died, and make it so they can kill everyone else.

the disease is obviously the maps but Gaijin themselves can barely change them since they outsource map creation, so why not just make spawn camping no longer viable?

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That’s my point. Your excuse is irrelevant because the majority of your team is unable to communicate with you efficiently.

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Where do you even get that idea?

It’s about what the actual problem is not what the thread creator thinks the problem is.

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I have hope for a more balanced game.

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is that not how it is?

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Absolute nonsense… You have quick radio and you can ping the map… It’s up to you to pick and choose what you use the chat for compared to breaking to all abusing the enemy that got you then being hit with the spam filter…

If you knew, then you’d know wouldn’t you?

“I want to kill the person spawn camping”

“I want to spawn camp”

Which player wins

War Thunder isn’t a toggle on and off switch, battles are dynamic. You will have spawn camping, it’s whether that spawn camping is encouraged or are there other objectives to worry about.


There isn’t just one player on the team bud… Many can do many.

Pinging the map doesn’t show the exact ping location ingame. Quick radio is spammed and doesn’t provide a direct visual ping for information or even description. That would would compare it to VOIP is inane.

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More absolute nonsense lol… That’s what pinging the map is about ROFL…