Finnish F-18C

If the US get the same treatment as the Fins do then id prepare yourself to not get BOL then but thats a very big if. Realistically the bug report again only mentions the US tested them not that they were used in service and the thing holding back the Finnish model is that gaijin wants to add unique models when possible so the MLU 2 will be unique since it will have BOL unlike the US model.

Well we all have our own versions of what we want but again as I stated before its pretty unlikely the Finnish F-18 will be remarkable in any way given the current 14.0 contenders and even less likely when we get the MLU 2 at a even higher BR since its almost the same as the US model at 14.0

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Need to remember aswell that the update is still in dev server stage so there are many things subject to change

There are quite a few fake Finnish aircraft. The 109 G-6 has MW-50 which the Finnish G-6’s didn’t have. The MiG-21 BIS has R-60M and R-13M1 missiles both of which we didn’t have (had R-60 and R-13M instead). And the Vampire has bombs which it didn’t use.

Not really, Smin has essentially told us that the devs are set in stone that what we see rn for the Finnish F-18C is what is coming. Hoping that it would get to be the MLU 1 model to be on par with the US in air 2 air is essentially not gonna happen. So again if you want BOL or something on the F/A-18C id say just wait since again its likely it wont come until we see MLU 2 which again could be a year away or the very next update. Given gaijin track record for Nordic aircraft the 1 year seems generous.

Yes, your reasoning does check out.

However I do not recall them testing BOL on super hornets. Might have to check that. As for things to add to current US hornet, I think they have a great opportunity to add GEN-X active decoys (compatible with standard CM dispenser like ALE-47)

I believe its not very likely the US will not be given BOL but very unlikely the Fins will get a good F-18 before the patch lol. As for the future i wouldn’t be suprised if F-18E comes next patch as the only hornet and it has BOL. We’ll just have to see i guess considering our opinion doesn’t matter on the subject.

The super hornet never had BOL though afaik

Would be pretty cool if they added GEN-X though

If the f18E comes where do you think it would be in the US line, strike or naval.

And the F-15A never had Countermeasures. Ect ect the snail is the decision maker in the end.

Strike most likely


It actually did though. It got them in 90’s and we have a 93/94 ANG F-15A

Then any of the other countless examples still remain. F-5C having CM’s because gaijin mixed export models together ect ect. Again realistically Historical accuracy is only ever really a rule when it comes to nations gaijin doesn’t like. Basically needing to fight tooth and nail just for them to say maybe. Regardless if gaijin wants the F-18E to have BOL they’ll just add them.

Eh I really doubt they would go that far for it. And so far, only jet with BOL in US is the F-14B, when every US F-15 and both F/A-18C should be able to use it.

It’s been what, 9 months since the F-15C was added? That one should 100% have BOL but it doesn’t.

Same with the Harrier T.10, I think they are just really difficult with Bol for some reason


Looking at other 14.0 aircraft, most, if not all current ones have secondary countermeasure so I think it would make sense to give them to the f18 however as stated before, my opinion is irrelevant to gajin and it can do what it wants.

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Depends if gaijin wants the current F/A-18C to go up in BR or if they plan to fill that slot with another Hornet. Like i said the idea that the C model with an Aesa radar being the same BR as the MLU 2 is not the most crazy thing in terms of gaijin balancing.

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I don’t think BOL would justify current US hornet going up.

But having BOL on an AESA hornet makes sense. Also, I am personally quite confident MLU 2 will be .3 or .7 blow AESA hornet, depending on armamenr

I just want to update about Beloved Dual-seated harrier.
Sharing good news.

Smin promised that we will get 2x BOL in T.10
(capable of 4 because we have 4 sidewinder mount, but bargained with two, because we wanted it because making it competitive compared to AV-8B[NA] )

and Brits and Teaboos are spamming the pre-order button of Harrier T.10 now(Joking :P)

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I doubt it. Weve seen that superior vehicles time and time again can sit at the same BR as inferior models so why would the MLU be any different?