Finnish F-18C

Whats to help? Gaijin has already stated by Smin they have no plans to listen to the Finnish community nor plans to change the BR so what we get is the worst 14.0 in game and told to wait 6 months for maybe a 14.0 worthy vehicle to arrive but this time at a higher BR.

Not to mention if they were happy to help, they wouldn’t have been arguing until blue in the face that it shouldn’t be improved.

So I’d wager they’re about as happy to help you as a ferret is content with a salad bar. Not very.


If we get on trusted, legal documents, you can always file a ticket and GJ will add the HMD. So far, there is no legit source

It wouldn’t matter? Again they have stated they have no interest in changing the model, iirc the report for the gun radar sight was denied so the Finnish Hornet doesn’t even have a lead indicator lmao. This entire aircraft is a joke to call it done so gaijin can go on ignoring adding a actual 14.0 vehicle to sweden.

Just a reminder even if you had a document saying the Swiss hornets were the exact same models sold to Finland it would be irrelevant as gaijin has shown that Finland is exempt from the rule bending that other nations get when it comes to balancing.

Wouldn’t even be difficult for them to fix it to the next standard that brings the air to air on parity with the US, to my understanding.

But that would give something nice to Sweden/The Finns.


Can’t have that on the nordic airtree, here lets just ignore that they exist for a year and add AU hornets with ASRAAM and the MLU with 9M can be the same BR. Watch the MLU 2 not be lighter than whatever US model gets added with AESA radar at the same BR because they both get BOL.


The lead indicator of the F-15i was not there in first place. Myself and other did report this and it got added after the fist couple of fixes.

If the lead indicator is not there today on dev, I am absolutely with you to find proove. They will add it, pretty sure.

The problem is that Gaijin is picking a variant with no regards for parity just to shaft players of a playerbase by choosing a variant with “uniqueness” but Gaijin never shafted any US aircraft with JHMCS systems or added anything worse than viable for the meta but now having the same courtesy for any other nations is too much for Gaijin

Not an actual document but sums up nicely what we’re talking about

All i can say is goodluck, sweden has one of the smallest group of bug reporters and thats saying something considering i originally thought Isreal had less. Somehow sweden has like 10 total so its very unlikely anything will change. I hope im wrong but im normally not so again goodluck. Regardless its 8am and i need to get up and do things and try to pretend this update just doesn’t exist. Until i here if the T.10 pack has BOL cm since thats the only thing im looking forward to right now.